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Back-to-School Night Mrs. De La Torre

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Presentation on theme: "Back-to-School Night Mrs. De La Torre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back-to-School Night Mrs. De La Torre

2 WELCOME English 9CP goals…. English 9CP goals…. –Improve student knowledge of formal writing and grammar –Improve student knowledge of textual themes, genres and figurative language –Engage students in critical thinking

3 Classroom Expectations Students in my class are expected to be on time, be on time, turn off and put away all electronic apparatuses (out of sight), turn off and put away all electronic apparatuses (out of sight), put away all food and beverages (water is acceptable), put away all food and beverages (water is acceptable), bring all needed materials daily, bring all needed materials daily, enter quietly, enter quietly, keep books, desks, walls, furniture ect... Free from marking and writing, keep books, desks, walls, furniture ect... Free from marking and writing, respect the right of others to speak in turn, respect the right of others to speak in turn, dispose of trash in the waste basket at an appropriate time, dispose of trash in the waste basket at an appropriate time, remain in the assigned seat (unless otherwise instructed), and remain in the assigned seat (unless otherwise instructed), and be prepared to work when the bell sounds and until you are dismissed. be prepared to work when the bell sounds and until you are dismissed.

4 Consequences #1 offense = verbal warning #2 offense = detention/ loss of points (10) #3, 4, 5 etc. offense = detention/concern check sent home/ possible parent meeting/loss of points (10 points per offense).

5 Grade Breakdown Homework/Class work=15% Homework/Class work=15% Participation Participation  (Speaking and Listening)=10% Writing=25% Writing=25% Test/Quizzes=25% Test/Quizzes=25% Reading=25% Reading=25%

6 Grades Aeries portal Aeries portal Grades are updated on a weekly basis Grades are updated on a weekly basis Parents or students can pick up login information with valid ID (attendance office) Parents or students can pick up login information with valid ID (attendance office)

7 Semester 1 August 24- January 21 SSR/Reading- 750 Pages (Minimum = 3 grade level appropriate books) SSR/Reading- 750 Pages (Minimum = 3 grade level appropriate books) –Book # 1 -(Fiction) – Journals 1-4 due Oct. 2 –Book # 2 – (The Lottery Rose) –Journals 1-4 –Book # 3 – (Non Fiction) –Journals 1-4 Writing/ Essay Skills- Writing/ Essay Skills- –writing process, Schaeffer method, organization, prewriting, outline, introduction, body, conclusion, thesis, topic sentence, assertions, and support. –integration of quotations and MLA format. Vocabulary Vocabulary –- Lists 1-7

8 Semester 1 August 24- January 21 Rigorous Curriculum Design (Unit 1-3) Rigorous Curriculum Design (Unit 1-3) –Unit 1- Theme Transcending Literature Students will read several short stories and explore theme, refining their ideas into full theme statements with analysis of how theme emerges and is shaped and refined throughout a text. Students will then explore where and how they observe theme in the real world, by tracking the development of the stories’ themes throughout culture (art, music, film, etc.). They will create a visual to display the development of these themes across genres. –Unit 2- –Unit 2-Character and Claim Students will read Lord of the Flies and analyze the development of character through close reading and discussion. Students will also be introduced to argument (claims, evidence, and organization), write their own claims, and eventually create arguments for a debate on LOTF characters. –Unit 3- –Unit 3-Researching School-Related Stereotypes Students will conduct research, analyze how authors organize information, explore MLA formatting, and make presentations informing their peers about various school-related stereotypes.

9 Semester 2 January 25- June 8 SSR/Reading- 750 Pages (Minimum = 3 grade level appropriate books). SSR/Reading- 750 Pages (Minimum = 3 grade level appropriate books). –Book # 1 (Fiction) – Journals 1-4 –Book # 2 – (Fiction- Teacher Choice) Journals 1-4 –Book # 3 – (Nonfiction)- Journals 1-4 Writing/ Essay Skills- Writing/ Essay Skills- –refinement of essay skills Vocabulary Vocabulary – Lists 8-14

10 Semester 2 January 25- June 8 Rigorous Curriculum Design (Unit 4-6) Rigorous Curriculum Design (Unit 4-6) –Unit 4- –Unit 4-Alluding to the Archetypical Heroes Journey Students will read literature dating back to Greek mythology and current nonfiction to discover themes surrounding heroes that transcend time, medium, and culture. They will incorporate their findings into an argumentative essay and an artistic representation. –Unit 5- –Unit 5-Delving into Character Students will take notes and answer in-depth guiding questions to understand character development. They will use textual evidence to explain how a character develops throughout a text in an informative character analysis essay and demonstrate understanding of complex character development through a multiple intelligence project. –Unit 6- –Unit 6-Arguments in Action – –Students will engage in close reading and a philosophical debate in order to analyze persuasive and rhetorical techniques (ethos, pathos, and logos). Students will write an argumentative essay using the readings to make a claim about parental monitoring. The unit will end with students working in groups to create an argumentative campaign that either supports or opposes parental monitoring to present in a school site forum environment.

11 Contact Information Phone #: Phone #: (909) 627-3584 x2518 E-Mail: E-Mail: School Wires School Wires

12 Questions…

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