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A Global World Y Byd Global 6 Development Datblygiad 1 How are global patterns of development identified? Sut mae patrymau datblygiad byd-eang yn cael.

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Presentation on theme: "A Global World Y Byd Global 6 Development Datblygiad 1 How are global patterns of development identified? Sut mae patrymau datblygiad byd-eang yn cael."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Global World Y Byd Global 6 Development Datblygiad 1 How are global patterns of development identified? Sut mae patrymau datblygiad byd-eang yn cael eu hadnabod? 1.1 How is economic and social development measured and what are the global patterns? 2.1 Sut rydym yn mesur datblygiad economiadd a chymdeithasol a beth ydy’r patrymau byd-eang?

2 Cyfoethog a thlawd Rich and poor Beth ydy’r 5 peth pwysicaf yn eich bywyd chi? Ysgrifennwch nhw mewn trefn o’r pwysicaf i’r lleiaf pwysig. What are the 5 most important things in your life? Write them down in order fronm the most to least important.

3 Would a poorer person have the same rank order? A fyddai person tlotach yn cael yr un drefn?

4 A magic carpet ride Taith ar garped hud Beth fuasech yn gweld wrth hedfan dros wlad gyfoethog? What you would see in flying over a rich country? Beth fuasech yn gweld wrth hedfan dros wlad dlawd? What you would see in flying over a poor country?

5 Rich or Poor? What clues tell us? Cyfoethog neu dlawd – beth mae’r cliwiau yn dweud wrthym?

6 Where are these images taken from? O ble mae’r delweddau hyn yn dod? Developed country or developing country? Gwlad ddatblygedig neu wlad ddatblygol ? Can you decide? A fedri di benderfynu?

7 What is development? Beth yw datblygiad? The simplest definition is ‘the process of countries becoming richer’ Y diffiniad symlaf yw ‘y broses o wledydd yn mynd yn gyfoethocach’

8 ‘process by which countries become richer’. ‘y broses o wledydd yn mynd yn gyfoethocach’ All countries are trying to increase their wealth. As people earn more, they can afford to buy more ‘things’ and so we say their ‘standard of living’ improves. Not all countries are developing at the same rate, and the gap between the rich and poor is growing. Mae pob gwlad yn ceisio cynyddu eu cyfoeth Fel bod pobl yn ennill mwy, gallent fforddio prynu mwy o bethau ac felly rydym yn dweud bod eu safon byw yn gwella. Tydi pob gwlad ddim yn datblygu mor gyflym â’i gilydd – mae’r bwlch rhwng y gwledydd cyfoethog a thlawd yn tyfu.

9 In 1980 the term North- South divide was coined Yn 1980 bathwyd y term rhaniad Gogledd-De But as we know it is not as simple as that. There are many countries, like NICs, who neither very rich nor very poor. Ond rydym yn gwybod nad yw pethau mor syml â hyn. Mae llawer o wledydd, fel gwledydd sy’n ymddiwydiannu, sydd ddim yn gyfoethog iawn nag yn dlawd iawn.

10 But knowing how much money a country earns does not tell you much about the way individuals live – Development involves more than just the wealth of a country. You need to take into account: –the standard of living and –the quality of life of the people who live there. Ond tydi gwybod faint o arian mae gwlad yn ennill ddim yn dweud llawer wrthyt am y ffordd mae unigolion yn byw. Mae datblygiad yn golygu mwy na chyfoeth. Mae’n rhaid ystyried: -safon byw -ac ansawdd bywyd o’r bobl sy’n byw yno.

11 standard of lifeThe standard of life is the material well-being of a person: –the value of their possessions, –the type of home they live in and –whether they own such things as a TV, a washing machine, a car, a telephone or a computer Safon byw ydy pa mor dda mae bywyd materol person: –gwerth eu heiddo, –y math o dŷ maent yn byw ynddo ac –os oes ganddynt cyfleusterau fel teledu, peiriant golchi, car, teliffôn neu cyfrifiadur

12 quality of lifeThe quality of life is the general well-being of a person. It includes –the standard of life but also –access to education and –health care, –availability of the utilities i.e. electricity, water, rubbish collection, –but also political and religious freedom, –social opportunities, –environmental quality Ansawdd bywyd ydy pa mor dda mae bywyd person yn gyffredinol. Mae’n cynnwys: - safon byw ond hefyd - mynediad i addysg a - golfal iechyd, - argaeledd mwynderau fel * trydan * dŵr * casglu gwastraff - ac hefyd rhyddid gwleidyddol a chrefyddol - cyfleoedd cymdeithasol, - ansawdd yr amgylchfyd

