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Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union OVERVIEW ON THE PREPARATORY PROCESS TO THE WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union OVERVIEW ON THE PREPARATORY PROCESS TO THE WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union OVERVIEW ON THE PREPARATORY PROCESS TO THE WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (WTDC-14) CEPT, COM-ITU Bucharest, Romania, 1-4 October 2013 Jaroslaw Ponder / Vladimir Stankovic Europe Coordination Unit



4 INTRODUCING RESULT BASED MANAGEMENT 4 Aiming for a Coherent Framework for better strategic planning and management Linking Strategic Planning, Financial Planning, and Operational Planning




8 Goals Vision & Mission To promote the availability of infrastructure and foster an enabling environment for telecommunication/ICT infrastructure development and its use in a safe and secure manner Vision: To be the leading organization for promoting the availability and application of telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) for socio-economic development. Mission: to foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D is required to discharge the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements, so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ ICT development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities. To provide assistance to developing countries in bridging the digital divide by achieving broader telecommunication/ICT-enabled socio-economic development To expand the benefits of the information society to the membership in cooperation with public and private stakeholders, and to promote the integration of the use of telecommunications/ICTs into the broader economy and society as drivers of development, innovation, well-being, growth and productivity globally. Outputs (10) Expected results (34) Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG ICT Infrastructure Development Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog.5 Cyber Security and ICT Applications Deployment Enabling Environment Enhancement Human Capacity Building and Digital Inclusion Special Assistance Emergency Telecom. Climate Change Objectives Current ITU-D Operational Framework Indicators (32) Priority Areas

9 ITU-D Operational Framework – RBM Approach Topics Broadband Spectrum Mgt. Dig. Broadcasting National CIRTs E-Health ICT-Apps Regulatory Policy ICT Indicators Human Capacity B. Institutional Cap. B E-Learning Emergency Tel. Climate Change E-Waste Mgt. Goals Vision & Mission To promote the availability of infrastructure and foster an enabling environment for telecommunication/ICT infrastructure development and its use in a safe and secure manner Vision: To be the leading organization for promoting the availability and application of telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) for socio-economic development. Mission: to foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D is required to discharge the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements, so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ ICT development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities. To provide assistance to developing countries in bridging the digital divide by achieving broader telecommunication/ICT-enabled socio-economic development To expand the benefits of the information society to the membership in cooperation with public and private stakeholders, and to promote the integration of the use of telecommunications/ICTs into the broader economy and society as drivers of development, innovation, well-being, growth and productivity globally. Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG ICT Infrastructure Development Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog. 5 Cyber Security and ICT Applications Deployment Enabling Environment Enhancement Human Capacity Building and Digital Inclusion Special Assistance Emergency Telecom. Climate Change Objectives Priority Areas


11 Topics Broadband Spectrum Mgt. Dig. Broadcasting National CIRTs E-Health ICT-Apps Regulatory Policy ICT Indicators Human Capacity B. Institutional Cap. B E-Learning Emergency Tel. Climate Change E-Waste Mgt. Goals Vision & Mission To promote the availability of infrastructure and foster an enabling environment for telecommunication/ICT infrastructure development and its use in a safe and secure manner Vision: To be the leading organization for promoting the availability and application of telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) for socio-economic development. Mission: to foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D is required to discharge the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements, so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ ICT development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities. To provide assistance to developing countries in bridging the digital divide by achieving broader telecommunication/ICT-enabled socio-economic development To expand the benefits of the information society to the membership in cooperation with public and private stakeholders, and to promote the integration of the use of telecommunications/ICTs into the broader economy and society as drivers of development, innovation, well-being, growth and productivity globally. Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG ICT Infrastructure Development Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog. 5 Cyber Security and ICT Applications Deployment Enabling Environment Enhancement Human Capacity Building and Digital Inclusion Special Assistance Emergency Telecom. Climate Change Objectives Priority Areas Outcome of CIS Region Participants felt that the ITU ‑ D goals should include a reference to Bridging the Standardization Gap and the Millennium Development Goals. The participants considered that the existing approach reflects the priorities of the region, they proposed to add Study Groups related questions to each output.

12 Regional Initiatives for CIS Regional Initiative 1: Creating a child online protection centre for the CIS region Objective: To provide ITU Member States in the CIS region with centralized advisory and technical assistance on various aspects of child online protection.. Regional Initiative 2: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICT services for persons with disabilities Objective: To assist ITU Member States in the CIS region in developing regulations and technical solutions, as well as in implementing specialized training programmes to ensure the accessibility and user-friendliness of ICTs for persons with disabilities. Regional Initiative 3: Introduction of training technologies and methods using telecommunications/ICTs in order to develop human potential Objective: To assist ITU Member States in the CIS region in setting up and developing national programmes for introducing telecommunications/ICTs into education with a view to developing human potential. Regional Initiative 4: Development of broadband access in the CIS countries Objective: To assist interested Member States in developing broadband access, including in rural and remote areas, using energy-efficient technologies. Expected outcomes: Regional Initiative 5: Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs in the CIS countries Objectives: To be further developed. 12

