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Who do you prefer ? Creator Above us Transcendent.

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Presentation on theme: "Who do you prefer ? Creator Above us Transcendent."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who do you prefer ?

3 Creator Above us Transcendent

4 Savior Among us Imminent Creator Above us Transcendent

5 Creator Distant Savior Among us Imminent

6 Presence of God

7 Threeactions

8 Three methods of communication

9 Three sources of authority & knowledge


11 Everybody, even non- Christians know God as Creator Revelation of God as Savior in Christ Presence of God in us through the Holy Spirit

12 Contemporary schizophrenia rejects Triune God and divides life into selective parts








20 Fear / Reverence Order / Structure






26 «GREEN» ChurchTendencies 1.Tolerance and pluralism. 2.Universal care and grace of God. 3.Scientific experiments, statistics, order are important. 4.Intellect and education. 5.Art is equated with spirituality. 6.Cooperation with outside world and other religious groups, ecumenism.

27 «GREEN» Chruchesfocus 1.Protecting environment 2.Social justice as Biblical duty, active in politics, press and social changes, even involvement in revolutions – peacekeeping, fighting racism… 3.Equality and acceptance of ALL!!! Community

28 «GREEN» Churches 1.Danger of syncretism & universalism 2.Not interested in Evangelism 3.Lacking spiritual maturity, shallow Limitations of

29 Fear / Reverence Order / Structure Glorifying God through our lives of service



32 «RED» Chruchestendencies 1.Self sacrificing faith, duty 2.It’s all about Jesus – no salvation except by the name of Jesus 3.Main question is «what is the Will of God?» 4.Disciplined spirituality 5.Personal ethics, integrity without compromise 6.Involved in politics and press only on micro level of family, marriage and education – Kingdom is not of THIS world

33 «RED» Churchesfocus 1.Necessity of personal relationships with Jesus for salvation. Salvation as the most important act of God’s Work. 2.Personal witnessing 3.Seminars, teaching and training for witnessing. 4.Spiritual gifts are used the most 5.Cross is foundational to faith and hope Evangelism

34 «RED» Churches 1. Danger of Legalism 2. Lacking Love 3. Fundamentalism & dogmatism 4. Righteousness by faith AND works Limitations of

35 Christianstreams

36 Fear / Reverence Order / Structure Glorifying God through our lives of service Worshiping God without reservation



39 «BLUE» Churchestendencies 1.Personal experience is above all 2.Emotional healing 3.Public expression of emotions 4.Passionate spirituality 5.Charismatic

40 «BLUE» churches Spirit Power 1.Signs and miracles 2.Power of the Spirit on demand 3.Copying New testament Phenomena 4.Faith and prayer are priorities in public service 5.Importance of small groups in building personal spirituality Focus of

41 «BLUE» Churches Quench not the Spirit, blaspheme not…. 1 Thessalonians 5:19 1.Spiritism 2. Personal opinions, imaginations dictate and interpret truth 3. Spirituality is identified only by one expression of spiritual gifts (spiritual gifts are least used!!!) Limitations of








49 1.Applicable to all spheres and aspects of church life 2.Admit that everyone needs some balancing done 3.Realize danger of polarized extremes 4.Always look toward the opposite of your strength 5.Meet and Serve people where they are. 5 Compass rules


51 Problem of Contemporary Christianity is the same through ages - heresy

52 Heresy – not an opposite of truth, but partial truth. Teaching becomes heretical if it focuses on a part of a whole and presents is as whole. Heretical groups always insist on superiority of one Biblical truth ove all others.

53 Revelation14:7 Fear God Give Him Glory Worship Him


55 MeditationPrayerFastingStudySimplicitySolitudeSubmissionServiceConfessionWorshipFellowshipCelebration RichardFoster

56 MeditationPrayerFastingStudy SimplicitySolitudeSubmissionServiceConfessionWorshipCelebrationGuidance


58 The Threefold Art of Experiencing God 1 Cor 12:4-6

59 Stewardship & creativity Message of the Gospel Signs and Miracles

60 Art, creativity, craftsmanship, giving, mercy, hospitality, knowledge, wisdom, leadership, organization, philanthropy, music EvangelismMissionApostleshipMentoringServicePastoringTeachingHelpingSufferingSingleness Voluntary poverty, FaithPrayerDiscernmentHealingMiraclesProphecyEncouragementEmpowermentDeliveranceTonguesInterpretation

61 Motivation and inclination from birth Natural Talents Affirmation from others Personality traits Joy of fulfilment Fruitful Results People following Social groupping PassionIntuitionDiscernmentInspiration

62 Holy of Holies 1 st Kings 6:20 New Jerusalem Revelation 21:16-17

63 Acts 10


65 Luke 15 Lost sheep

66 Luke 15 Lost coin

67 Luke 15 Lost son

68 Luke 15 Jesus the Savior searches

69 Luke 15 Holy Spirit Shines New life

70 Luke 15 Father waits & accepts with love


72 Functional Evangelism Structures Leadership Empowering Gifted Ministry Spirituality Passion Inspiring Worship Holistic Groups Needs & Necessities Relationships Loving



75 Competition Diversity, alternatives, freedom. Linear thinking: cause and effect. Changes are necessary for progress. Danger: Domination, Imperialism, Selfishness, территориальность

76 Harmony Dialogue must lead to consensus 和 关系인화 WaGuanxi Inhwa Harmonynetwork peace Balance connectedness agreement Middle of the road, courtesy Danger: copying, neglect of creativity, lack of individuality

77 Liberation theology in response to suffering Old Testament worldview – Exodus, God direct involvement and care, Creation Group relationships determine personality of individual «ubuntu ungamtu ngabanye abantu» Each individual is ideally expressed in relations with others A person depends on other people to be a person You only recognize who you are in the mirror of relationship Solidarity

78 New Testament koinwni,a Group approach to Evangelism Cyclical thinking Danger: Neglect of personal freedom Preoccupation with group loyalty Conformity blocks development Solidarity



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