13 What are MEDCs like? Pa fath o lefydd ydy GMDdE? They tend to have well developed industries, often high-tech – why is that? What are they saving on? Farming is for profit and uses machines and chemicals MEDCs have many service industries because people have spare money for luxuries Children have free education and almost everyone can read and write People have plenty to eat and in fact many are over weight Clean water comes directly into their homes Healthcare is easily available and is of high quality Mae ganddynt lawer o ddiwydiannau, yn aml rhai â thechnoleg uwch – pam felly? Beth maent yn cynilo wrth wneud hyn? Mae ffermio yn fasnachol ac yn defnyddio peiriannau a chemegau. Mae ganddynt lawer o ddiwydiannau gwasanaethau oherwydd bod gan pobl ddigon o arian wrth gefn ar gyfer moethusion. Mae plant yn derbyn addysg am ddim ac mae bron pawb yn gallu darllen ac ysgrifennu Mae pawb gyda digon i’w fwyta, ac a dweud y gwir mae llawer yn pwyso gormod Mae dŵr glan yn cael ei beipio yn syth i dai Mae gofal iechyd ar gael yn hawdd ac o safon dda.

14 On the other hand, LEDCs Ar y llaw arall GLlDdE Industry tends to be primary – do you remember what that is? It is industry that needs a lot of people and is much less mechanised – why is that? Farming is often subsistence – what does that mean? There are fewer service industries because people do not have much money to spend on leisure Most of the children go to school although many people have to pay towards the secondary education. Girls in particular have less chance of education. Healthcare where available is often basic as there are too few doctors and hospitals Mae diwydiant yn dueddol o fod yn brimaidd (cynradd) – ydych chi’n cofio beth ydy hyn? Mae’r diwyddiannau hyn angen llawer o bobl ond wedi’u mecaneiddio llawer llai – pam fod hyn yn wir? Mae ffermio yn aml yn gynhaliol, dim yn fasnachol, beth mae hyn yn ei olygu? Mae llai o ddiwydiannau gwasanaeth oherwydd nid oes gan bobl gymaint i’w wario ar hamdden. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o blant yn mynd i’r ysgol er bod llawer yn gorfod talu tuag at addysg uwchradd. Mae genod yn arbennig gyda llai o gyfle i gael addysg. Yn aml mae gofal iechyd yn sylfaenol gan fod rhy ychydig o feddygon ac ysbytai.

15 But where do NICs fit in? Ond beth am wledydd sy’n ymddiwydiannu? IndustriesDiwydiannau FarmingFfermio Service industries Gwasanaethau EducationAddysg FoodBwyd WaterDŵr HealthcareGofal iechyd More people working in factories – longer hours cheaper wages and less human rights than MEDCs – likely to be more pollution e.g. Bhopal; farming - Green Revolution – more mechanised for rich ones – still plenty of poor – service industries/education: more schools/health clinics than LEDCs but not enough doctors/hospitals for all areas – most places have primary schools – secondary still a bit scarce still some people who have to walk distances for water but more probably 70%+ have it easily available if not in house.

16 Facts about World development Ffeithiau am ddatblygiad byd-eang 1/5 of the world are MEDCs but they own 4/5 of the wealth The richest 3 people own more than the poorest 600 million 100 million people are homeless 900 million have no education 880 million do not have enough to eat Only 1/3 of the world can read 1% go to university and 1% have a computer The cost of providing basic healthcare and food for everyone who does not have it would be less that Europe and USA spend on pet food each year. Mae 1/5 o’r byd yn GMDdE ond mae ganddynt 4/5 o’r cyfoeth. Mae’r 3 person cyfoethocaf gyda mwy na’r 600 miliwn tlotaf. Mae 100 miliwn o bobl yn ddigartref Mae 900 miliwn heb addysg Nid yw 880 miliwn ddim yn cael digon i’w fwyta Ond 1/3 o’r byd yn gallu darllen ac ysgrifennu Mae 1% yn mynd i brifysgol ac mae gan 1% gyfrifiadur. Mae’r cost o roi gofal iechyd a bwyd i bawb sydd hebddo yn llai na’r hyn mae Ewrop a’r UDA yn gwario ar fwyd ci pob blwyddyn. What is the population of the whole world? Beth yw poblogaeth y byd ar hyn o bryd?

