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My Path Awareness Part 1 Kuder Career Planning Systems Presented by: Veronica Allen, Career Coach Betsy Richards, Director of Career Resources Wade Britt,

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Presentation on theme: "My Path Awareness Part 1 Kuder Career Planning Systems Presented by: Veronica Allen, Career Coach Betsy Richards, Director of Career Resources Wade Britt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Path Awareness Part 1 Kuder Career Planning Systems Presented by: Veronica Allen, Career Coach Betsy Richards, Director of Career Resources Wade Britt, Executive Director, Academic Operations

2 MyPath is KU’s strategic effort to: Address student success in terms 1 – 3 Differentiation – defining the “Kaplan Advantage” Create “a ‘self-sustaining’ student that (a) knows what to expect and (b) knows how KU fits into their goals.” Co-ordinate our efforts across the University From minutes of Oct 10 kick-off workshop


4 MyPath Responsibilities to students Define “What’s in it for me” (WIIFM) for the student to ensure connection between the change the student wants to experience and the day to day course workload Reinforce “You can do it” (YCDI). Our students are challenged by prior educational experience, lack of support systems, social conditions and these considerations should play a factor in the delivery of our solution KU needs to store, make available and use the information collected about the student. Currently, much data is not used effectively if at all KU should integrate solutions across departments and the curriculum to reinforce supporting messages (WWIFM and YCDI) as well as to improve the quality and consistency of touch points with the student

5 What does MyPath deliver? 1.Common approach to student diagnostics, enabling improved service from support functions, faculty and curriculum (early warning) 2.Revisions of Academic Strategies courses, ensuring relevance to the students goals and career plans 3.Outreach and communication processes to motivate and engage the student. These processes will align the efforts of Academics, Admissions and Advising 4.A clear brand identity that helps to define the “Kaplan Advantage” as a differentiator in the marketplace 5.A common way of storing and accessing data about a student to enhance service – short term & long term

6 All this and MORE Using Kuder Self-Assessments in Academic Strategies Career Search with Person Match, Skills Assessment, and Super’s Work Value. For student’s these assessments are the beginning not the ending. Lifetime to return over and over as they feel the need Main objective is to get the student thinking about his/her career Direct link to working with the Career Resources team

7 How will Kuder benefit our students? The Kuder Career Planning System a computerized guidance program is designed to help first semester students learn more about how their interests, values, and abilities fit into the world of work and relate to specific occupations. Kuder is unique because not only does it provide the opportunity for self-assessment, but it also provides detailed information on occupations. Kuder can be completed from any computer with internet access. Kuder helps deliver the WIIFM to our students and gets them thinking about careers early in the process.

8 How Kuder Benefits Students Clarifies feelings and attitudes relating to a chosen course of study and or career Helps students to understand interests, abilities, and values Students can explore different careers as they move through life Can compare interests and passions of people who are successful in occupations to those interests of the individual taking the assessment, taking you beyond the obvious

9 How Kuder Benefits Students Can take assessments and access multiple resources to explore occupations Can assist with the selection of a relevant major Promotes lifelong planning with portfolio and links to state and local job resources and national career information Once students have a good idea of where they want to go, they can link to the Career Resources Center for more assistance and preparation

10 What does the student take? Kuder Career Planning System is a series of 3 different research-based skills assessments which are designed to assist the student in developing career goals through interest and skill. The assessments are; Kuder Career Search with Person Match (Interest Inventory) which aids in assisting students in discovering career interest and how to apply personal interest to career exploration. Kuder Skills Assessment assesses the students ability to perform specific work related task within a given a career cluster. Super’s Work Value assesses the students work related value and what is important to their career growth.

11 What students take 3 Assessments Career Search with Person Match aligns your top interests with career clusters Allows students to explore a wide variety of career possibilities Provides real-life details of jobs

12 What students take Skills Assessment Rate different tasks to their skill ability View their results as they align to career clusters Super’s Work Value Rate different workplace characteristics Learn what is most important as they explore different career opportunities

13 What’s in it for the student? Real world view of careers from real people with similar interest Person Match allows the student to explore a wide variety of career possibilities. The Person Match provides career stories from professionals to give a real world look at the careers they may be interested in. Understanding personal skills Skills Assessment allows the student to rate various task to their skills ability and to see how their skills align with a variety of career clusters. By understanding and physically viewing what the student is good at doing, they will be able to look for a career where they will flourish. The student will also be able to better identify what they need to study at Kaplan to increase your skill level.

14 What’s in it for the student? Planning for the future If the student is able to identify what they enjoy doing and what they are good at will greatly improve their chances of making more realistic obtainable plans for the future. Kuder Composite Report is a comparative analysis which will help the student sort through the career possibilities that match both their interest and skill and in turn will help the student more effectively manage their career exploration and the will better plan for the future. Identify workplace values When a student is able to learn what they value most in the workplace they will do better at finding the right career. The Work Values Assessment rate different workplace characteristics which will help the student learn what is most important to them as they explore different careers. The work values inventory provides examples of people in different occupations who have told Kuder about their jobs and what value their job satisfies.

15 Kuder FAQ Where and when can the student access the system? The students will be able to access the system at any time and from any place an Internet connection is available. The main Kuder home page is How long will the student have access to the system? System users have lifelong access to their career portfolios. What if the students have questions? If the student has questions pleas have them contact the Kaplan Help Desk. If issues persist please have them contact the Career Coaching Department within Career Resources at Are the people listed in Person Match real people? Yes, people in the Person Match database are actual people who enjoy their jobs and have taken the Kuder Career Search with Person Match. The Person Match sketches that appear on the Kuder Career Search report represent people whose interest inventory results are most similar to students.

16 Kuder Results and Career Coaching Will assist students understand options within their degree plan ONLY if the student is adamant that they want to change program as a result would they fill out a COP Will first try to recover and help them see the possibilities that a unique combination of skills/interests and degree can make possible Career Coaches will encourage students wanting a COP to investigate options with their Career Coach

17 What if faculty members have other questions? If you are a faculty member and have questions regarding Kuder Career Planning System please contact Veronica Allen or Betsy Richards in the Career Coaching Department within Career Resources.

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