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Published byRodger Patterson Modified over 8 years ago
F LORIDA ’ S M ULTI -T IERED S YSTEM OF S TUDENT S UPPORTS : C ONNECTIONS FOR I MPLEMENTING A S TATE -W IDE P ROBLEM S OLVING /R T I AND P OSITIVE B EHAVIOR S UPPORT NASDSE 74 th Annual Convention and Business Meeting Chicago, Illinois Don Kincaid, Ed.D. Goerge M. Batsche, Ed.D. University of South Florida
MTSS: Integrating Two Evidence-Based Models to Improve the Academic and Behavior Outcomes for ALL Students Challenging Times In Which to Educate America’s Children and Youth – ESEA Accountability Waivers – Performance Evaluations Tied to Student Growth – Economic Crises – Alternatives to Public K-12 Education – AYP Projections and Expectations – Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Professionals – Common Language/Common Understanding with Educators, Parents and the Community
Strategies for Successfully Addressing These Challenges Focus on efficiency in delivery systems Ensure that “critical skill sets” are present in all schools— not “titles” Cross-training of staff is essential when you have fewer staff Integrating multiple initiatives/programs into fewer, more efficient delivery systems Use of highly effective practices—time is not a luxury anymore Data to evidence those practices Staff support-Coaching is a skill set, not a person Dynamic professional development—based on current and emerging needs, focused at the building level
What We Have Learned About Statewide Implementation Full implementation with integrity takes 4-6 years. Integration of academic and behavior problem- solving is critical Level of implementation is directly related to student outcomes Implementation is a district-wide systems change process Success of Tiers 2 and 3 determined by effectiveness of Tier 1 This HAS TO BE a general education initiative On-going evaluation is critical to implementation effectiveness
What We Have Learned About Statewide Implementation Impact on students and teachers is significant This model has poised educators for the challenges schools now face. NCLB Waivers Intervention sufficiency and integrity is critical to improved student performance Time is the critical factor and must be built into schedules Poor literacy skills are the greatest threat to school success—more than poverty. Moved from “RtI” to MTSS—multi-tiered system of supports.
The Future: Re-Authorization of ESEA Data-Based Problem-Solving (MTSS) – Learn Act (Literacy) S. 929IS (x) applying the principles of universal design for learning; (xi) using age-appropriate screening assessments, diagnostic assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments to identify individual learning needs, to inform instruction, and to monitor-- – (I) student progress and the effects of instruction over time (xv) using strategies to enhance children's-- – (I) motivation to communicate, read, and write; and – (II) engagement in self-directed learning – Blueprint for Reform 2010 "Instead of labeling failures, we will reward success. Instead of a single snapshot, we will recognize progress and growth. And instead of investing in the status quo, we must reform our schools to accelerate student achievement, close achievement gaps..."
Senate Bill 541 Achievement through Prevention Act (PBIS) –“ The Achievement Through Prevention Act provides support for states, local educational agencies and schools to increase implementation of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and early intervening services. This bill promises to improve student academic achievement and to reduce disciplinary problems in schools while improving coordination with similar activities and services provided under the federal special education law.”
Harkin Draft of ESEA Re-Authorization October 12, 2011 States devise own systems for accountability Retain requirements for assessments in reading and math, Grades 3-8 and once in HS 10% of schools held to requirement to raise proficiency – Fed oversight for worst performing 5% – 5% with greatest gap between minority and white students “MTSS” is included--again
Pushback “Districts and states have not been effective in delivering quality education to children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, so why should we think they’ll be effective this time around?” (Grover Whitehurst, Brookings Institution) Represents a step back for minority students and students with disabilities (Various Advocacy Groups) “Congress, parents and taxpayers would have no meaningful mechanism by which to hold schools, districts, or states accountable for improving student outcomes.” (Education Trust, Children’s Defense Fund, National Council of La Raza) “I’d like to have federal targets, but that’s one of the compromises. I refuse to allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.” (Senator Harkin)
State Perspective Revised Special Education Rules SLD Language Impaired Emotional/Behavior Disorders Revised Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) SKILLS educators must know and be able to do to get certified Race to the Top Statewide Common Assessments New Educator Evaluation Requirements 50% of Teacher evaluations tied to student growth Florida RtI Implementation Plan *** Within context of severe budget problems
Capacity to Implement MTSS
Capacity to Implement PBS
Percent Annual Growth, Students with Disabilities and Selected Disability Programs 2004-05 through 2009-10
2010 FCAT Math Students with Disabilities Grades 3-10
Collaboration Approximately 2 years ago, leadership in both projects and from DOE began to discuss the commonalities and collaboration of the two projects. The formal collaboration between projects began last year and was reflected in shared trainings, work groups, and similar action steps in RFAs.
Initial Collaborative Efforts Regional District Training Participation on State Transformation Team More formal collaboration (RFAs) Unified Behavioral and Educational Resource Team (UBER) formed – Inter-Project Leadership Team (ILT) Established workgroups and process for collaborating Realized need for shared mission and vision Established Summer Institute and Fall implementation deadlines
District Feedback Project Specific Feedback (Informal) – Can’t do PBS, have to do RtI now.. – RtI and PBS have to be separate…Don says – Can’t address behavior because we HAVE to address academics – We are looking at behavioral engagement and not PBS… – What else have you heard?