17 Measuring development Mesur datblygiad So how do you measure economic development, standard of living and quality of life? Felly sut ydych chi’n mesur datblygiad economaidd, safon byw ac ansawdd bywyd?

18 One measure of the wealth of a country is … Un mesur o gyfoeth gwlad ydy... …the GDP which is usually given in dollars ($). GDP GDP stands for –G –Gross (All the money earned) –D –Domestic (Just the one country) –P –Product (added together) Large countries will have bigger incomes than smaller countries who were just as wealthy. So the population size need to come into it too If you divide the income by the population, then this gives a figure of dollars per head GDP per capitaThis is called GDP per capita.... CMC sydd fel arfer wedi’i rhoi mewn doleri ($) Ystyr CMC ydy - Cynnyrch (beth mae gwlad yn gwneud) - Mewnwladol (- o fewn y wlad) - Crynswth (popeth) Mae gwledydd mwy yn cael mwy o incwm na gwledydd bach sydd yr un mor gyfoethog. Felly mae’n rhaid ystyried maint y boblogaeth. Os ydych yn rhannu’r incwm gan y boblogaeth, mae hyn yn rhoi ffigur o ddoleri fesul person Rydym yn galw hyn yn CMC y pen

19 These are 2008 figures Dyma ffigurau 2008

20 Take a look here – fairly obvious? Cymharwch y gwledydd hyn – eithaf amlwg?

21 Outside Kabul in Afghanistan $1000 Parkersburg in West Virginia Small town America $45,800 Take a look here – fairly obvious? Cymharwch y gwledydd hyn – eithaf amlwg?

22 But take a look at these Ond beth am y rhain?

23 Tokyo, Japan $33,500 Bangkok Thailand $8,000 But take a look at these Ond beth am y rhain?

24 And these? A’r rhain?

25 Wezhou, China $5,400 Sheffield England $35,000 And these? A’r rhain?

26 This is Equatorial Guinea Dyma Guinea Cyhydeddol GDP – is it: CMC- ydy o $50,000 $30,000 $10,000 $5000 $1,000? Country Gwlad GDP per capita CMC y pen USA/UDA $ 48,000 Italy Yr Eidal $ 31,000 Brazil Brasil $ 10,300 Egypt Yr Aifft $ 5,500 Ethiopia$ 800

27 Answer:$ 30,200 But it is a dictatorship, money comes from oil discoveries and it has not really raised the quality of life for the people much e.g. life expectancy 61 years (78 in UK) Ateb :$ 30,200 Ond mae’n wlad unbennaidd, mae’r arian yn dod o ddarganfyddiadau olew ac nid yw wedi codi ansawdd bywyd y bobl llawer, e.e. disgwyliad oes 61 mlynedd (78 yn y DU) This is Equatorial Guinea Dyma Guinea Cyhydeddol

28 But there are lots of other measures Ond mae llawer o fesuriadau eraill development indicatorsThese are called development indicators, for instance: –Fresh water per capita (cu m /year), –Infant mortality/1000 live births –Life expectancy –Age structure –% of children, working adults and people over working age All these are about life and death and so indicate how healthy the people are –Pop growth –Birth rate/1000 pop Tell you about whether population is growing – fast growth is a symptom of lower development – why do people have more children if they are poor? Fe’u gelwir yn ddangosyddion datblygiad, er enghraifft: –d ŵr croyw y pen (cu m /blwyddyn), –marwolaeth babanod/1000 o enedigaethau byw –Disgwyliad oes –Strwythur oed–% o blant, oedolion o oed gweithio a phobl dros oed gweithio Mae’r rhain i gyd yn son am fywyd a marwolaeth ac yn dangos pa mor iach mae’r boblogaeth –Twf poblogaeth –Cyfradd geni/1000 o bobl Mae’r rhain yn dweud wrthych os ydy’r boblogaeth yn tyfu – twf sydyn yn symptom o ddatblygiad is – pam fod pobl yn cael mwy o blant os ydynt yn dlawd?

