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What is guerilla marketing?. Guerilla Marketing Guerilla marketing is an unconventional way of performing marketing activities intended to get maximum.

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Presentation on theme: "What is guerilla marketing?. Guerilla Marketing Guerilla marketing is an unconventional way of performing marketing activities intended to get maximum."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is guerilla marketing?

2 Guerilla Marketing Guerilla marketing is an unconventional way of performing marketing activities intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.

3 Guerilla Marketing It is defined as unconventional marketing designed for low budgets and maximum impact. Guerilla marketing gets you and your company in front of future customers in the places that they frequent. Customers today are bombarded with traditional advertising and have become resistant and unaffected by it. Meaning: it is time to change the way you market.

4 The objective of guerrilla marketing is to create a unique, engaging and thought- provoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral.buzzviral Guerrilla marketing involves unusual approaches such as intercept encounters in public places, street giveaways of products, PR stunts, any unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.PR Guerilla Marketing

5 Is all about creativity and psychology instead of experience, judgment, and guesswork. Because of the lack of resources, small business must use a different set of marketing strategies and tactics than big business. The examples you just saw could be conducted at a minimal expense, while advertising on radio or local T.V. stations would cost much more.

6 Psychological factors In addition, the psychological factor is very effective and it makes people talk about what they saw, which in turn draws them into a personal relationship with your product. They begin to talk about the promotion they saw with their family, friends and others.

7 Guerilla Marketing Guerilla marketers should always use a combination of marketing methods for a campaign, such as new technology and resources that are available. Focus on creative, conceptual ideas that will have a residual lasting effect on your target. Your promotion should make them think of your product or service long after they encountered your marketing efforts.

8 Guerilla Marketing Guerilla marketing is a success if the campaign has a lasting effect and profits spike shortly after. So the next time you want to promote your product, eat a banana and watch the guerilla grow in you!

9  Guerrilla marketing online — Guerrilla marketing on the Internet Guerrilla marketing online  Reverse Graffiti — clean pavement adverts Reverse Graffiti  Viral marketing — through social networks Viral marketing  Grassroots marketing — tapping into the collective efforts of brand enthusiasts  Buzz marketing — word of mouth marketing Buzz marketing  Undercover marketing — subtle product placement Undercover marketing  Experiential marketing — interaction with product Experiential marketing 6 types of Guerilla Marketing

10 Examples of Guerilla Marketing



13 Here is an example of bathroom advertising in Thailand, pitching Scott brand tissue paper

14 Guerilla marketing Landing the deal means approaching your customers creatively. Where they can't look away. If you are creative and want to work in the marketing space. Guerilla marketing is usually the place to start. Talk to your customers where they aren't expecting you to...where their defenses (and possibly their pants) are down.








22 Use a different perspective

23 Ski anywhere!

24 Useful plant life

25 Fitness

26 Dissuade d from graffiti






32 Good use of a parking garage

33 New type of golf bag

34 Improving men’s aim

35 Nikon thinks you rock

36 What’s it take?

37 Well insured?

38 Duckzilla

39 Shopping cart with a message

40 Trueblood advertisin g

41 Barbeque breakdown

42 Kit Kat

43 Career services

44 Resources Tech Village: Examples of Guerrilla MarketingTech Village: Examples of Guerrilla Marketing

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