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* Why is Stalin at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiations at the Yalta Conference?

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2 * Why is Stalin at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiations at the Yalta Conference?

3 * Who is the person you’ll be representing in the debate? * What is one solution to one of the problems?

4 * “Nearly 60 million people died throughout six years of World War II. More than 30 countries were involved and/or affected. Many cities and countries in Europe were devastated and flattened. The question which resulted: What to do with Europe?” * Should the nations of Europe (most notably Eastern Europe) which were devastated by World War II be controlled by the victorious allies or should they be allowed to remain independent and rule how they want? * For the HDT, write the given sentence frame with your answer AS WELL as a counterargument. * A: The nations of Europe should be controlled by the allies because ________________________________________________________. * B: The nations of Europe should remain independent because________________________________________________

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6 * Before the end of the World War II, Stalin (Soviet Union), Churchill (Great Britain) and Roosevelt (USA) met at Yalta to plan what should happen when the war ended. * Each leader came with a specific position on how Europe should look following the war. * You will be re- creating this conference!

7 * Meeting at the conclusion of the war between the ‘big three’ again: USA, Soviet Union, and Great Britain. * Unlike Yalta, this conference featured President Harry Truman since FDR died soon following the Yalta Conference. * This conference focused around what to do with Post-War Europe, specifically  Germany

8 * Read Europe’s problems and possible solutions * As you read write 2, one sentence summary for each problem. One sentence summary for solutions A, B and C. * Complete 2-6 * Let’s read Germany’s issues and see an example

9 * Read Europe’s problems and possible solutions * As you read, summarize the problems and solutions * Let’s read Germany’s issues and see an example

10 * Germany- * Problems- The government in Germany is the allied troops and all want to make sure Germany does not disrupt Europe again * Solutions-Divide Permanently with $20b in reparations and 80% goes to USSR, temporarily divide and have Germany pay $10b in reparations and eventually reunite with democratic elections, or split with France taking part of US and GB zones

11 * 1-US * 2- Great Britain * 3- Soviet Union

12 * Assigned Country and Leader: ____________________________________ * Issues being discussed at Yalta: Write out your countries arguments, what they want, why they want it * 1. * 2. * 3. * 4. * 5. * 6. * Counter-arguments by the other nations: What might the other nations want? Why?______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What are possible solutions that would work for you? How are you willing to compromise Write this on the paper you wrote the summaries on

13 * Find a partner with the same country as you

14 * Go over each of the issues we will discuss today! * Identify the main issue you want to win. * Be sure to have solid arguments for discussion for each reason.

15 * 1 team from each US, Soviet Union, and Great Britain * 1 member of each partnership (leader) will sit and be a part of the discussion. * The second member (Advisor) will stand behind them and be ready to provide information. * If the discussing member (leader) needs help, the advisor can write information on a half sheet of paper to give to the speaker * We will switch every other issue. One issue you’ll be leader and the next you’ll be advisor. * 6-8 minutes per issue to decide on a resolution. * Rotate who starts for each issue( 1 st round-US, Soviet Union, Great Britain, 2 nd round Soviet Union, Great Britain, and US)

16 * Summarize each issue that all of the leaders agreed to follow

17 * What was the most difficult thing about the debate? * Why were there post WWII tensions between the Soviets, US and GB? * Why can’t we all just get along? How does this apply to conflicts today? * Ex- Iran US, North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine

18 * Concerns of the leaders- Churchill- Fought for a free Poland and Eastern Europe- Does not want Stalin to take it. England didn’t save Poland from Hitler to be taken by Stalin. * Stalin- Buffer zone, he did push Hitler out of eastern Europe * Roosevelt- Is not willing to go to war for Poland and Eastern Europe- Appeasement of Stalin, Sick and does not look well at the meeting. Dies 4 months later. * Many of the issues are postponed and not solved till Potsdam Go over before the HDT

19 * Germany- 4 occupied territories, All will be made independent except for Eastern Germany. Stalin breaks his promise * Poland- free elections, but Stalin takes that back * Stalin agrees to free elections, but breaks his promises * War against Japan- Enters the war for Manchuria * UN- postponed to Potsdam * US aide- creation of the Marshal plan to rebuild Western Europe * Stalin will create the Molotov Plan to rebuild Eastern Europe

20 * Poor Neville Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He was wrong. But I don’t think I’m wrong about Stalin. * Winston Churchill, speaking just after the Yalta Conference * Is Chamberlain’s and Hitler’s relationship similar to Churchill’s and Stalin's Relationship? Explain.

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