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Comparative Studies Revision Exam Topics What you need to know?

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1 Comparative Studies Revision Exam Topics What you need to know?
A2 PE Comparative Studies Revision Exam Topics What you need to know?

2 Topic 1 – Cultural Background and Ideologies.
The beliefs that shape that society. Beliefs that shape SPORT in that society. How cultural (historic) background has shaped SPORT and society?

3 Exam Questions By referring to the cultural background of France explain why success in sport is of national importance. (5) Explain how cultural factors have influenced the development of professional sport in America. (5)

4 Topic 2 – PE and School Sport
Policies? Administration? Provision? Status? Types of school? (France) Cultural background?

5 Exam Questions What provision is made for delivering Sport and Physical Education to children in France? (2) Explain why the attitudes towards Sport and Physical Education in French schools have changed. (4)

6 Topic 3 - Excellence Provision? Schools? Cultural background?
Institutions? Policy? Scholarships?

7 Exam Questions Australia is a country with a tradition of sporting excellence which began during the colonial period. Explain the political and cultural factors that extend the tradition of sporting excellence into the 21st century. (6) Outline the structure and function of the French institute of sport known as INSEP. (4)

8 Topic 4 – Mass Participation
Policy? Provision? Schools? Cultural Background?

9 Exam Questions Government policy toward Sport and Physical Education greatly influences mass participation. Describe the strategies in the Australian schools PE curriculum that encourages pupils to participate in sport throughout life. (3) Identify one community recreation imitative involving children in the USA and describe the benefits that can be gained by the child who participates in community sports initiatives. (4)

10 Topic 5 – Ethnic Sports and New Games
Traditional sports New sports Adaption's Adoptions Inventions Aussie Rules Basque Games

11 Exam Questions Name one rural sport played by the Basque people in south west France and explain the function of this sport in Basque society. (3) Explain why Aussie Rules football is know as a ‘new game’ and describe how it has developed into a game of the people. (3)

12 Topic 6 – Outdoor recreation and education.
Summer camps. Les Classes Transplantees. YDP Reasons for popularity Geography, Climate Opportunities

13 Exam Questions Identify two different types of Summer Camps in the USA. Describe the benefits that a child would gain as a result of attending a Summer Camp. (6) Identify the cultural factors that make outdoor education an important subject in Australian schools. (4)

14 Exam Tips Always refer to an ideology or belief where possible.
Make sure you read all of the question and understand which topic is being tested.

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