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Importance of cadre in Health Communication Job Description of BEEs and revised Nomenclature TRAINING OF DISTRICT PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNICATION OFFICERS.

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3 Why this training

4 To understand the State’s objective on health communication to achieve desired outcomes To understand the nuances of communication Understand and apply the knowledge on current situation To plan, strategise and implement communication activities Understand the health related communication campaigns for effective implementation To bring acquaintance with monitoring, supervision, reporting and evaluation techniques on communication To emerge as a strong and effective resource group at district and block level in soft skills training to service providers

5 Importance of cadre in Health Communication Establish linkages on health service and entitlements with community To generate demand of health services and provisions To promote appropriate health and hygiene practices Important carrier of messages and materials developed on various health communication programmes Build capacity of frontline workers to implement effective inter-personal communication, social mobilisation and appropriate usage of communication materials Establish forward and backward linkages between state and community

6 Reference Government Notification No. 12181/FW(Misc.)40/2010 dated 06.06.2011 Since 1962, BEEs, MEIOs & Dy. MEIOs have been working at the block, district and state level for health communication activities. In the mean time State Govt. is giving a thrust to health promotion activities including setting up of GKS & Swasthya Kantha. Keeping in view this; 1. Now, Govt. after careful consideration have decided that the BEE and the consequent promotional post will be utilised for health promotion/communication and for broader public health issues. 2. They will operate as per the revised job chart given below 3. Govt. have also decided to re-designate BEE at CHC level, MEIO & Dy. MEIO at district level.

7 The BEEs, MEIO & Dy. MEIO are re- designated as follows Sl. No.Existing DesignationRevised Designation 1.Block Extension Educator (BEE)Public Health Extension Officer (PHEO) 2.Mass Education Information Officer (MEIO) District Public Health Communication Officer (DPHCO) 3.Deputy Mass Education Information Officer (Dy. MEIO) Assistant District Public Health Communication Officer (ADPHCO)

8 Revised Job Responsibility Responsibility – 1: Assessing individual and community needs for health education. Developing data gathering instruments. Employing data gathering instruments. Applying survey techniques. Identifying the sources of information. Utilizing health related information. Identifying the factors influencing health behavior. Identifying the behaviors that promote health. Recognizing the role of learning experiences in changing the behavior. Analyzing the data. Assessing the needs/Problems. Fixing priority for health education.

9 Revised Job Responsibility Responsibility – 2 : Planning effective health education program Responsibility – 3: Implementing health education programmes Responsibility – 4: Coordinating provisions of health education services Responsibility – 5: Acting as resource person in health education Responsibility – 6: Communicating health and health education needs concerns and resources Responsibility – 7: Acting as a trainer Responsibility – 8: Acting as a team leader/supervisor Responsibility – 9 : Designing and conducting research studies

10 Other Responsibilities: - Reporting and documentation of communication activities - Member of RKS - Organizing orientation trainings for H&FW workers, Opinion leaders, school teachers etc. - Organizing mass communication programmes like film shows, exhibitions, lectures, dramas - Monitor eligible couples registers in PHC/CHC area - Supervise work of field workers - Handholding the field workers - At least 15 tour in a month

11 Session Plan Ice Breaking (Motivation and Position of BEE in restructuring of communication cadre) Concept of Center of Excellence in context of BEEs revised roles and responsibilities Importance of IEC in Health Basics of Communication Paradigm shift from IEC to BCC Human Channel of Communication Barriers of Communication Situation Analysis Communication Planning Implementing communication campaign based on NRHM PIP Activity calendar Execution How to engage differently with examples Innovation (case studies) Documentation and Reporting – give them example and format Documentation and Reporting Why reporting in quantitative and qualitative way

12 This training will try to meet your expectations….lets know them

13 SIHFW – Towards a Center of Excellence in Communication Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Orissa

14 What are we doing… Define and communicate role and responsibilities of IEC function at state and district levelsrole Augment capacities for specific skills through induction of staff at state and district levelscapacities Strengthen job descriptionsjob descriptions Train IEC staff; sensitise programme staff and policy makers on basic tenets of communication Strengthen planning and monitoring systemplanning and monitoring Streamline Funds flowFunds flow Improve Infrastructure Replace IEC/BCC by “ Communication”

15 Capacities getting build… State: BCC unit comprising of 4 personnel as follows - State BCC Programme Manager - Consultant (Planning, M&E) - Consultant (Mass Media) - Consultant (IPC/Local media) Reorganizing the existing structure with redefined roles and responsibilities and accountability Ready infrastructure – Space and Equipments Funding Arrangement There may be a need to set up regional units for BCC similar to that proposed above.

16 What State feels :Need for Center of Excellence SIHFW as Communication Agency for all Govt. run programs Systematic capacity building Systems strengthening with an improved structure Human Resource capacities Improved M & E for Communication Programs More quality and professional manpower Greater partnerships Infrastructure and facility up-gradation Capacity Development of District and Block Setting up an institution of national / international standards and having affiliation with recognized Universities / Academic centers of repute having facilities for long term and short term capsule courses on Behaviour Change Communication.

17 Approved model of strengthening

18 CoE delivers… Communication Management Identifying needs of communication – performance gap analysis Identifying Target Audience Developing Strategy Defining message, media mix and communication channel Executing communication plan Print media IPC Audio media Audio visual media Folk or popular media Assessing effectiveness of communication, message i.e. retention or recall etc. Training Needs and Management Research Procurement, logistic & supplies MIS or M&E Sub System Inter-Sectoral Convergence (E) Capacity Building at State, District and Block

19 District model of strengthening SIHFW – Communication wing Frontline Service Providers (ANM, ASHA,AWW and GKS) District Integrated BCC Cell ADMO-FW, DPHCO/ADPHCO Block Integrated BCC Cell MO I/C, PHEO State / Regional Training Centers Dy. Director Training, State BCC Training Wing

20 Enhanced Outputs at District level Capacity Development of Service Providers Evidence based planning and implementation Standardized resource materials Reform of District IEC Bureau Improved Monitoring and Supervision Improved linkage of state and district

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