29 And some more … A rhai eraill... –Labour force by occupation –Unemployment This tells you about the level of economic activity – this is also an indicator of development –Household income by % share This looks at the how much money the top 10% and the bottom 10% get – the smaller the gap is supposed to measure higher levels of development – however, the gap between the rich and the poor is variable across all types of country –Internet users This is yet another of many ways to divide countries up, that indicates access to personal services - Llafurlu yn ôl eu galwedigaeth - Diweithdra Mae hyn yn dweud wrthych am y lefel o weithgaredd economaidd – mae hyn hefyd yn ddangosydd datblygiad. - Incwm cartref gan cyfran % Mae hyn yn edrych ar faint o bres mae’r 10% uchaf a 10% isaf yn ei gael – yr isaf y bwlch yr uchaf y lefel o ddatblygiad i fod – beth bynnag mae’r bwlch rhwng cyfoethog a thlawd yn amrywio llawer ar draws pob math o wlad. - Defnyddiwyr rhyngrwyd Mae hyn ffordd arall i gymharu gwledydd sy’n dangos mynediad i wasanaethau personol.

30 In conclusion I gloi GDP gives a general idea of the level of development But other indicators tell you more about the quality of life of the people. However, without money, indicators about health, education and food and water supply cannot improve. So how can we can we a get a measure of how good or how bad things are? Mae CMC yn rhoi syniad cyffredinol o lefel datblygiad gwlad. Ond mae dangosyddion eraill yn dweud mwy wrthych am ansawdd bywyd y bobl. Beth bynnag heb arian, tydi dangosyddion am iechyd, addysg, bwyd a chyflenwad dŵr ddim yn mynd i wella Felly sut fedrwn ni gael mesur o ba mor dda neu ddrwg mae pethau?

31 What are the problems with GDP per capita as a measure of development? Beth ydy’r problemau gyda CMC y pen fel dangosydd datblygiad?

32 Issues Materion i’w hystyried Some parts of a country will reflect its GDP but others will not. There will be countries with a low GDP where there will be large modern buildings and MacDonald's And there will be parts of countries with a high GDP that are underdeveloped. Bydd rhai darnau o’r wlad yn adlewyrchu ei CMC ond eraill ddim Bydd gwledydd gyda CMC isel ond ble fydd adeiladau mawr modern a MacDonald’s Ac bydd darnau o wledydd gyda CMC uchel sydd heb eu datblygu cymaint.

33 So development is not just about how much money a country makes Felly tydi datblygiad ddim faint o bres mae gwlad yn gwneud yn unig It was generally thought that as a country got richer, the standard of living of the people would increase – but as we can see, parts of every country are very modern, but not all of them. So we need to think about ‘quality of life’. It is only when we look at this, that we can begin to see how developed a country is. Because then we know how well the individuals who live there are faring. Roedd pobl yn meddwl mai wrth i gwlad fynd yn gyfoethocach, byddai safon byw y bobl yn gwella – ond fel rydym yn gweld, mae rhannau o bob gwlad yn gallu bod yn fodern, ond dim pob darn. Felly rydym yn gorfod meddwl am ansawdd bywyd Dim ond pan rydym yn edrych ar hyn fedran ni ddechrau gweld pa mor ddatblygedig mae gwlad. Oherwydd y pryd hynny byddem yn gwybod pa mor dda mae unigolion yn y wlad yn ei wneud

34 Development indicators Dangosyddion datblygiad And what they tell us A beth maent yn dweud wrthym

35 Development indicators Dangosyddion datblygiad The UN annually produces over 30 tables containing more than 200 indicators. These are grouped together by topic, e.g. poverty, trade, gender issues This is far too many! So we will look at a few representative ones under the headings of –Economic –Population –Social Mae’r Cenhedloedd Unedig bob blwyddyn yn cynhyrchu dros 30 o dablau sy’n cynnwys 200 a mwy o ddangosyddion. Maent wedi’u grwpio yn ôl topig, e.e. tlodi, masnach, materion rhyw Mae hyn llawer gormod i ni astudio. Felly byddem yn edrych ar ychydig ohonynt o dan penawdau –Economaidd –Poblogaeth –Cymdeithasol

36 Economic Indicators Dangosyddion economaidd Pa rai o’r gwledydd yma sy’n GMDdE, GLlDdE, rhai sy’n ymddiwydiannu? Which do you think these countries are: MEDCs, NICs, LEDCs,? These are 2007 figures Dyma ffigurau 2007

37 MEDCs = top 4 NIC = next 3 LEDC = next 3 – probably! Also added little factoid – the $ has lost 25% of its value relative to the rest of the world this last year – but we still use this as the standard – so maybe GDPs will be up this year in a lot of places despite the credit crunch!!!

