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Science Night “Who Am I?” SPENDING AN EVENING WITH OUR INVENTIVE, SCIENTIFIC MINDS. (S.T.E.M.=Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) When: September.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Night “Who Am I?” SPENDING AN EVENING WITH OUR INVENTIVE, SCIENTIFIC MINDS. (S.T.E.M.=Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) When: September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Night “Who Am I?” SPENDING AN EVENING WITH OUR INVENTIVE, SCIENTIFIC MINDS. (S.T.E.M.=Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) When: September 30, 6:30-7:30pm Where: Serra SAC The Fifth Grade Science (S.T.E.M.) Night is a cross-curriculum long-range project Consisting of four main parts: 1) A BIOGRAPHY completed on an iPad APP of their famous inventor/scientist 2) A “Who am I ?” POSTER introducing and explaining the discovery or invention of the scientist, inventor, or engineer chosen (science) 3) A VISUAL AID that represents their scientist/invention. (home) 4) Presentation of their person by BEING IN CHARACTER BY DRESSING UP as their chosen scientist and orally presenting their project to parents and Serra guests on Science Night This assignment is intended to help students learn how to conduct research, organize information, allocate their time, exercise creativity, and deal with the responsibility of planning and preparing a long-range, multi-part project. Rubrics will be distributed and discussed in class, as well as posted on the teacher web pages. What do students need to do? 1) Pick a scientist, inventor, or engineer to research. Students should select at least two to three people. Students then are selected randomly to choose their person. There will be NO duplicate scientists in one given science period. 2) Create a biography on your iPAD which will be done in Literacy class. 3) Complete “Who am I ?” “POSTER” in science class. File folder/Poster will be provided by teacher. 4) Create and bring in one small visual aid depicting the discovery (no bigger than 17x24 inches because it needs to fit on desk). For example, a model or diorama. Be creative! 5) Dress up as their person & be in character to present the information to our guests (costumes do not need to be purchased; students can come in formal uniform if they have nothing at home to use)

2 1) Discovery/Invention (WHAT) 2) Why do I need this?(WHY & WHEN) 3) How will it help me? (WHY) 4) What or how it is made? (HOW) 5) What is my expertise/qualifications? (WHO) 6) How has it changed the world? (HOW)

3 Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) Visual Aid Project Rubric Name_____________________Date_______________ Period___________SLE:____________________________ S.T.E.M. theme Name of STEM person/1 Name of discovery/invention/1 Visual aid supports theme/3 Visual Contains information to understand /10 discovery or invention by displaying short summaries, captions and labels Format Size 17x24in. or LESS (no bigger than your student desk)/2 proper heading on project (label on base, on item, etc.)/1 Spelling/Grammar/1 Neatly executed/1 Total _______ /20

4 Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) “Who am I ?” Project Rubric POSTER Name_____________________Date__________________________ Period__________________SLE:____________________________ Short Summary of Discovery/Invention/ & “TITLE” /5 What is my expertise/qualifications/education? /5 What or how it is made or how did I come about discovering this?/5 Why do humans need this? /5 How does learning this information help me personally? /5 How has it changed the world? /10 Visually the POSTER should be……. Eye appealing “Visually Intriguing”/3 Neatly executed/2 Colorful (you may use markers, colored pencils, crayons)/2 Illustrations (at least 2 photos/drawings)/2 proper heading on back of advertisement/1 Total _______ /45




8  Websites:  1)  2) ntists/scientists_and_inventors.php# ntists/scientists_and_inventors.php#  Classwork Journal Entry #4 List at least 5 scientist that you may be interested in researching. Write a brief sentence on what they are famous for and include a photo of what they look like and what they invented or discovered.

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