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© 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Conversion Tracking Sept, 2008.

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1 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Conversion Tracking Sept, 2008

2 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Introduction  Identifying conversion pages  Hands on  Questions? Conversion Training Agenda

3 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Traditionally the number of visitors was used to measure the success of a website. However, a marketing campaign is fairly useless if it generates many visitors but none of these visitors perform the desired actions: “converted”.  Conversion tracking is a form of website traffic analytics that measures the effectiveness of a channel at directing visitors to a website and persuading them to take a desired action.  Channels may include; –Online display marketing –Search engine marketing –Television ads  Desired actions typically include; –Visiting a particular web page –Purchasing a product –Signing up for an account, newsletter or filling out a contact form Introduction What is conversion tracking?

4 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Conversion tracking methods: –Log analysis: The log files generated by the web server are analysed. –Tracking service (like Eyeblaster): Tracking script(s) are inserted into the page(s) of the website that is to be tracked. Visitors reaching that page triggers the tracking script which updates a database.  The effectiveness is expressed as a percentage called the Conversion Rate. Conversion Rate = (Requests from source / Total page requests ) * 100% Example: if a web page has had 1000 total page requests and 50 from an advertising campaign, it has had a conversion rate of 50/1000*100 = 5%  Conversion rates vary between industry and type of conversion, but generally a conversion rate of more than 1% are considered quite good. Introduction Conversion Tracking Basics

5 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Allows insight into how each channel is performing. This insight can be used to optimize your campaigns and website.  Gives you the ability to perform split-tests on ads and the pages those ads direct traffic to.  Most importantly, it tells you if you digital advertising is working. If you know the value of a conversion you are able to work out what the cost per conversion is (known as Cost Per Action – CPA). Introduction Importance of conversion tracking

6 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  To track users’ activities when visiting the advertiser’s website, dedicated HTML tags must be placed on each tracked page. These tags are called “Conversion Tags", and are generated through the Eyeblaster interface.  Each Conversion Tag is named according to the activity being tracked, and can be reused from one campaign to another.  There are two types of Conversion Tags:  Counter Tags: These are used to count the number of times a user has visited a certain page, i.e., the activity in this case is the actual user visit to the page.  Sales Tags: These are used to track how many items a user made a purchase and the total spending. The tags are typically used on the "Thank You" page after a transaction is completed. Which pages to conversion track?

7 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Before starting to tag the advertiser site, it is important to define in advance what will be tracked.  Create Conversion Tags only in a section set up for the product advertised in the campaign. Otherwise, Conversion Tags are "wasted" on general pages that attract mostly random users not interested in the specific offering.  For each section or page within the site that is considered a step in the conversion process, a different Conversion Tag should be used. For example; –Product Info: The first page the user encounters. –Select Product: Where the user selects the specific model and quantity. –User Info: Where a user registers. –Billing Info: Where the use enters credit card information. –Checkout: Where the user confirms the buy. –Thank You: After the buy. Which pages to conversion track?

8 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  You are planning to run a online advertising campaign that directs users to your clients website at: with the goal of generating leads. 1.Make a list of the page(s) that should be tagged 2.For each page that is tagged, please note if it should be a (i) counter tag or (ii) sales tag Conversion Tracking Hands On Hint:  Counter Tags: These are used to count the number of times a user has visited a certain page.  Sales Tags: These are used to track how many items a user made a purchase and the total spending. The tags are typically used on the "Thank You" page after a transaction is completed.

9 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Custom Interactions Sept, 2008

10 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  The ability to track anything and everything within a banner.  Multiple clickthrough URLs within a banner.  Available to all creative formats apart from standard banners.  Two types: –Counter - Counts the number of hits on the ad, for example, when user interacts with an ad. –Timer - Counts the amount of time that a user performed a specific action within the ad.  Two classifications (only applicable if Counter Type field is selected) –Automatic Event - Occurs automatically, such as playing a video automatically when the ad appears –User Initiation Event - Occurs when a user initiates an event, such as clicking play on a video or clicking within an ad Introduction What are Custom Interactions?

11 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Audi – Track number of clicks on the pedal and duration clicked for.  HP Touchsmart PC – Track number of clicks on each area of the minisite.  Western Australia Tourism – Track number of clicks on each hotspot. The ability to track anything and everything Counter and Timer Western Australia TourismHP Touchsmart PCMini Brand R56

12 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  Four versions of Guitar Hero advertised.  Each version took a user to a different URL when clicked.  Able to track number of clicks on each of version to determine popularity. Multiple clickthrough URLs Guitar Hero Amplified

13 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Ad Rotation, Targeting and Optimization Sept, 2008

14 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Setting Ad Rotation Method  In the flights level, the ‘# of ads’ column informs you how many ads have been assigned to the flight.  A flight must have more than one ad to set an ad rotation method.  Right-Click the flight and select ‘Edit’.