38 The GDP is the best known but as we have seen it has its limitations even though it does tell of something Qu1: Why is electricity consumption used as an economic indicator – it is not just about electric lights in the home! Qu 2: If the GPD=$100, Sweden buys imports for $35 and sells exports for $40 – so it gets richer – what is happening to each country? CMC ydy’r un enwocaf ond fel rydym wedi gweld mae ganddo ei broblemau er ei fod yn dweud rhywbeth. Cw1: pam mae traul trydan yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel dangosydd economaidd? Cw2: Os ydy CMC yn $100 mae Sweden yn prynu mewnforion am $35 ac yn eu gwerthu am $40 – felly mae’n mynd yn gyfoethocach.. Beth ydy patrwm pob gwlad ? Qu1: it is partly how good a quality of life people have, which is social, but it also tells you about how good it is at turning material into products - So if there is not much used– not highly developed Qu2 : Sweden, Malaysia, Brazil China all get richer BUT there are things called INVISIBLE exports which countries like the US and UK have lots of – this is money made by banking and insurance – you can’t send a plane load of it! – and this fills the gap for us and the US. Those who are definitely poorer are Bangladesh, Kenya, Ethiopia.

39 Population indicators Dangosyddion demograffig Growth rate = Birth rate – death rate 1. What do you expect the birth rate to be like in different economic groups? 2.The death rate? Cyfradd twf poblogaeth = cyfradd geni – cyfradd marw 1. Sut fydd y cyfradd geni yn amrywio mewn gwledydd gwahanol? 2. Sut fydd y cyfradd marw yn amrywio? 3. Life expectancy is a major indicator of development because it has links with all sorts of other things. What? 4. What can you say about urban populations ? 3. Mae disgwyliad oes yn ddangosydd pwysig o ddatblygiad oherwydd ei fod â chysylltiadau â llawer o bethau eraill. Fel beth? 4. Rhowch sylw ar boblogaethau trefol.

40 In MEDCs birth rate is quite low, while in LEDCs it is high but coming down – why? (Look at infant mortality) poor health care means they tend to have more children so some will survive – but as a country develops and gets better healthcare, fewer dies and so they have fewer children as children cost a lot to bring up The death rate is low in MEDCs and higher in LEDCs – but as the birth rate is still high it LEDCs – then the growth rate is high as well But we have a problem – if Kenya for instance carries on at the current rate – it will have doubled its population in 22 years! Life expectancy – indicates levels of water/sanitation, health care, food: quantity and quality Urban population is highest in the MEDCs, getting higher in NIC due to more people working in industry and services and less in primary industry, and still lower in countries very dependant on agriculture where there is little mechanisation

41 Social Indicators Dangosyddion cymdeithasol The gaps are left because: Either it would cost lots to find out what we know – an answer of about 99% Or in the case of China’s secondary education – they don’t divide it up that way Mae bylchau oherwydd: Naill ai byddai’n costio llawer i ddarganfod beth rydym yn gwybod yn barod – ateb o tua 99% Neu yn achos addysg uwchradd China – nid ydynt yn rhannu addysg fel hyn.

42 The doctors per 100,000 does not say much – work out how many one doctor serves in each country – what does that tell you? Remember: 2,200 – 3,000 calories is about the range for quite active people – less and you are hungry – more are you are likely to be obese – what do the figures tell you? What is adult literacy like: in MEDCs & NICs? In LEDCs & lower? Primary education is one of the Millennium Goals – they are not doing too bad? Not the same in secondary education?? Nid yw meddygon i bob 100,000 yn hawdd i ddychmygu. Clandrwch faint o bobl mae pob meddyg yn eu trin ym mhob gwlad – beth mae hyn yn dweud wrthych? Cofiwch 2,200 – 3,000 ydy’r amrediad i bobl actif, llai a rydych eisiau bwyd, mwy ac mae gordewdra yn broblem – beth mae’r ffigyrau yn dweud? Sut mae llythrennedd oedolion yn GMDdE a gwledydd sy’n ymddiwydiannu? Ac yn GLlDdE? Mae addysg cynradd yn un o Nodau Mileniwm y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Sefyllfa dda? Beth am uwchradd? Social Indicators Dangosyddion cymdeithasol

