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The 5 Major World Religions World History Mr. Stagnaro.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Major World Religions World History Mr. Stagnaro."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Major World Religions World History Mr. Stagnaro

2 OBJECTIVE  To learn about the five major world religions and how they have effected and been affected by history.

3 What to Know  Map  Judaism  Christianity  Islam  Hinduism  Buddhism CONTENT

4 Where are the Religions?

5 Judaism  Early History ~1950 BC, Abraham’s Covenant Travel to Canaan then to Egypt Slavery in Egypt Moses & the Exodus Moses on Mt. Sinai Abraham & Isaac

6 Judaism’s Writings The 10 Commandments The Torah  Pentateuch Old Testament Abraham’s History  Mishnah Writings of the Prophets  Talmud Other Writings of the Jewish Tradition

7 Settlement and Diaspora of the Jewish People  Settlement in Palestine 1250 BC – 1050 BC Worship of YHWH  Ethical Monotheism: God’s Laws are our Laws Jerusalem: The Holy City 586 BC: Solomon’s Temple Destroyed  Diaspora Deported to Babylon 2 nd Temple destroyed in 70 AD Rabbi’s (Teachers) carry the faith throughout the world

8 Beliefs and Customs  All of life is and act of worship  Religious Customs Prayer 3 x a day Worship on the Sabbath day Saturday  Whole Torah (Pentateuch) is read each year Diet  Food must be Kosher Holy Days & Festivals  Passover (spring)  Shabouth (fall)  Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement  Hannukkah (Winter)  Purim (March)

9 Basic Christianity  History 2000 yrs ago Christ’s Death The Apostles Council of Nicaea, 325  Texts The Old Testament The New Testament

10 Christianity Beliefs and Customs  Beliefs The Holy Trinity Immaculate Conception The Afterlife  Customs & Holidays Weekly Worship Holy Week  Palm Sunday  Maundy Thursday  Good Friday  Easter Christmas

11 Three Branches of Christianity 1. Roman Catholic a. In Europe: Southwest and East. b. In the Western Hemisphere: Latin America, southwest and Northeast US and Quebec. 2.Protestant a. In Europe: dominate in the Northwest b. In the Western Hemisphere: 40% of the Christians in North America 3.Eastern Orthodox a. In Europe Eastern: in the East and Southeast. It is also located in the Middle East b. A collection of 14 self Governing Churches.

12 Basic Islam  Founded in the 7 th century  Mohammed founded  Islam – “submission”  New Revelation of God People of the Book  Judaism  Christianity  Wanted to stop polytheism in Arabia  Text: Quran or Koran

13 Islam: The 5 Pillars (Beliefs)  Faith (Shahadah) There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger  Prayer (Salat) 5 x daily  Charity (Zakat) All Things belong to God so we should donate to the Needy  Fast (Sawm) During Ramadan, from sun up to sundown.  Pilgrimage (Hajj) Once in a lifetime trip to Mecca and the Ka’ba

14 The Two Main Branches of Islam  Sunni- comprise the majority of Muslims and is the largest branch in most Muslim countries in the Middle East and Asia  Shiite- comprise about 16% of Muslims and mostly found Iran, Pakistan, and Iraq

15 Religion – Sunnis and Shiites Sunni 1. Direct access to God 2. No saints, hierarchy 3. Imams concerned about political and social affairs 4. Important date: Id-al- fitr 5. Sunnis taught in secular schools Shiites 1. Need an intermediary 2. Successor interprets mysteries of Quran. 3. Imams are free from error and sin 4. Believe in resurrection and divine justice 5. Believe in an Imam messiah

16 Basic Hinduism  4000 – 2500 BCE Aryan Peoples Oral Tradition  Vedas  Upanishads  Aryan Caste System Brahmins: Priests Ksatriyas: Warriors & Rulers Vaisyas: Merchants, Farmers, Artisans Sudras: Manual Laborers Untouchables: Dirty Work Siva Vishnu

17 Hindu Beliefs  Hindus believe it is up to the individual to decide the best way to worship God.  Hindu Beliefs: Hamster Wheel Brahman (The ultimate reality) Atman (Self/vital force) Reincarnation Karma (Actions) Moksha (Enlightenment)

18 Hindu Purpose of Life  Dharma - fulfilling one's purpose  Artha – prosperity  Kama - desire, sexuality, enjoyment  Moksha - enlightenment

19 Basics Buddhism  Siddartha Gautama, 560- 490 BCE The Buddha: The Enlightened One  Buddhist Beliefs No Eternal Creator Goal: Nirvana not Brahma

20 Buddhist Beliefs Cont.  Four Noble Truths Life is Suffering Suffering is caused by desire & resistance to change We can end suffering by ending desire We can end desire and suffering by following the eightfold path  Eight Fold Path Right Understanding Right Thought Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

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