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KNOW LEARNED Thurs. Aug. 28, 2014 Hazard Flammability Reactivity.

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Presentation on theme: "KNOW LEARNED Thurs. Aug. 28, 2014 Hazard Flammability Reactivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNOW LEARNED Thurs. Aug. 28, 2014 Hazard Flammability Reactivity

2 Lab Safety: Everyone is Responsible! "I didn't mean to" and "It wasn't my fault" are two statements that have no place in the lab Horse-play will not be tolerated Lack of pre-lab preparation is the biggest threat to lab safety

3 Accidents Can Happen Remain calm! A minor problem can quickly become a major one if you don't. Report all accidents immediately, no matter how small.

4 Lab Safety Equipment

5 Fire Extinguisher: – The fire extinguisher is located on the lab wall – ONLY the Science Teacher is authorized to use the fire extinguisher

6 Eye Wash Station: –Eye wash station should only be used if chemicals come in contact with the eyes –Flood eyes and eyelids with water for a minimum of 15 minutes.

7 Fire Safety Blanket: –Fire blankets are not the best means to extinguish a fire. They may be used to extinguish clothing that is burning, but should never be used on any other type of fire.

8 What is MSDS? Material Safety Data Sheet –Required of all chemical distributors Must contain all relevant information on a chemical including but not limited to: –health, fire, poison, & causticity hazards –first aid –controls/special protections –carcinogens –physical/chemical characteristics –spill/leak procedures

9 NFPA Hazard Label Required on all chemical labels Scale value from 0-4 Flammability Health Special Notice

10 The NFPA Diamond Includes four color codes RED (flammability)BLUE (health) YELLOW (reactivity)WHITE (special warnings) Numerical Ratings 0 = no hazard 1 = slight 2 = moderate 3 = severe 4 = extreme

11 RED – Flammability Hazard: 0 – Will not burn 1 – Must be preheated for ignition; flashpoint above 200°F (93°C) 2 – Must be moderately heated for ignition, flashpoint above 100°F (38°C) 3 – Ignition may occur under most ambient conditions, flashpoint below 100°F (38°C) 4 – Extremely flammable and will readily disperse through air under standard conditions, flashpoint below 73°F (23°C)

12 BLUE – Health Hazard 0 – Hazard no greater than ordinary material 1 – May cause irritation; minimal residual injury 2 – Intense or prolonged exposure may cause incapacitation; residual injury may occur if not treated 3 – Exposure could cause serious injury even if treated 4 – Exposure may cause death

13 YELLOW – Reactivity Hazard 0 – Stable 1 – May become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures, may be mildly water reactive 2 – Unstable; may undergo violent decomposition, but will not detonate. May form explosive mixtures with water 3 – Detonates with strong ignition source 4 – Readily detonates

14 WHITE – Special Hazard

15 NFPA Hazard Label 1. What is the greatest safety hazard for the chemical illustrated to the left? 2. What is the health hazard value of the chemical and what does that mean?

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