District Feedback Statewide District Needs Assessment Results: – Integrate Practices to Reduce Duplication, Increase Effective Use of Personnel and Provide Greater Support for Instruction Less is More. – Focus Resource Development and District Resources On: – Evidence-based Coaching Strategies – Leadership Skills to Support MTSSS – Family and Community Engagement – Aligning K-12 MTSS – Evaluation Models to Demonstrate Outcomes – Common Language/Common Understanding Around an Integrated Data-Based Problem-Solving Process – Integrating Technology and Universal Design for Learning
Big Idea! We need to model a collaborative, integrated Multi- Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process at the state level so that we can advocate for it at the district and school level. We need a common language and common understanding! We need a consistent voice and collaborative intervention approach! We need more personnel with common training available at the state, district and school levels to meet the expanding needs of students, teachers and families
Highly Effective Practices: Research High quality academic instruction (e.g., content matched to student success level, frequent opportunity to respond, frequent feedback) by itself can reduce problem behavior (Filter & Horner, 2009; Preciado, Horner, Scott, & Baker, 2009, Sanford, 2006) Implementation of school-wide positive behavior support leads to increased academic engaged time and enhanced academic outcomes (Algozzine & Algozzine, 2007; Horner et al., 2009; Lassen, Steele, & Sailor, 2006) “Viewed as outcomes, achievement and behavior are related; viewed as causes of the other, achievement and behavior are unrelated. (Algozzine, et al., 2011) Children who fall behind academically will be more likely to find academic work aversive and also find escape-maintained problem behaviors reinforcing (McIntosh, 2008; McIntosh, Sadler, & Brown, 2010) 20
Cycle of Academic and Behavioral Failure: Aggressive Response (McIntosh, 2008) Teacher presents student with grade level academic task Student engages in problem behavior Teacher removes academic task or removes student Student escapes academic task Student’s academic skills do not improve So, which is it… Academic problems lead to behavior problems? or Behavior problems lead to academic problems? Not sure… Probably a combination of both 21
Reading Problems and Dropout A student who can’t read on grade level by 3 rd grade is 4 times less likely to graduate by age 19 than a child who reads proficiently by that time. Add POVERTY to the mix, and a student is 13 times less likely to graduate on time. However, students who did not read proficiently at 3 rd grade constitute 88% of those who did not earn a diploma. Low reading skills in 3 rd grade are a stronger predictor of dropping out of school than having spent at least one year in poverty. Donald J. Hernandez “Double Jeopardy: How Third-Grade Reading Skills and Poverty Influence High School Graduation.” Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2011
The integration/combination of the two: are critical for school success utilize the three tiered prevention model incorporate a team approach at school level, grade level, and individual level share the critical feature of data-based decision making produce larger gains in literacy skills than the reading-only model – (Stewart, Benner, Martella, & Marchand-Martella, 2007) School-wide Behavior & Reading Support 23
Collective Capacity PSRtI Personnel FLPBS Personnel
Collective Capacity Inter-Project Personnel
Mission and Vision Multi-Tiered System of Student Supports - Inter-Project Collaborative The collaborative vision of the Florida Problem-Solving/Response to Intervention (FL PS/RtI) and the Florida Positive Behavior Support/Response to Intervention for Behavior (FLPBS/RtI:B) Projects is to: Enhance the capacity of all Florida school districts to successfully implement and sustain a multi-tiered system of student supports with fidelity in every school; Accelerate and maximize student academic and social-emotional outcomes through the application of data-based problem solving utilized by effective leadership at all levels of the educational system; Inform the development, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of an integrated, aligned, and sustainable system of service delivery that prepares all students for post-secondary education and/or successful employment within our global society.
Translating Mission to Motion Created workgroups to develop vision and resources: – Leadership – Coaching – DBPS – Evaluation – K-12 Alignment – Family and Community Engagement – Sub Leadership team – protocol and logistics – Technology?
Leadership Team Workgroup To provide a framework for educational leadership comprised of those leadership skills and practices contributing to successful and sustained system reform leading to improved instructional practices and student outcomes.
Evidence-based Definition Effective district leadership is evidenced by teams or individuals who: Establish and articulate a clear vision with a sense of urgency for change, maintain focus and deliver a consistent message of implementation over time Focus on schools (districts are successful when schools are successful) Create relationships with stakeholders based upon mutual respect and shared responsibility Engage in expert problem solving Identify the correct barriers and goals efficiently and effectively
Evidence-based Definition Effective district leadership is evidenced by teams or individuals who: Engage in good problem analysis with an understanding that there are many typical barriers to attaining school goals. Know that there are several identified strategies for removing barriers and achieving the vision and apply appropriate strategies based upon school- specific needs Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies Invest in professional development (Leithwood, 2010; Barnhardt, 2009; Crawford & Torgeson, 2007)
Coaching Workgroup Develop a working model of Coaching Functions that addresses the core skills/competencies/and knowledge sets needed to lead/support/and evaluate implementation and sustainability of the MTSS model in schools/districts. The Coaching model will be created specifically for use by district leadership teams to enhance capacity of their schools to support the MTSS initiative. Therefore, district level personnel will be the target audience for use of the Coaching model.
