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Robins Term 2 Autumn 2012 Physical Development In P.E., we will be playing invasion games, experiencing different formations and support play. In our indoor.

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Presentation on theme: "Robins Term 2 Autumn 2012 Physical Development In P.E., we will be playing invasion games, experiencing different formations and support play. In our indoor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robins Term 2 Autumn 2012 Physical Development In P.E., we will be playing invasion games, experiencing different formations and support play. In our indoor P.E. sessions, we will be exploring our core strength and physical shape by creating bridges across spaces and apparatus. We will us these skills to create sequences of actions, changing speed, direction and levels. Knowledge & Understanding of the World Our Science lessons will be focusing on Forces. We will find out what a force is and investigate how the amount of force we use affects how an object moves. We will explore magnetic force, gravity and friction. We will continue to study the Tudors in our History lessons, researching Tudor fashion and houses. We will also learn about life during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Our ICT work will be linked to our Topic work. We will share presentations about Tudor monarchs and use online tools to publish work for a chosen audience. Communication, Literacy and Language We will study poetry; individual poetic styles and classic narrative poetry. We will use our study of poems to influence our own poetry writing. We will also be exploring how to write a recount. We will devise questions for ‘hot-seating’ and work in teams to carry out interviews and compile reports. Our MFL lessons will be focusing on vocabulary and sentence structure relating to food, likes and dislikes and celebrations. We will use role-play to practise ordering food and expressing opinions. Creative Development Our artwork this term is creating collages based on observational drawings. We will use a variety of materials and write about our experiences in sketchbooks. Personal, Social and Emotional Development During our SEAL and Circle Time, we will identify what helps us to work well with others and what makes a good leader within a group. We will be exploring the best ways to get on well with others. We will discuss how our feelings can affect our behaviour. We will also learn about direct and indirect bullying and how we can stamp it out. In R.E., we will be learning about religious teachings and following a code for living; how these apply to our everyday life and the choices we make. We will look at examples such as the Ten Commandments in Christianity and The Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism. Learning We will be social learners, working well in a variety of groupings. Through group discussion, we will develop our communication skills and use teamwork to help us solve problems and think creatively. Mathematical development We will measure length, time and weight and be able to read unnumbered divisions on scales. We will read the 24 hour clock and be able to calculate differences between times. We will use effective written methods for addition and subtraction. We will develop skills in finding area and perimeter. We will devise a rule for finding the area of a rectangle. We will continue to explore angles and be able to describe whether an angle is acute, obtuse or a right angle. What was Tudor life like?

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