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CSW M1 Presentation Nuno Silva Critical Software S.A. Coimbra, 10th March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CSW M1 Presentation Nuno Silva Critical Software S.A. Coimbra, 10th March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSW M1 Presentation Nuno Silva Critical Software S.A. Coimbra, 10th March 2010

2 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [1] ::.. Agenda Recruitment status WP2 status Deliverables ToK Proposed Technology Development

3 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [2] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. Recruitment Status 1.Advertisement: 2 research vacancies have been published on the organization web site, disseminated in several universities and in Cordis website on the Marie Curie Portal as well as the CRITICAL STEP website 2.Recruitment process: a) on-line application form b) CV evaluation with phone interview c) final interview at the company; 3.Employment contract: after signing the contract between the coordinator and the European commission, the contract with the recruited experienced researcher will be signed.

4 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [3] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. Recruitment Status Current status: - 2 candidate CV’s received (1 Phd and 1 Msc)

5 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [4] ::.. WP2 status WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN Input parameters for evaluation Techniques and Mechanisms Results Techniques WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP5 Prototype tools design Leaded by SESM WP3 Quantitative evaluation of robust. and depend. Leaded by FCTUC WP4 Techniques for on-line fault diagnosis and dynamic reconfiguration Leaded by CINI/ UoN CSW is responsible for WP2 and contributes to all other WPs

6 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [5] ::.. WP2 status WP1 Project Management Leaded by CINI/UoN WP2 Qualitative eval. of OTS items Leaded by CSW WP2 focus on definition of metrics for the qualitative evaluation of OTS items to be inte- grated in Large- scale Complex Criti- cal Infrastructures (LCCI) software. Input projects have been selected, docu- ment is being drafted: SpaceAQua, NASA-VAL- COTS, EVOLVE, CESAR.

7 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [6] ::.. Deliverables (1/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 1 P ROJECT M ANAGE - MENT CINI/UoN Prof. Stefano Russo T1.1 Scientific Management and Coordination Task Leader: ? Reports (as in EC contract) FCTUC CSW SESM T1.2 Continuous TOK and Dissemination Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D1.1: Continuous TOKJan 2010 D1.2: Dissemination PlanMay 2010 D1.3: CRITICAL STEP web siteMar 2010 D1.4: Five TOK workshops realized (report)May 2012 D1.5: Final TOK workshop (report)Mar 2013 T1.3 Recruitment and competence analysis Task Leader: ? D1.6: Researchers Recruited Apr 2010 D1.7: TOK and staff exchange plans finalizedMay 2010 T1.4 Roadmap for future collaboration and R&D Task Leader: ? D1.8: Preliminary roadmap for collaboration and R&D and durable knowledge network (Preliminary collaboration plan) Nov 2011 D1.9: Final roadmap for future collaboration and R&D and durable knowledge network (definitive collaboration plan) Mar 2013 T1.5 Financial and Admini- strative Management Task Leader: ? Cost declarations and reports (as in EC contract)

8 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [7] ::.. Deliverables (2/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 2 Q UALITATIVE EVALUATION OF OTS ITEMS CSW Nuno Silva T2.1 Criteria for qualitative evaluation Task Leader: Ricardo Barbosa D2.1: Requirements for OTS items evaluation (report) Jun 2010 CINI/UoN FCTUC D2.2: Progress report and theoretical frame- work on OTS items classification and selection Aug 2010 T2.2 OTS items classification and selection Task Leader: Ricardo Barbosa D2.3: Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase (for dissemination purposes) Dec 2010 WP 3 Q UANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF R OBUSTNESS AND D EPEND - ABILITY FCTUC Prof. Henrique Madeira T3.1 Quantitative evaluation at component level Task Leader: ? D3.1: Quantitative methods for assessment of OTS software components Oct 2011 CINI/UoN CSW T3.2 Quantitative evaluation at system level Task Leader: ? D3.2: Quantitative methods and procedures for assessment of OTS-based software systems Feb 2012 T3.3 Quantitative evaluation at system interconnection level Task Leader: ?

9 C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [8] ::.. Deliverables (3/3) WP L EADER TASKD ELIVERABLES M ONTH P ARTNER WP 4 T ECHNIQUES FOR ON - LINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND DYNAMIC RECONFIGUR ATION CINI/UoN Prof. Domenico Cotroneo T4.1 Detection and location mechanisms for diagnosing software faults Task Leader: Dr. Christian Esposito D4.1: State-of-the-art on fault diagnosis mechanism (report) Nov 2011 FCTUC CSW T4.2 Fault treatment and dynamic reconfiguration techniques Task Leader: Dr. Catello di Martino D2.3: Guidelines to support software engineers during the OTS selection phase (for dissemination purposes) Mar 2012 WP 5 P ROTOTYPE TOOLS DESIGN SESM Dr. Gabriella Carrozza T5.1 Development of tools for evaluation of Dependability and Robustness Task Leader: ? D5.1: Requirements report for tool development Dec 2011 CINI/UoN CSW FCTUC D5.2: Prototype tools for dependability evaluation Jan 2012 D5.3: Cross validation report between the 2 development teams Feb 2012 T5.2 Definition of experimental scenarios Task Leader: ? D5.4: Experimental scenariosSep 2012 T5.3 Integration and testing Task Leader: ? D5.5: Testing and integration experimentsNov 2012

10 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [9] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. ToK

11 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [10] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. ToK 2010: Nuno Silva @ FCTUC - July (2 weeks) - end August- begining September - December (2 weeks) Ricardo Barbosa @ CINI/UoN - June (proposed: 7/6 to 2/7) - September and October

12 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [11] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. Proposed Technology Development A.Research topics (Guidelines, Procedures, methodologies, templates, tools, automatic generation of documentation, support to activities, etc) A.1. Do-178B/Do-178C A.2. Galileo SW Standard / ECSS A.3. Unit Testing A.4. Integration Testing A.5. System Testing A.6. ISVV A.7. RAMS A.8. csXception

13 CSW M1 P RESENTATION [12] C OIMBRA, 10 TH M ARCH 2010 ::.. Proposed Technology Development B. Projects to involve in research program B.1. HUMIV (HUMS for intelligent vehicles - TBC) -Rodrigo Maia B.2. Sentinel2 Central SW (V&V and RAMS parts) - João Esteves B.3. RAMS projects (as needed) B.4. ISVV Projects (S1ISVV, LISAPF, SWARM) B.5. CsXception for Redback NOTE: CSW projects being quite dynamic will require frequent evaluation of the CSTEP involvment

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