43 The doctors per 100,000 is not helpful – so how many people does one doctor serve? Sweden about 300, US – 435; UK – 455; Italy 240; Malaysia – 1400; Brazil – 485; China – 660; Bangladesh – 3800; Kenya – 7150; Ethiopia – 33,300 Brazil, UK, US, Sweden and possibly China and Malaysia could have an obesity problem – Bangladesh, Kenya and Ethiopia have at least some of the people who will be short of food A large majority of adults can read in MEDCs/NICs as well as Bangladesh – Kenya is getting there but Ethiopia has a long way to go Apart from Kenya and Ethiopia, primary education is doing well – Millennium goal Near universal secondary education is only for MEDCs – defined as % under 18 still in education – hence the leaving age AT THE MOMENT in the UK is 16 – going up soon – so this is why their % is lower – about ¾ for NICs and less than ½ for LEDC.

44 So what’s wrong with GDP…? Felly beth sy’n bod ar CMC...? GDP is too general and does not tell you enough about the people. While things like life expectancy is a little too specific – although as all sorts of other indicators influence this one, it is very important one. But if you know how much education people get, together with how long they are likely to live and thrown in the GDP as well, you have a reasonable measure of development. This is exactly what the UN did in 1990 Mae CMC rhy gyffredinol ac nid yw’n dweud digon am y bobl wrthych. Tra bo rhai pethau eraill fel disgwyliad oes yn rhy arbenigol – ond gan fod cymaint o bethau yn dylanwadu hyn, mae’n ddangosydd pwysig iawn. Ond os ydych yn gwybod faint o addysg mae pobl yn ei gael, yn ogystal â pa mor hir maent yn debygol o fyw a rhoi’r CMC i fewn hefyd, mae gennych fesur rhesymol o ddatblygiad. A dyma yn union beth wnaeth y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn 1990.

45 How does the Human Development Index (HDI) work? Sut mae’r Mynegrif Ddatblygiad Dynol yn gweithio? The UN looked at GDP per capita, Life expectancy and an educational index – It assessed what it thought is the best each can aspire to It finds the difference between each countries value and the maximum, which is then divided by the maximum – so no value can be more than 1 Then averages them So a perfect country will have an HDI of 1 A less developed country with have much lower value. Edrychodd Y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar CMC y pen, disgwyliad oes a mynegrif addysg - Penderfynodd beth ydy’r gorau mae’n bosib i pob dangosydd fod. Mae’n cyfrif y gwahaniaeth rhwng ffigur pob gwlad â’r uchafswm, sydd yna yn cael ei rannu gan yr uchafswm – felly ni fydd unrhyw ffigur yn uwch nag 1 Yna mae’n cyfrif y cyfartaledd Felly mae gwlad perffaith yn cael ffigur o 1 ar gyfer MDdD Mae GLlDdE yn cael ffigur llawer llai.

46 HDI – Issues MDdD - Materion While this is much more effective way of measuring change across the world the group at the top are very close together The difference of a year in life expectancy can cause a change of several places on the list. Also, when it started the maximum value GDP was $40,000 – several countries near the top have overtaken this and so are given a rating of 1 In other words once you reach a GDP of $40,000 dollars you don’t get any more points – so a country with a lower GDP and only slightly better other indicators will go higher up the index Tra bo hyn yn ffordd llawer mwy effeithiol o fesur newid ar draws y byd mae’r gr ŵp ger y brig yn agos iawn at ei gilydd. Gall gwahaniaeth o un flwyddyn yn y disgwyliad oes achosi newid o nifer o safleoedd yn y rhestr. Hefyd, pan ddechreuodd roedd ffigur uchaf CMC yn $40,000. Mae nifer o wledydd ger y brig wedi pasio hyn ac felly yn cael ffigur o 1. Mewn geiriau eraill unwaith rydych yn cyrraedd CMC o $40,000 nid ydych yn cael rhagor o bwyntiau 0- felly mae gwlad gyda CMC llai a dangosyddion ychydig bach yn well yn mynd yn uwch i fyny’r mynegrif.

