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Math and Social Studies in First Grade. Math: September How to use your math journal Using a hundreds chart (Rolling for 50) Tally marks Writing math.

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Presentation on theme: "Math and Social Studies in First Grade. Math: September How to use your math journal Using a hundreds chart (Rolling for 50) Tally marks Writing math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math and Social Studies in First Grade

2 Math: September How to use your math journal Using a hundreds chart (Rolling for 50) Tally marks Writing math stories (playground word problems) Sums to 10 (Missing number domino game) How we think when doing addition Comparing numbers (Top It) Counting by 5’s Introduction to wooden blocks (blocks’ names)

3 Math: October Adding doubles Build apple orchard using blocks

4 Math: October (Continued) Turn around facts Adding doubles plus one Build Washington Monument using blocks

5 Math: November Create apple sauce recipe –Apple tasting of different kinds of apples from orchard with note taking –Create small group recipe and make advertisement poster –Vote for favorite recipe as a grade –Make apple sauce with parent help –Apple sauce celebration with reflection favorite part

6 Math: November (Continued) Addition chart Counting on Place value –Sort books (sort, record, share book categories, make collective list) –Create tally chart of favorite categories – all small groups will then sort according to those categories –Count books, bundle into tens and extra ones –Bring books together, share numbers –Determine what books we need to order

7 Math: December Explicitly teach place value –Discuss the role of place value in digits –, or = using place value –Guess my two digit number game –Use Educreation to have the kids individually explain their understanding of place value

8 Math: January Two-dimensional shapes –Shape attribute game: identify common attributes (color, shape, size) of different shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, circle) –Using a shape/pattern block template –Shape scavenger hunt with math buddies –Shape design game with partner: create a design of pattern blocks then have partner try to recreate using only oral instructions as a guide then compare creations –Build animal with pattern blocks and create bar graph of shapes

9 Math: January (Continued) Two-dimensional shapes –Different types of polygons: names based on number of sides and angles –Create irregular polygons using pattern block shapes –Build polygons with pipe cleaners and straws –Create shape posters in small groups –Decorate gingerbread cookies using candy in two-dimensional shapes

10 Math: February Subtraction –Subtraction bowling –Writing subtraction word problems –iPad apps Equivalent names for numbers Fact families Fact triangles Math fact fluency What’s my rule? (function machines, frames and rules)

11 Math: March Tens and ones patterns on the hundreds chart Using a hundreds chart to add and subtract tens Number grid puzzles (missing numbers from hundreds chart) Solving number codes using a hundreds chart (given a number then a series of arrows) Using a hundreds chart to add and subtract two digit numbers Addition with base ten blocks

12 Math: April Three-dimensional shapes –Shape scavenger hunt with math buddies –Create building using 3-D recyclable materials, photograph and write about using Wixie app –Symmetry –Field trip to Thomas Sweet to enjoy cones and spheres Money –Examine penny, nickel, dime, and quarter using magnifying glass and record observations –Practice exchanging coins

13 Math: May Lemonade Stand –Practice counting coins –Practice making change –Create individual lemonade recipes using measurement (cups, teaspoons) –Write a lemonade stand announcement with relevant details to present to Middle and Upper School assemblies Telling time –To the hour –How the minute hand is different from the hour hand and counts by 5’s

14 Social Studies September: National Building Museum

15 Social Studies October: Apple Orchard

16 Social Studies October: Washington Monument

17 Social Studies October: City planner visits (Juliet’s grandmother)

18 Social Studies November: City planner visits (Morgan’s dad)

19 Social Studies February: White House April: Library of Congress, Cherry Blossoms, Anacostia May: Howard University, National Gallery, Nationals Park

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