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Progress 8 The government will give every child an EXPECTED grade for every subject. VA is then the ACTUAL grade minus the EXPECTED grade. A pupil’s VA.

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2 Progress 8 The government will give every child an EXPECTED grade for every subject. VA is then the ACTUAL grade minus the EXPECTED grade. A pupil’s VA score is then the average of their ATTAINMENT 8 subjects (EN&MA double weighted + 3 EBacc subjects + 3 of the rest GCSE & Vocational on THE LIST) The average VA score for all pupils in the Yr11 cohort is calculated to find a school’s Progress 8 VA score. Opt in opportunity for 2015 results Schools will get ‘shadow data’ for 2014 results

3 New Floor Standard Progress 8 A school will be below the floor if progress is -0.5 grades less than expected across 8 subjects. OFSTED inspect that year. Schools in which pupils make an average of +1.0 grade more progress than expected across their 8 subjects will NOT be inspected by Ofsted during the next academic year. New Progress 8 measure for each subject.

4 Progress 8 Calculation

5 Progress 8 Calculation Sample 1 GradePointsWeighted points English Literature A77÷5 = 1.4 Maths B66÷5 = 1.2 Science B66÷10 = 0.6 Additional Science D44÷10 = 0.4 Geography A*88÷10 = 0.8 BTEC Business Distinction77÷10 = 0.7 English Language B66÷10 = 0.6 RS B66÷10 = 0.6 Art C 0 BTEC Sport Pass 0 Weighted attainment 6.3 = B+ KS2 APS Target B66.0 VA +0.3

6 Progress 8 Calculation Student 2a GradePointsWeighted points English Lang C55÷5 = 1.0 Mathematics D44÷5 = 0.8 0 0 0 BTEC Cert Sport Merit66÷10 = 0.6 BTEC Cert ICT Merit66÷10 = 0.6 BTEC Award Science Pass55÷10 = 0.5 English Lit D40 Weighted attainment 3.5 = E+ KS2 APS Target D44.0 VA -0.5

7 Progress 8 Calculation Student 2b GradePointsWeighted points English Lang C55÷5 = 1.0 Mathematics D44÷5 = 0.8 Science Core E3 3÷10 = 0.3 Science Additional E3 3÷10 = 0.3 Computer Science E3 3÷10 = 0.3 BTEC Cert Sport Merit66÷10 = 0.6 BTEC Cert ICT Merit66÷10 = 0.6 English Lit D44÷10 = 0.4 Weighted attainment 4.3 = D+ KS2 APS Target D44.0 VA +0.3

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