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EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P08404 – Second Generation Solar Pasteurizer Benjamin Johns(EMEM)

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1 EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P08404 – Second Generation Solar Pasteurizer Benjamin Johns(EMEM)

2 EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan Project Name –Second Generation Solar Pasteurizer Project Number –P08404 Project Family –Sustainable Products, Systems, and Technologies tract Track –Sustainable Technologies for the Third World Start Term –2007-2 planned academic quarter for MSD1 End Term –2007-3 planned academic quarter for MSD2 Faculty Guide –Dr. First Stevens (ME) he was the faculty guide for the first generation of this project, wrote, along with others, the proposal to the EPA for funding, and has contact with the EPA still. Faculty Consultant –Dr. Andres Carrano (IE), has been contacted, and is the key contact between the group and officials in Venezuela. Furthermore, he has previous experience with this project, and would be an important contributor to the teams success.. Faculty Consultant –Dr. Bailey (ME) has been contacted, and would be an important consultant, due to her thermodynamic background, and previous experience with this group. Primary Customer –EPA granted funding for the first generation of this project, and has been contacted again for funding.

3 EDGE™ Characterize need/ Background information Pasteurization: is the process of heating water below its boiling point to drastically reduce the amount of bacteria, viruses and protozoa in the water. Water and other substances are held at an elevated temperature for a given amount of time. Above is an example of a pasteurization curve taken from P07401 on the edge website. Quantifying the need: 5000 children a day die in the world due to diarrhoeal diseases, from WHO Water for Life

4 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Mission Statement Product Description This product is a device designed to be used by an individual or group of individuals in a developing country to pasteurize water to a level where is it safe to drink. Specifically, to a developing country where utilities may not include electricity. Key Business Goals The primary business goals of this product are to d evelop a product that can deliver pasteurized water to people in a developing country where safe water may not exist. Use renewable energy and resources to pasteurize this water. Primary Market The primary market for this pasteurizer are developing countries where access to clean water is difficult. Secondary Market Secondary markets for this pasteurizer may be rural areas, such as camp grounds, or hunting lodges where access to city water or wells may not be available. Also, for relief situations like hurricanes or tsunamis. A scaled down version of this product may even be desirable to backpackers or hikers, but would require significant redesign. Stakeholders Stakeholders in the design of our product include the following: People in developing countries Shipping companies Manufacturers EPA/ UNCIF/equivalent organizations RIT

5 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Staffing Requirements Mechanical Engineers Three-Four Mechanical engineers would be expected to complete the thermal analysis on any kind of solar collector or heat exchanger. Also, due to the nature of this device some kind of flow analysis would also be necessary for this device. An investigation into novel materials and coatings may also be necessary. Fabrication skills will be needed on this project. Electrical Engineers None Electrical Engineering majors are not anticipated to be needed on this project. Industrial and Systems Engineers Two-Three Industrial engineers would be expects to aid in the design process, Making design suggestion to aid in the manufacturing and serviceability of the product. Also, they would be helpful in validating the product through testing. Knowledge of the codes and standards would be helpful in the design program. Computer Engineers None Computer engineering majors are not anticipated to be needed on this project. Business Majors Consultant Business majors may identify markets, or laws and codes that engineers may not be aware of.

6 EDGE™ Phase 0: Planning Resource Requirements People Dave Hathaway would be vital due to his abilities to grant access to labs, and his guidance in machining. Dr. Stevens- Contact for EPA, he wrote the original proposal, and may have funding for a second iteration of this project Dr. Carrano- Venezuela Contact, IE consultant Dr. Bailey- Thermodynamic Modeling EPA or UNICEF Environment This project would need access to the machine shop for fabrication. Also in years past solar devices were tested on the roof for security issues and because of the direct sunlight. In years past groups waited on the Rochester sun to shine bright enough to test their devices, fabricating a light source may be a necessary step for appropriate testing. Equipment Measurement systems are expected to be relatively simple. Thermocouple and pressure sensors, connected with a DAQ unit should be sufficient. An artificial lighting system maybe the most complicated system required, and is probably outside of the budget of this project. These devices minus an artificial lighting source are present in the lab. Intellectual Property Considerations All work done by the team members on this project is expected to be released to the public domain. Materials Due to the product goals of keeping this project relatively low cost, there will not be many expensive parts or parts that are difficult to acquire.

