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W E L C O M E ! Christian Life Program TALK #3 “What It Means to be a Christian” Sunday, April 24, 2016 1:30 p.m. St. Anne Catholic Church (today only)

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Presentation on theme: "W E L C O M E ! Christian Life Program TALK #3 “What It Means to be a Christian” Sunday, April 24, 2016 1:30 p.m. St. Anne Catholic Church (today only)"— Presentation transcript:

1 W E L C O M E ! Christian Life Program TALK #3 “What It Means to be a Christian” Sunday, April 24, 2016 1:30 p.m. St. Anne Catholic Church (today only) Fremont / San Leandro Chapter California 1

2 Song Line-Up TALK #3 April 24, 2016 1. Fight the Good Fight of Faith 2. Consider the Lilies 3. For You are My God 4. Open the Eyes of My Heart 2

3 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Refrain: Fight the good fight of faith people of God; unstained and without reproach before the eyes of men! Run the good race you sons of the Most High, and inherit the Crown of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ! 3

4 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Verse 1: We who are not rich in the world's goods have been richly provided for; and so have wealth in many good things an abundance rich and joy! The kingdom that we build on earth is not built by earthly means, but by the love and laws of Christ who is the King of Kings! 4

5 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Refrain: Fight the good fight of faith people of God; unstained and without reproach before the eyes of men! Run the good race you sons of the Most High, and inherit the Crown of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ! 5

6 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Verse 2: For though we live in corrupted flesh that craves its lawless ways, we yield to Christ and the power of His Word, and the Spirit of Him who saves. Through tribulation trial and death we advance in one accord: to know Him, praise Him, love Him, serve Him, is our great reward! 6

7 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Refrain: Fight the good fight of faith people of God; unstained and without reproach before the eyes of men! 7

8 Fight the Good Fight of Faith Run the good race you sons of the Most High, and inherit the Crown of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ! 8

9 Consider the Lilies Refrain: Consider the lilies of the field; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon was not arrayed like these. 9

10 Consider the Lilies Verse 1: What shall we eat, Lord? What shall we drink? What shall we put on today? Is not life more than food, the body more than clothes? 10

11 Consider the Lilies Refrain: Consider the lilies of the field; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon was not arrayed like these. 11

12 Consider the Lilies Verse 2: The birds of the air don't toil or reap yet our good Father feeds them. Are you not of more worth in the eyes of God? 12

13 Consider the Lilies Refrain: Consider the lilies of the field; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon was not arrayed like these. 13

14 Consider the Lilies Verse 3: If God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive and then burned, will the Lord not much more give clothes to His children? 14

15 Consider the Lilies Refrain: Consider the lilies of the field; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon was not arrayed like these. 15

16 Consider the Lilies Verse 4: Do not be anxious for tomorrow. Let each day's trouble suffice. Seek first His kingdom, and all things will be yours. 16

17 Consider the Lilies Refrain: Consider the lilies of the field; they neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you that even Solomon was not arrayed like these. 17

18 For You are My God Refrain: For you are my God. You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord. 18

19 For You are My God Verse 1: You give marvelous comrades to me: the faithful who dwell in your land; those who choose alien gods have chosen an alien band. 19

20 For You are My God Refrain: For you are my God. You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord. 20

21 For You are My God Verse 2: You are my portion and cup; it is you that I claim for my prize. Your heritage is my delight: the lot you have given to me. 21

22 For You are My God Refrain: For you are my God. You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord. 22

23 For You are My God Verse 3: Glad are my heart and my soul; securely my body shall rest. For you will not leave me for dead; nor lead your beloved astray. 23

24 For You are My God Refrain: For you are my God. You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord. 24

25 For You are My God Verse 4: You show me the path for my life; in your presence the fullness of joy. To be at your right hand forever for me would be happiness always. 25

26 For You are My God Refrain: For you are my God. You alone are my joy; defend me, O Lord. 26

27 Open the Eyes of My Heart Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you. 27

28 Open the Eyes of My Heart (second time) Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you. 28

29 Open the Eyes of My Heart To see You high and lifted up shining in the light of Your glory Pour down Your power and love as we sing Holy Holy Holy 29

30 Open the Eyes of My Heart Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you. 30

31 Open the Eyes of My Heart (second time) Open the eyes of my heart, Lord Open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you. 31

32 Open the Eyes of My Heart To see You high and lifted up shining in the light of Your glory Pour down Your power and love as we sing Holy Holy Holy 32

33 Open the Eyes of My Heart Holy Holy Holy I want to see you 33

34 Open the Eyes of My Heart (second time) Holy Holy Holy I want to see you 34

35 Open the Eyes of My Heart To see You high and lifted up shining in the light of Your glory Pour down Your power and love as we sing Holy Holy Holy 35

36 Open the Eyes of My Heart (second time) To see You high and lifted up shining in the light of Your glory Pour down Your power and love as we sing Holy Holy Holy 36

37 Open the Eyes of My Heart Holy Holy Holy I want to see you 37

38 Open the Eyes of My Heart (second time) Holy Holy Holy I want to see you 38

39 Open the Eyes of My Heart (third time) Holy Holy Holy I want to see you 39

40 J E S U S L O V E S Y O U ! See you all next week Sunday, May 1, 2016 1:30 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe (School site) 40

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