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…. Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 12 Judah Alone 2 Kings 18-20 2 Chron 28-32 Isa 36-37.

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2 Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 12 Judah Alone 2 Kings 18-20 2 Chron 28-32 Isa 36-37

3  Now only 1 O.T. kingdom 2 Kings 17:18  Not because of unity under God’s leadership 1 Sam 8:7  Not united as in the days of Saul, David, & Solomon  Only 1 kingdom exists because sin finally took away Northern Kingdom of Israel Judah Alone

4  Some noteworthy items…  For the first time, the Scripture uses the term “Jew” 2 Kings 16:6  Likewise, we now see the origin of the term “Samaritan”  Today’s lesson is basically a “repeat” from what we studied in Lesson 6 – surveyed Isaiah 1-39 Judah Alone Important terms for later N.T. studies

5 Isaiah 1-39  Historical (Non-prophetic) narrative that bridges to 2nd section Isa 36-39 –God saves Judah from Sennacherib and Rabshakeh via Isaiah’s counsel and Hezekiah’s prayer Isa 36-37 –Hezekiah’s deliverance from sickness… God adds 15 years to his life Isa 38 –Hezekiah’s foolishness with the Babylonians Isa 39 The Prophet Isaiah

6  Some noteworthy items…  Samaria falls to Assyria in Hezekiah’s 6th year 2 Kings 18:10  This means Hezekiah ruled in Judah for 23 years after Israel fell  Judah became more & more surrounded by Assyrian expansion Judah Alone

7  Some noteworthy items…  In the years following Samaria’s fall, the threat of Assyria was most on the minds of Hezekiah, Judah, & her neighbors  Egypt continued to be looked to for help, so rebellion was the popular idea  God had cautioned against this Isa 18:1-7; 19:1-15; 30:1-18; 31:1-3 Judah Alone -- excerpts from Waldron’s book, pg. 128

8  Hezekiah prepares for Assyrian invasion 2 Kings 20:20 2 Chron 32:1-8 Isa 22:11  He fortified cities, built garrisons, and prepared the army  He also dug a tunnel from a spring into the city to provide fresh water for the likely siege Judah Alone -- excerpts from Waldron’s book, ppg. 128-129

9  Sennacherib invades Judah  In Hezekiah’s 14th year 2 Kings 18:13  Apparently, Hezekiah had previously agreed to rebel…this prompted the Assyrian king’s actions 2 Kings 18:14-16  Compare this with earlier descriptions of Hezekiah, his faith 2 Kings 18:5-6 2 Chron 31:20-21 32:6-8 Judah Alone

10  Sennacherib invades Judah  Rabshakeh’s taunts 2 Kings 18:17-35 2 Chron 32:9-19 Isa 36:1-20  Ridicules their trust in Egypt  Demeans their ability to mount an army to defend themselves  Chides them on trusting their God…no one else’s gods had saved them (equated Jehovah with neighboring idols) Judah Alone

11  Sennacherib invades Judah  Isaiah’s counsel 2 Kings 19:1-7 Isa 37:6-7  Encouraged them to not be afraid, for the king of Assyria had blasphemed God  God would put a spirit in Sennacherib that he would hear a rumor, return to his own land, and fall by the sword there Judah Alone

12  Sennacherib invades Judah  Hezekiah’s prayer 2 Kings 19:14-19 Isa 37:14-20  Set Jehovah apart from false idols  Acknowledged Sennacherib’s victories  Begged Divine help for deliverance “…that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou alone, Lord, art God” Judah Alone

13  Sennacherib invades Judah  God answers 2 Kings 19:20-37 2 Chron 32:21-22 Isa 37:21-38  He would judge Assyria for her sins  He gave “signs” that Judah had a future  In 1 night, an angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers  Sennacherib went home to Nineveh, and was murdered by 2 of his sons Judah Alone

14 1)Sin has consequences 2)Ways that seem right won’t ever work if they oppose God’s will Prov 14:12 3)Fervent prayer works! Jas 5:16b 4)God doesn’t abandon His children who don’t leave Him Heb 13:5b-6 Judah Alone


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