13 Topics Broadband Spectrum Mgt. Dig. Broadcasting National CIRTs E-Health ICT-Apps Regulatory Policy ICT Indicators Human Capacity B. Institutional Cap. B E-Learning Emergency Tel. Climate Change E-Waste Mgt. Goals Vision & Mission To promote the availability of infrastructure and foster an enabling environment for telecommunication/ICT infrastructure development and its use in a safe and secure manner Vision: To be the leading organization for promoting the availability and application of telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) for socio-economic development. Mission: to foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D is required to discharge the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements, so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ ICT development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities. To provide assistance to developing countries in bridging the digital divide by achieving broader telecommunication/ICT-enabled socio-economic development To expand the benefits of the information society to the membership in cooperation with public and private stakeholders, and to promote the integration of the use of telecommunications/ICTs into the broader economy and society as drivers of development, innovation, well-being, growth and productivity globally. Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG ICT Infrastructure Development Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog. 5 Cyber Security and ICT Applications Deployment Enabling Environment Enhancement Human Capacity Building and Digital Inclusion Special Assistance Emergency Telecom. Climate Change Objectives Priority Areas Outcome of ASP Region Participants felt that the ITU ‑ D objectives set out by PP-10 in the Strategic Plan for the Union might be updated to provide more flexibility in view of the dynamic nature of the ICT sector, reflecting the initiatives, priority areas and topics of the ASP region. The participants considered that further discussions on this matter would be necessary in order to elaborate a possible regional proposal for WTDC-14 New or revised Study Group questions should be considered in the following areas: EMF Radiation, tariff models and roaming charges, Quality of Experience model, regulatory frameworks for Cable Landing Stations (CLS), triple-play services, interoperability of set top boxes, regional application services, broadband traffic studies and affordability models

14 Regional Initiatives for ASP Regional Initiative 1: Unique ICT needs of least developed countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) including Pacific Islands Countries and landlocked developing countries Objective: To provide special assistance to LDCs, SIDS, Pacific Islands Countries, and LLDCs in order to meet their priority ICT requirements. Regional Initiative 2: Emergency Telecommunications Objective: : To provide assistance to Member States at all phases of disaster management, i.e. disaster preparedness including early warning, disaster response/relief, and rehabilitation of telecommunication networks. Regional Initiative 3: Harnessing the benefits of New Technologies Objective: To assist ITU Member States in utilizing new technologies and address human and technical capacity challenges related to new and emerging issues such as spectrum management, digital broadcasting, IPv6 transition, accessibility, combating spam, number misuse, green technologies and other emerging technical issues. Regional Initiative 4: Broadband Access and Uptake, in urban and rural areas Objective: To assist Member States in the development of broadband access in urban and rural areas and to support system construction to resolve social issues using ICT applications, including e-Health Regional Initiative 5: Policy and Regulation in the Asia-Pacific region Objective: To assist Member States in developing of appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks, enhancing skills, increasing information sharing and strengthening regulatory cooperation. 14

15 Topics Broadband Spectrum Mgt. Dig. Broadcasting National CIRTs E-Health ICT-Apps Regulatory Policy ICT Indicators Human Capacity B. Institutional Cap. B E-Learning Emergency Tel. Climate Change E-Waste Mgt. Goals Vision & Mission To promote the availability of infrastructure and foster an enabling environment for telecommunication/ICT infrastructure development and its use in a safe and secure manner Vision: To be the leading organization for promoting the availability and application of telecommunications/information and communication technologies (ICTs) for socio-economic development. Mission: to foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance and in the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and networks in developing countries. ITU-D is required to discharge the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements, so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ ICT development by offering, organizing and coordinating technical cooperation and assistance activities. To provide assistance to developing countries in bridging the digital divide by achieving broader telecommunication/ICT-enabled socio-economic development To expand the benefits of the information society to the membership in cooperation with public and private stakeholders, and to promote the integration of the use of telecommunications/ICTs into the broader economy and society as drivers of development, innovation, well-being, growth and productivity globally. Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG ICT Infrastructure Development Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog. 5 Cyber Security and ICT Applications Deployment Enabling Environment Enhancement Human Capacity Building and Digital Inclusion Special Assistance Emergency Telecom. Climate Change Objectives Priority Areas Outcome of AMS Region The participants considered that further discussions on this matter would be necessary in order to elaborate a possible regional proposal for WTDC-14. The contributions on the ITU-D Strategic Plan will serve as input to the work of the TDAG Working Group on this matter. The working objectives in the strategic plan are not ratified, being left for further consideration, identification and improvement, prior to WTDC- 14. New or revised Study Group questions should be considered. Work on objectives, priority areas and topics for ITU ‑ D future work (including Study Group Questions and Working Methods) relevant to the Americas region will continue to be carried out in the framework of the region’s preparatory work towards WTDC-14 (See Sections 11 and 12).

16 Regional Initiatives for AMS Regional Initiative 1: Emergency communications Objective: To assist Member States in all phases of disaster management, i.e. disaster preparedness including early warning, disaster response/relief, and rehabilitation of telecommunication networks, particularly in Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries. Regional Initiative 2: Transition to Digital Broadcasting and Spectrum Management Objective: To assist Member States in the transition to digital broadcasting and spectrum management. Regional Initiative 3: Broadband Access and Uptake Objective: To assist Member States in the development of policies to increase access to broadband infrastructure and uptake. Regional Initiative 4: Reduction of Telecommunication Services Prices and Internet Access Costs Objective: To assist Member States in defining and coordinating policies, ways and means destined to reduce both the cost of access and interconnection as well as the prices of telecommunication services and Internet for users, through necessary investments.. Regional Initiative 5: Capacity building to engage in global ICT policy, with special focus on improving cybersecurity and developing countries’ participation in the existing Internet Governance Institutions Objective: To enhance the capacity building of member States, especially developing countries, with a view to promoting an enabling environment, supporting the implementation of ICT initiatives and encouraging developing countries to actively participate in fora on global ICT policy, in close collaboration with existing institutions. 16


18 Topics Goals Vision & Mission Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4Objective 5Objective 6 WTDC RTDC TDAG STG Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects ITU-D Publications Reg. In. Direct Assist. Projects Prog. 1Prog. 2Prog. 3Prog. 4Prog. 5 Objectives Priority Areas Expected Outcomes: Africa Region



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