15 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Setting Ad Rotation Method  In the ‘Edit Flight’ window, select the ‘Rotation and Frequency’ tab.  Click on the drop down menu in the ‘Ad Rotation’ field and you will see the five ad rotation methods.

16 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method - Random  Random is the default option that is set by the system when more than one ad is assigned to a flight.  When set to random, the ads assigned to the flight will be shown randomly to the users.

17 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method - Weighted  Weighted allows the media agency and creative agency to set specific weightings to each of the ads in the system.  For Example, if a flight has three ads running together and the media/creative agency would like one ad to be delivered 50% of the time, and the other two ads 25% of the time, this can be set through the weighted option.

18 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method - Weighted  To set weightings, select an ad from the list then enter the weighting in the ‘Weight’ field on the right. Click ‘Set’ when done.  Below the list of ads is the total weighting assigned to all the ads so far. This always has to be equal to 100% or else the system will not allow it.

19 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method - Sequence  Sequence allows the media/creative agency to set the sequence in which users see the ads when they encounter the ads more than once.  For Example, the client may have different messages in each of the ads, each trying to entice the user to their brand/product, with each ad having a creative message more aggressive than the previous ad. –Ad 1 – ‘The new product from our company’ –Ad 2 – ‘Try our new product’ –Ad 3 – ‘Try our new product which now has extra features’

20 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method - Sequence  The sequence which the ads are shown to the user is determined by the order they are arranged in the list, going from top to bottom.  To rearrange the order of the ads, select the ad to be moved up or down in the list and click on either the up or down arrow to the right.

21 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method – Time-Based  For certain campaigns, the client may want different ads to be run at different time periods, for example:  Upcoming movies will have an ad for before and after the movie is in the cinema.  Competitions may want to have a countdown in the ads to inform the user when it ends.  The Time-based ad rotation method allows the media/creative agency to set the start and end dates for when different ads will be shown to the user.

22 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method – Time-Based  The date and time can be set for when each ad is to go live and be stopped.  Click on an ad and select either the ‘Set Start Date’ or ‘Set End Date’ button. A calendar will open allowing you to set the date and time.

23 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method – State-Based  State-Based is the most advanced ad rotation method as it requires extra code to be added into the creative.  This is also known as Behavioural Sequencing.  The code is added to different parts of the ad, so that in the user’s cookie, it remembers how the user last interacted with the ad, i.e. their state.  Depending on how the user last interacted with the ad, the flight will see which state the user is in and serve them the ad corresponding to the state.  Example –Behavioural Sequencing DemoBehavioural Sequencing Demo

24 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Multiple Ads Per Flight Ad Rotation Method – State-Based  To set the state associated with each of the ads, click on an ad and then the drop down list on the right. Select the state to be associated with this ad and click ‘Set’.

25 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved DejaVu Serve ads in regards to where the user has been  It is a part of advertiser side behavioural targeting.  Designed to anticipate future behaviour of users by utilising the knowledge of past user behaviour with real-time analysis of the users current actions.  If a user has been exposed to the client in one way or another, it would be best to target them with ads specific to their relationship with the client.  Please click below for a visual explanation of a DejaVu campaign: DejaVu Visual Demonstration DejaVu Visual Demonstration

26 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Automatic Optimization Serve more of the best performing ad  If you have multiple ads assigned to a flight, to obtain the best results you would serve more of the better performing ad.  Eyeblaster automatically optimizes the ads in your flight to perform this.  Edit the campaign and tick the ‘Enable Automatic Optimization’ box.

27 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Automatic Optimization Serve more of the best performing ad  In Quick Trafficking, go to the ‘Pricing and Optimization’ page.  Enter in your pricing details.  In the ‘ROI Metric’ column, click the cell and six options will be available. The metric that you select will determine how the system calculates which is the best performing ad in the flight.

28 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Automatic Optimization Serve more of the best performing ad –All Conversions – Optimize on highest total of post click and post impression conversions. –All Post Click Conversions – Optimize on most post click conversions. –All Post Impression Conversions – Optimize on most post impressions conversions. –Click – Optimize on most clicks. –Select Activity – Select a Hero Tag in the ‘Activity (Conversion)’ column which you want to optimize on.  After you have selected your ROI metric, tick the ‘Enable Optimization’ box and save your media plan.

29 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Global Campaign Manager Sept, 2008

30 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved  GCM is for advertisers/agencies that run regional or global campaigns  Background –Advertisers are increasingly running global campaigns E.g., big studio launching a movie in theatres around the world –Multiple agencies are involved around the world E.g., international agency using its local branches –Multiple creative shops localize the creative assets for the local audience GCM – Global Campaign Manager  Problems:  Campaign data is scattered  Coordination between agencies/creative shops is challenging  Consolidated Analytics  Centralised Campaign Monitoring  Integrated Creative Process  Flexible Campaign Segmentation

31 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Reporting Sept, 2008

32 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Analytics Plug-in for Excel Reach Impact Relevancy Accountability Campaign Monitor

33 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite  The Eyeblaster reporting suite can be accessed by clicking the ‘Analytics’ button on the left hand side menu.