Coaching Domains
DBPS Workgroup Develop a model/template for data-based decision-making at the entire school, group of student or individual student levels that can be applied by schools and districts. The primary outcome will be the development of the conceptual framework, training resources, and exemplars that will be used for professional development at the district level.
Problem Solving Process Define the Problem What Do We Want Students to KNOW and Be Able to DO? Problem Analysis Why Can’t They DO It? Implement Plan What Are WE Going To DO About It? Evaluate Did It WORK? (Response to Intervention –RtI)
Program Evaluation Workgroup To develop an integrated program evaluation model for academic and behavior domains. The model will be driven by evaluation questions derived from the literature and other data sources (e.g., Projects’ program evaluation data) on implementing and evaluating multi-tiered systems of (MTSS). The model will have applications at all levels of the educational system (e.g., school-, district-, and state- levels) and result in data that can be used by multiple stakeholders (e.g., Projects’ staff, State Transformation Team, district and school leadership teams) to inform decision-making.
Important MTSS Evaluation Issues Stakeholders should be involved in all aspects of planning and carrying out the evaluation process as well as in decision-making Goals through planning should drive the process Information obtained to: – Determine where you currently are (needs) – Take ongoing looks at how things are working – Make decisions about what to keep doing and what to change or eliminate
K-12 Alignment Workgroup Develop state, district and school capacity for RtI implementation at the secondary school level through the development of a state-wide secondary RtI model and the provision of professional development, technical assistance, and relevant resources. Efforts will be focused on developing the following critical PS/RtI components: – Early Warning Systems (EWS) Model – Instructional Review “Lite” – Intensifying literacy and mathematics instruction and targeted supplemental and intensive supports
Family and Community Engagement The mission of the Inter-Project Family and Community Engagement Workgroup is to build the capacity of families and educators to engage in collaborative, data- based problem-solving in order to support student learning within MTSSS. Communication networks will be developed to share information and products among key stakeholders in order to increase families’ awareness and understanding of PS/RtI as well as educators’ awareness and understanding of families’ role in PS/RtI. Training modules, informational videos, and tools will be developed in order to build families’ and educators’ skills in collaborative, data- based problem-solving.
Technology Support Created five statewide Regional Technology Centers, each with a Director and regional IT specialists. AT, IT AIM and UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Provide technology support and integration to facilitate the implementation of MTSS and enhance district capacity to implement and sustain effective instruction/intervention practices for ALL students
Organizing for Collaboration Inter-Project (FLPBS & FL PS/RtI) Leadership Team MTSS Model Development Service Delivery Model Development Inter-Project Program Evaluation Development Training & TA Service Data Evaluation System Project & Process Capacity Data Evaluation System Inter-Project Web-based Resource Warehouse Logistics, Communication, & Technology MTSS Model Curriculum & Assessment Development Inter-Project Staff Development Specialized DLT Support Services Differentiated Accountability Race to the Top Leadership Policy & Budget District/School Improvement Just Read, Florida FCRR & FCR-STEM, ESE FLPBS – FLPS/RtI – Secondary RTI Student Services & Technology Statewide Education Collaborative Partners and Agencies MTSSS Project “Consultants” District Action Planning & Problem- Solving (DAPPS) Process District Readiness Needs Assessment Small Group Planning Process (Org. Problem Solving) Resources/Training/Tech. Assist Evaluation of MTSS Fidelity & Effectiveness Work Group MTSS Component Models “Leadership” “MTSS Coaching” “Data-based Problem-solving” “PK-12 Alignment” “Family & Community Engagement” “Accountability, Evaluation & Sustainability” District Leadership Team Parents & Community Partners School Leadership Teams Grade/Content Instructional Teams Students
District Action Planning and Problem-Solving Process DAPPS The goal is to promote the DAPPS as… assessment of capacity that can be used align district support activities across initiatives, 3.and, not burden districts to conduct similar assessments multiple times.
What Can This Integrated System DLT Capacity Building? Observing and providing feedback on their strategic planning efforts (e.g., development of an action plan, problem-solving, team facilitation, etc.) Providing them with tools they can use for action planning (forms to record planning process, etc.), Collaborating with them on the development of an action plan; Facilitating and training the DLT leader/contact on effective strategic planning to build their capacity
What Can This Integrated System Offer? Facilitating districts to use a a structured small- group PS process to ensure sufficiency and integrity of MTSS implementation; Providing targeted training and technical assistance that the DLT identified a need for; Linking external resources to district assets to provide additional support to sustain implementation; and Engaging in a TOT process for members of the leadership team or their designees to sustain the DAPPS as an on-going process.
District Action Planning Process Collaboration of PSRtI, FLPBS and DA staff – 2-4 person district support teams Protocol for DAPP Process – Step 1: Organizing/preparing for DAPPS – Step 2: Needs Assessment – Step 3: Action Planning – Group problem-solving used – Step 4: Delivery of Training and TA – Step 5: Evaluation
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