47 HDI and the UN MDdD a’r Cenhedloedd Unedig Each year, the countries are ranked. Pob blwyddyn mae gwledydd yn cael eu asesu. High human development cut-off point is 0.8 Middle is above 0.5 Datblygiad dynol uchel yw 0.8 ac uwch Mae canol yn uwch na 0.5 Note that Brazil and several places in South America and Libya have made it to the High developed group

48 Indicators Dangosyddion (mostly 2008 estimate) AreaArwynebedd1,127,127 sq km PopulationPoblogaeth82,544,840 GDP - per capita CMC y pen$800 Birth rate Cyfradd geni 43.97 births/1,000 population Death rate Cyfradd marw 11.83 deaths/1,000 population Life expectancy at birth 54.99 years Disgwyliad oes Infant mortality rate 82.64 deaths/1,000 live births Cyfradd marwolaeth babanod People per doctor Pobl i bob meddyg 33,300 % working in farming % yn ffermwyr 80% Case study – Ethiopia Astudiaeth achos - Ethiopia



51 About Ethiopia Ynglŷn ag Ethiopia As you may have noticed some countries are more developed than others, but Ethiopia is very different indeed from most of them. Because of this, there is have a whole different set of data that the UN collect, in order to measure progress and to focus on what needs to be done in the very poor countries. For example, there is not real mileage to be gained in spending time and money looking at adult illiteracy or how many people live on less than $1 a day or who does not have piped water in the higher or even medium development index groups. But it is very important that we know this and other things about the poorest, so that we know what needs to be achieved. Fel rydych wedi sylwi, yn amlwg mae rhai gwledydd yn fwy datblygedig nag eraill, ond mae Ethiopia yn wahanol iawn i’r rhan fwyaf ohonynt. Oherwydd hyn mae’r Cenhedloedd Unedig yn casglu set cwbl wahanol o ddata er mwyn mesur cynnydd a chanolbwyntio ar yr hyn sydd angen ei wneud yn y gwledydd tlotaf. Er enghraifft, does dim pwynt treulio amser a gwario pres yn edrych ar anllythrennedd oedolion neu faint o bobl sy’n byw ar llai na $1 y dydd neu sydd ddim efo dŵr wedi’i beipio i fewn i’r tŷ mewn gwledydd mwy ddatblygedig neu rai canolig hyd yn oed. Ond mae’n bwysig iawn ein bod yn gwybod hyn am y gwledydd tlotaf fel ein bod yn gwybod beth sydd angen ei wneud.

52 So for example we know that: 40% of the people do not survive to 40 years of age 78% do not have access to clean water 38% of children are dangerously underweight for their age That 23% live on less than $1 a day and 78% live on less than $2 a day[in £s right now that is £1.50 and £3.00] Felly er enghraifft rydym yn gwybod bod: 40% o’r bobl ddim yn byw tan 40 mlwydd oed 78% heb fynediad i ddŵr glan 38% o blant gyda phwysau sy’n beryglus o isel am eu hoed 23% yn byw ar lai na $1 y dydd a 78% yn byw ar lai na $2 y dydd [mewn £oedd rŵan dyna £1.50 a £3.00] About Ethiopia Yngl ŷn ag Ethiopia

53 But why is Ethiopia like this? Ond pam fod Ethiopia fel hyn? Remember, that most of the poorest countries have suffered long term conflict, either internally or with their neighbours. In the case of Ethiopia, it lost its coast when Eritrea broke away from it in 1993 after a long war. It has been fighting with Eritrea since until 2002 when the border was finally established. More recently, it has sent troops into Sudan to help support the weak government there. During these times 13% of the GDP was spent on defence It has been subject to terrible droughts – several this century – as they are so dependent on agriculture, this rapidly leads to starvation and death, especially as the average calorie intake is so low. Cofiwch, mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r gwledydd tlotaf wedi dioddef rhyfel tymor hir, naill ai rhyfel cartref neu yn erbyn eu cymdogion. Yn achos Ethiopia, collodd ei arfordir pan dorrodd Eritrea i ffwrdd yn 1993 ar ôl rhyfel hir. Mae wedi bod yn rhyfela yn erbyn Eritrea ar ôl hyn tan 2002 pan sefydlwyd y ffin rhyngddynt. Yn fwy diweddar na hyn mae Ethiopia wedi gyrru milwyr i Sudan a Somalia i helpu cefnogi’r llywodraeth wan yno. Yn ystod y cyfnod hyn gwariwyd 13% o’i CMC ar y lluoedd arfog. Mae wedi dioddef sychder ofnadwy ar nifer o weithiau yn ystod y 100 mlynedd diwethaf, ac oherwydd eu bod yn dibynnu cymaint ar ffermio, mae hyn yn arwain yn gyflym at newyn a marwolaeth, yn enwedig gan fod pobl yn bwyta cyn lleied o galoriau fel arfer.

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