34 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite  In the Analytics system, you will find a series of reports that are available on the left hand side menu.

35 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – Media Agency Reports  Delivery Reports –This report is designed to provide delivery performance data including impressions, clicks, clickthrough rates, etc., for all flights and ads in your campaigns. The following individual report is included: Delivery Summary  Unique and Frequency –These reports are designed to provide audience reach data including unique visitors, frequency and interactivity with ads. The following individual reports are included: Unique Metrics Summary Performance by Frequency Site Overlap

36 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – Media Agency Reports  Engagement reports –These reports are designed to provide brand engagement data including ad interactions, custom interactions, video performance, etc., especially in relation to Expandable Banners and Out-of-banner ads. The following individual reports are included: Engagement Summary Expandable Banner Metrics Out-of-banner Metrics Custom Interactions Metrics Detailed Video Metrics  Creative Comparison –These reports are designed to provide audience reach data including unique visitors, frequency and interactivity with ads. The following individual reports are included: Creative Summary Video by Ad Name Expansions by Ad Name Ad Format Comparison

37 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – Media Agency Reports  Conversion Reports –These reports are designed to provide post-click and post impression data in your campaigns and allows comparing activity tags performance. The following individual reports are included: Conversions Summary Conversions Details Conversion Comparison  ROI Reports –This report is designed to provide data about your campaigns' return on investment performance. The following individual report is included: ROI Summary

38 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – Media Agency Reports  Cross Channel Reports –These reports are designed to provide unified display/search reporting and detailed search campaigns data. The following individual reports are included : Cross Channel Overview Search Overview P2C Analysis by Channel P2C Analysis by Publisher

39 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Advertiser – Select the advertiser for the campaign you want to generate the report for.  Campaign – Select the campaign you want to generate the report for.

40 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  You are able to generate a report for multiple campaigns to compare data easily.  Click the little + symbol to open up the multiple campaign selection field.  Select the campaign you want to pull report for.

41 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Data Level – Eyeblaster reports are structured in a top-down format. Select the data level you would like to report down to: –Ad –Flight –Publisher –Campaign

42 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Data Resolution – Select how detailed you would like the report to be by selecting one of the options: –Date – Up to 45 Days –Weeks – Up to 26 Weeks –Months – Up to 24 Months

43 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report –Quarters – Up to 8 quarters –Years – Up to 2 years –Total – Display total data collected

44 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Date Range – Depending on the Date Resolution option selected, you are able to select the date range for which data is pulled.

45 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Report Sample – Click on either the ‘Show Sample’ link or the ‘Report Sample’ tab and a sample report will appear.  If you move your mouse over any of the column field names in the sample report, a text box will appear with an explanation of the field name which is reported on.

46 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Filtering Options – If you only need specific data from a campaign, you can filter out only the data required. The filtering options are: –Publishers –Flights –Ads –Ad Formats

47 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Schedule Options – After setting up all the fields in the report, you are able to schedule the report to be sent to you on a regular basis.  Select how often you would like the report to be sent to you, the dates within which the report will be sent, and to whom the report will be sent to.

48 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  After you have selected all the fields for your report, click on the ‘Run’ button.

49 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Reporting Suite – How to generate a report  Once your report has been generated click the ‘Click to Download’ button to obtain your report.

50 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Campaign Summary Report

51 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Eyeblaster Analytics Campaign Summary Report  Powerpoint and Excel Report generated  Graphs and Reports provided for data below: –Total Campaign Performance –Creative Samples –Engagement Summary –Unique Metrics –Performance by Frequency –Publisher Unique Overlap –Video Metrics –Creative Comparison –Ad Format Comparison –Conversion Summary –Eyeblaster Benchmarks

52 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Excel Plug-In Pull reports with ease from Excel

53 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Excel Plug-In Pull reports with ease from Excel  Eyeblaster provides a plug-in tool that installs onto your Microsoft Excel.  Through excel, you are able to connect to the Eyeblaster system and pull data for any of your campaigns.  Using pivot tables it is possible to create a customised report with all the data fields you require.  Saves time as you do not need to pull reports from the system and cut- and-paste only the data required.  Since it is in Excel, you can completely customise the look and feel of the report.  When your report day comes up: –Open your previous report -> Login to the Eyeblaster System -> Download the most current data for your campaign -> Update the report -> Send to client.  Reporting now takes minutes as opposed to hours.

54 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Campaign Monitor  Focus – on quality, not quantity  Time saver – “at a glance” overview of all campaigns  Proactive – quick and easy problem identification  Hands-on – real time campaign data

55 © 2009 Eyeblaster – All rights reserved Thank You

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