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Games and leisure. volleyball basketball running gymnastics football badminton running cycling ice-skating.

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Presentation on theme: "Games and leisure. volleyball basketball running gymnastics football badminton running cycling ice-skating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Games and leisure

2 volleyball basketball running gymnastics football badminton running cycling ice-skating

3 darts volleyball ping pong hockey running arm wrestling basketball skateboarding

4 Ex. 1 p.16 (SB)

5 martial arts ['m ɑːʃ (ə)l ɑː ts]

6 pole vault ['pəul ˌ v ɔː lt]

7 tennis ['ten ɪ s]

8 football ['futb ɔː l]

9 cycling ['sa ɪ kl ɪ ŋ]

10 surfing ['s ɜː f ɪ ŋ]

11 cricket ['kr ɪ k ɪ t]

12 golf [g ɔ lf]

13 hockey ['h ɔ k ɪ ]

14 basketball ['b ɑː sk ɪ tb ɔː l]

15 canoeing [kə'nu ːɪ ŋ]

16 swimming ['sw ɪ m ɪ ŋ]

17 Ex.1(b) p.16, SB. team sports individual sports sport where you need a rival both team or individual football, basketbal l, hockey, cricket pole vault, cycling, surfing, swimming martial arts, tennis golf, canoeing

18 Ex.2 (b) p.16, SB Fast – able to move quickly Athlete – somebody who takes part in sports competitions Pole vaulter – an athlete who jumps over a tall bar with a help of a long pole Olympic gold medal – the prize for the best athlete of each event of the Olympic Games Winner – the person that does better than anyone else in a competition, race etc Award – a prize given for doing something well Female – relating to a woman or a girl World record – the best result ever achieved all over the world

19 1. Lionel Messi is Italian. - Lionel Messi isn’t Italian. He is Argentinian. 2. Lionel Messi is taller than the most footballers. - Lionel Messi isn’t taller than the most footballers. He is shorter. 3. Yelena Isinbayeva is 1, 69 m tall. -Yelena Isinbayeva isn’t 1, 69 m tall. She is 1.74 m tall. 4. Yelena Isinbayeva has got three Olympic gold medals. - Yelena Isinbayeva hasn’t got three Olympic gold medals. She has got two Olympic gold medals. 5. Michael Phelps is British. - Michael Phelps isn’t British. He is American. 6. Michael Phelps has got 13 Olympic gold medals. - Michael Phelps hasn’t got 13 Olympic gold medals. He has got 14 Olympic gold medals. Ex. 2(b) p.16, SB

20 Grammar. (ex.3 p. 17, SB)

21 adjectivecomparativesuperlative Short adjectives young thin heavy nice younger (than) thinner (than) heavier (than) nicer (than) the youngest the thinnest the heaviest the nicest Long adjectives beautiful interesting more beautiful (than) more interesting (than) the most beautiful the most interesting Irregular good bad much/many better (than) worse(than) more (than) the best the worst the most We use the comparative to compare two people, things, places, etc. Dennis is shorter than Michael. We use the superlative to compare more than two people, things, places, etc. Ann is the shortest of all. Ann is the shortest in her class.

22 Ex. 4 p. 17, SB dark – darker plump – plumper famous – more famous difficult – more difficult easy – easier fat – fatter beautiful-more beautiful good - better

23 Ex. 5 p.17, SB. 1.Serena is ……………. (young) than Venus. 1. Serena is younger than Venus. 2. Venus is …………… (heavy) than Serena. 2.Venus is heavier than Serena. 3. Venus is …………….. (tall) than Serena. 3.Venus is taller than Serena. 4. Serena has got ……………. (short) hair than Venus. 4. Serena has got shorter hair than Venus.

24 Ex.6 p17, SB dark – the darkest plump – the plumpest famous – the most famous difficult – the most difficult easy – the easiest fat – the fattest beautiful – the most beautiful good - the best

25 Ex.7 p17, SB. 1.Football is ……………. (popular) sport in the world. 2.Usain Bolt is the …………..(fast) runner in the world. 3.………… (long) golf hole in the world is at the Satsuki Golf Club in Japan. 4.Kung Fu is one of …………………(old) martial arts. 5.Michal Phelps is ……………. (successful) swimmers in history. 6.………… (high) tennis court in the world is in Dubai.

26 1.Football is the most popular sport in the world. 2.Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world. 3.The longest golf hole in the world is at the Satsuki Golf Club in Japan. 4.Kung Fu is one of the oldest martial arts. 5.Michal Phelps is the most successful swimmers in history. 6.The highest tennis court in the world is in Dubai.

27 Ex.8 p17, SB. 1.History is ……….. (difficult) than Geography. 2.Russia is ………….(big) country in the world. 3.Molly is …………. (good) at Science than Jennifer. 4.Pygmies are …………. (short) than the Maasai. 5.Janet has ………………..(long) hair than Maya. 6.Basketball is a ………… (fast) game than football.

28 1.History is more difficult than Geography. 2.Russia is the biggest country in the world. 3.Molly is better at Science than Jennifer. 4.Pygmies are shorter than the Maasai. 5.Janet has longer hair than Maya. 6.Basketball is a faster game than football.

29 Ex.9 p. 17, SB tall short long young old thin strong

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