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Presentation on theme: "EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY PROCUREMENT CARD TRAINING Office of Card Services 859-622-2179."— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE  The University Procurement Card Program has been established as a service to eligible persons within the University community to provide a more efficient method of purchasing and payment of small-dollar goods and services, as well as travel and travel- related expenditures.  The procurement card is a purchasing & payment tool, not a separate program. It is designed to be used in conjunction with existing policies, requirements, procedures and any other applicable University policies and procedures.

3 RECORD KEEPING  Electronic allocation is REQUIRED  In addition to deadline reminder emails, the allocation deadline schedule can be found on the Card Services webpage  Approver Review  Approvers should be reviewing and signing your hardcopy statement monthly. Even if there are NO transactions  Cardholders should retain original documents in their department  Record Retention  Sponsored Programs – at least 3 years, governed by agreement  Other University Funds – 3 years  Document Submission  Tier Three cardholders MUST submit copies of all invoices, receipts and statements to our office each month (Powell 114)  Grant Funded/Sponsored Program cardholders MUST submit copies of all invoices, receipts and statements to SP Accounting each month – (CPO 38A)

4 CARD SETTINGS  Purchase Limits  Tier One/Two: $5,000 single/$5,000 monthly  Tier Three: $5,000 single/$10,000 monthly  Accounting Codes  Chart: E  ORGN: Determined by cardholder agreement and Financial Manager approvals  ACCT: Cardholders have access to all Account codes in the Visa system. Please keep in mind that not all Banner codes are in Visa.

5 RESTRICTIONS  Splitting purchases to negate the single transaction limit  Personal purchases of any type  Delegation of Procard to other University employees  Flowers  Coffee/Break room supplies  Food-Including business/travel meals  Gifts/Gift cards  A full list of restrictions can be found in the Requirements and Procedures Manual on the Card Services webpage

6 TRAVEL  Allowable:  Hotels  Airlines  Rental Cars  Rental Car Gas  Airport Parking  Not Allowable  Room service  Business/travel Meals  Upgrades for Hotel or Airfare

7 REVIEW ACTIONS (1 OF 3)  Sales Tax  Cardholder will be given 30 days to obtain credit from vendor  If KY sales tax is paid and a refund is not obtained, cardholder will be responsible for reimbursement to the University  If Out-of-State sales tax is paid, seek refund but if unavailable the cardholder is not required to reimburse  Missing Receipts  Receipts are required for ALL University ProCard purchases. It is no longer acceptable for cardholders to provide a signed memo in place of a missing receipt. The cardholder will have 30 days to obtain a copy of the receipt.  First Offense: Letter of Warning  Second Offense (within twelve [12] months): Letter of Warning and recertification exam  Third Offense (within twelve [12] months): Letter of Warning, 30 days suspension of card, and recertification exam and the cardholder is required to reimburse the University for the purchase

8 REVIEW ACTIONS (2 OF 3)  Any occurrence of the following offenses  Split transactions to negate single transaction limit  Supervisor signature missing on hardcopy statement  Unauthorized business/travel meals or food purchased  Any unrestricted purchase  Missing documentation of record keeping  First offense: Letter of Warning  Second offense (within 12 months): Letter of warning and recertification exam in Blackboard  Third offense (within 12 months): Letter of warning, 30 day suspension, and recertification exam in Blackboard

9 REVIEW ACTIONS (3 OF 3)  Any occurrence of the following offenses  Delegation of card  Items shipped to non-EKU address without prior approval through Card Services  Alcoholic beverages purchase  First offense: Issues letter of reprimand to cardholder and supervisor detailing the nature of the offense, 30 day suspension, recertification exam  Second offense: Revoke card  Intentional Cardholder Fraud  Immediate suspension of card privileges and notification sent to Internal Audits for further review (Reinstate pending IA findings)

10 EMPLOYEE MOVES & TERMINATIONS  Moving Departments on Campus  Contact new department and ask if there is a need for Procard in your new position  Submit Procard Maintenance form to either cancel card or update Org access and approver  Termination or Leaving University  Contact Card Services prior to last working day  Submit Procard Maintenance form to have card closed  Surrender plastic to Supervisor for shredding  Cardholder and Supervisor will be notified when the card is closed by the Card Services Office

11 PERIODIC REVIEW  Monitor Compliance  Receipts  Allocations  Supervisor Reviewed  Allowable Purchases  Report Provided to Summarize Findings  30 days to Respond

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