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Caelan Miles,Lena Lawler, and Teddy Schwebach Period 3.

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1 Caelan Miles,Lena Lawler, and Teddy Schwebach Period 3

2  It was seen in ancient times by Jewish people after performing circumcisions.  Dr.’s of WWII discovered it officially after observing how some soldiers bled faster than others.

3  Hemophilia was named by Hopff from the University of Zurich.  It is also known more commonly as the royal disease because Queen Victoria had it and passed it on through her generations.

4  An inherited blood disorder where blood does not clot properly.  Two types of Hemophilia are A and B  Excessive bleeding  Swelled joints

5  Life expectancy is that of a normal human being.  Factors can shorten a subjects life if it deals with physical injury or blood infections.

6  There is no cure at this time.  Treatments available are blood transfusions and medications but are very expensive.

7  Hemophilia is passed on by inheriting it from ones parents.  Occurs during development in the womb  It generally effects males

8  Queen Victoria was a carrier.  1 in 5000 males each year are diagnosed.  Abraham Lincoln was rumored to have it.  Mother Teresa had it.

9  "KidsHealth." Hemophilia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.  Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 31 Aug. 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.  "History of Hemophilia." History of Hemophilia. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. 

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