7 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interviews Primary Customer(s) The primary customers on my project would be people in developing countries, who do not have access to safe drinking water. Our customer needs will be developed largely from research and contacts with officials Interviews: Rosa Mitsumasu Dr. Stevens Dr. Bailey Dr. Carrano Other Stakeholder(s) Shipping companies- If we develop a part that is crucial to the success of the device, that can not be manufactured in a developing country, then shipping countries would be imported in the exporting/importing of the part to these countries. Distribution of these materials would also be very important once the part is shipped. RIT-Developing a successful product would be beneficial to RIT’s reputation, which in turn is beneficial for graduating students Relief organizations Past Senior Design Team(s) P07401 This is a second generation project with no proprietary information. I know the past group leader, and will seek him for his insights. Furthermore, the faculty guide, Dr. Stevens, seems extremely willing and helpful in my search for information.

8 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Benchmarking Competitive or Cooperative Solutions –Boiling all water –Tablets ( –UV light ( –Katadyn products (filter) ( –1st generation Solar pasteurizer (SPHINX) Some of these devices are very cheap, or free, and would be ideal for a benchmarking and teardown session. These products serve a water purifying function, although some of them do it in a different way or on a significantly different scale. The small products would be exciting to bring to a benchmarking session. Internet Search Article on pasteurizing alternatives Article about pasteurizing with an emphasis on milk EPA P3 website for funding Technical Literature Search Courtesy of Dr. Stevens An Investigation of a Solar Pasteurizer with an Integral Heat exchanger Design and Testing of Two Low-Cost Solar Pasteurizers An Investigation of a Solar Pasteurizer with an integral Heat Exchanger (SPIHX) Innovative Approaches to Solar Water Pasteurizers Water For Life

9 EDGE™ Phase 1: Concept Development Identify Customer Needs - Interpret Needs Statements: 1.Must kill bacteria and viruses 2.Must be constructed of renewable resources 3.Must be cheap per person 4.Must be safe 5.Must be tamper proof 6.Design must be robust 7.Must be able to set up and operate device without a technical background 8.Must be shippable 9.Must produce a sufficient amount of water 10.Must be environmentally friendly 11.Must not use consumables 12.Must operate without utilities 13.Must accept contaminated/dirty water

10 EDGE™ First Draft Affinity Diagram Water needs Must accept different sources Must kill Protozoa Usage requirements Must accept different sources Easy to useTamper proofSafe Technical degree not required Utilities not required Environmental concerns Produced with renewable resources Must not use consumables Design Considerations Must be cheap per person Must be durable Must produce sufficient water Must be shippable

11 EDGE™ Affinity Diagram Solar Pasteurizer Constraints Absence Technical operators No Utilities Flow Through System Resources Faculty Guides and consultants Labs and Machine Shops Economics Cheap to produce and operate EPA, UNICEF Funding Shipping costs Scope Developing Countries Rural Areas Technology Renewable Materials and Resources RJS Thesis and Technical Papers !st Generation Papers

12 EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure

13 EDGE™ Needs Organized into Heirarchy These needs are of the utmost importance to this project. The success or failure of the project will depends on meeting target specifications built on these needs.

14 EDGE™ Required Resources

15 EDGE™ Grading Scheme

16 EDGE™ Issues & Risks Funding: –Last years team did not use all of the ten thousand dollars that was granted by the EPA through their People, Prosperity, and Planet program (P3). Dr. Stevens contacted the EPA and seems optimistic about receiving the remaining money that was granted to RIT in the previous year (~$1,500). Combined with some departmental funding from the ISE or ME dept this project could be feasible for the winter quarter of 07-08. Weather-testing: –If the team build a new prototype or needs to test improvements to the 1 st generation then we would need to duplicate the environmental conditions of a developing country. Rochester’s ambient temperature and solar output may not duplicate the conditions well in early spring Making the output more valuable than the sum of its parts: –People in some of these developing countries live on less than a dollar a day. A serious challenge to this project would be convincing these people that the water produced would be of more valuable to them than the component parts in the device.

17 EDGE™ Target Specifications Basic access would be the goal of the design specifications. This may be the upper limit because water on tap is not assumed in environment. For a Family of 5 it would be approximately 100 liters a day or 26 gallons a day. Last years team designed a ideal goal of approximately 20 dollars per unit, with a target goal of 60 dollars per unit. This seems like a realistic target specification.

18 EDGE™ Future Plan/Outstanding Items Where do you go from here? EPA funding: –EPA Funding plus some departmental funding may make this project feasible for the winter quarter of 07-08 Departmental Funding: –Speak with previous faculty consultants from ISE department, about insights from previous project and funding Read and Understand all Of the technical papers Contact Previous Team Leader –Will be contacted by the end of the week.

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