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“SURVIVORS” Mr. Overacker’s READ 180 Class Bellwork Questions.

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1 “SURVIVORS” Mr. Overacker’s READ 180 Class Bellwork Questions

2 Journal Question 8/22/11 What would you say makes a person a survivor? How would they have to act? What personality traits would they have? A survivor is someone who… Week 2 - Survivors

3 Vocabulary Practice 8/22/11 ASPIRE – to want to do or become something Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: This year in school, I aspire to… Week 2 - Survivors

4 Journal Question 8/23/11 Tell me about a time that YOU survived a tough situation. Describe the situation: the people, the places, how things happened. Tell me how you dealt with the problem. A difficult situation that I survived once was… Week 2 - Survivors

5 Journal Question 8/22/11 Juanes’s music gives people hope. Why do you think music can mean so much to people? What songs give you hope or inspiration? Why? Music means so much to people because…. An example of a song that inspires me is _______ because… Week 2 - Survivors

6 Journal Question 8/24/11 Bethany Hamilton didn’t start screaming after she was attacked by a shark. Pretend that you are the shark: what would you think? If you were the shark, what would be going through your mind? are the shark: what would you think? If you were the shark, what would be going through your mind? If I were the shark, I would think… Week 2 - Survivors

7 Journal Questions – 8/25/11 What did you learn the most yesterday when it came to helping others in a small group? How do you feel about working together to understand main idea? I think I learned that I… Week 2 - Survivors

8 Journal Questions – 8/26/11 Do you think Father Boyle’s philosophy works? Can getting jobs stop crime? How? Do you think Father Boyle’s philosophy works? Can getting jobs stop crime? How? I (do/don’t) think Father Boyle’s philosophy works because… Week 2 - Survivors

9 To finish a book for credit: 1) Read the whole book and do reading log entries every day 2) Complete Novel Packet (forms in filing system at the back of the classroom) Answer 4 QuickWrite Questions Copy and fill in Graphic Organizer Chapter Reading Log 3) Conference with Mr. O., then Reading Counts! Quiz on computer 10 questions You can retake once – have to wait 1 day

10 Vocab Practice – 08/23/11 DRASTIC – extreme and sudden Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: The most drastic punishment my parents ever gave me was… The most drastic punishment my parents ever gave me was… Week 2 - Survivors

11 Vocab Practice – 8/24/11 URGENT – needing to be dealt with immediately Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: An example of an urgent medical condition might be _____________ because… An example of an urgent medical condition might be _____________ because… Week 2 - Survivors

12 Vocab Practice – 8/25/11 INTENT – to be determined to do something Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: A serious athlete is intent on… A serious athlete is intent on… Week 2 - Survivors

13 Vocab Practice – 8/26/11 ANGUISH – extreme sadness or misery Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: A parent might feel anguish when… A parent might feel anguish when… Week 2 - Survivors

14 Main Idea Practice 8/26/11 Please read the passage. Chose the best main idea. Each fall certain changes occur that hint at winter’s approach. The weather becomes cooler, the days are shorter, and the leaves of trees turn beautiful colors. One of the most beautiful sights in fall is that of migrating birds flying south to warmer climates. A. Fall weather is cool and trees turn colors in the fall. B. Fall is a beautiful time of year because of colorful trees. C. Migrating birds are a beautiful sight that we see each fall. D. Changes occur each fall that let us know winter is coming. ____ is correct because… Week 3 - Survivors

15 Vocab Practice – 09/29/11 SIGNIFICANT – important and meaningful Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: Graduating from high school is a significant event in life because… Graduating from high school is a significant event in life because… Week 3 - Survivors

16 Vocab Practice – 8/30/11 CIRCUMSTANCES – facts and events that effect a situation Please complete the following vocabulary sentence: The circumstances that caused people to evacuate New Orleans last week were… The circumstances that caused people to evacuate New Orleans last week were… Week 3 - Survivors

17 Test Taking Strategies Try your best Take your time Skip questions that are really difficult; come back to them at the end Check your answers before you turn in your test Write in complete sentences

18 Test Day Expectations NO talking NO eyes wandering NO paper shuffling or noise making NO CHEATING of any kind

19 When you finish the quiz 1) Read “The Town of Many Earthquakes” Fill out the Main Idea & Details Graphic Organizer on the back – complete sentences 2) Check that you finished all your rBook questions p. 10-21 3) Do Extra Credit Reading Challenge in your Mastery packet on p.19 4) Complete Functional Literacy assignment in your rBook p. 28-29

20 Main Idea Practice 8/31/11 Please read the passage. Chose the best main idea. Salmon are unique to other fish because they live in the saltwater of the ocean as well as in freshwater inland. Most salmon are hatched in freshwater streams, but then they swim to the ocean where they live part of their lives. They return to the stream, where they began their lives, to spawn or to lay and fertilize their eggs. A. Salmon are like all fish. B. Salmon are a unique fish. C. Salmon are born in freshwater. D. Salmon live in salt water. Week 3 - Survivors ____ is correct because…

21 Skill Recap Questions – 9/02/11 What does an Expository Paragraph do? What are its 5 parts? What does an Expository Paragraph do? What are its 5 parts? An Expository Paragraph ______. Its 5 parts are… Week 3- Survivors

22 Journal Questions – 9/02/11 Tell me about your plans for this weekend OR about what you did last weekend. In your narrative, use at least 4 of our 10 target vocab words from Workshop 1. Look up at the Word Wall if you need ideas. Tell me about your plans for this weekend OR about what you did last weekend. In your narrative, use at least 4 of our 10 target vocab words from Workshop 1. Look up at the Word Wall if you need ideas. This weekend, I plan on… Week 3 - Survivors

23 Journal Questions – 9/05/11 What did you like best in Workshop 1 Survivors? What was most interesting to you? What did you like best in Workshop 1 Survivors? What was most interesting to you? I liked learning about ________ best because… Week 4 - Survivors

24 End of Unit - Due TODAY: 1) Inside Class Journal & Reading Log 2) Outside Reading Log 3) WS 1 Mastery Packet 4) Final Draft of Expository Essay 5) Wrap-Up Test 6) “Town of Many Earthquakes” Main Idea & Details Graphic Organizer 7) rBook pages 10-29 stack neatly on the counter stack neatly on the counter

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