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Weekly News OCtober 19-23, 2015 October 23: Super Tech Safety Day! Wear a Super Hero Shirt Day! October 26: Picture Re-takes October 30: Special Fall Snack.

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Presentation on theme: "Weekly News OCtober 19-23, 2015 October 23: Super Tech Safety Day! Wear a Super Hero Shirt Day! October 26: Picture Re-takes October 30: Special Fall Snack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weekly News OCtober 19-23, 2015 October 23: Super Tech Safety Day! Wear a Super Hero Shirt Day! October 26: Picture Re-takes October 30: Special Fall Snack and Treats November 10: MES Veterans’ Day Celebration 6:00-7:00 November 11: Veteran’s Day No School Ms. Wilson Specials: Monday: Comp. Lab Tuesday:Art Wednesday:Music Thursday: PE Friday: PE Dates for Your Calendar: Digital Citizenship Week October 19-23, 2015 Dress Like a Hero Day Thanksgiving Food Drive We have partnered with the Ways Station Organization to collect food to help make Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes for area families. Please help us by collecting: canned vegetables, fruit, cranberry sauce, and pie fillings, non-perishable corn muffin and biscuit mixes, stuffing mixes, macaroni and cheese, and cake, brownie, and pie crust mixes Digital Citizenship Poster Contest: Poster should promote the theme: Be a Super Digital Citizen *All posters should be completed and turned in by Thursday, October 22, 2015 *Class winners will be announced on Thursday *Grade level winners will be announced on Friday, October 23rd *Grade level winners will receive a small prize *Poster can focus on any of the following: -Going Places Safely Online -Digital Footprints -Keeping your information Private -Cyberbullying: The Power of your Words -Using Good Netiquette -Citing Sources Posters need to be completed at home and turned in to your teacher by the deadline for extra credit and to be entered in the contest. Send in all donations by Friday, November 6th. Friday, October 23 rd Wear your favorite superhero t-shirt and be a Super Digital Citizen!

2 Math: Numbers & Operations Learning Topics ELA: Adjectives thermal energy - the energy that moves particles/molecules in an object. solar energy – energy from the sun friction – heat from one object rubbing against another thermometer –a tool used to measure how hot or cold something is. A thermometer measures temperature. temperature -the measure of how hot or cold something is. conduction –the movement of heat between objects that are touching each other. insulator - an object that does not conduct heat well. Insulators are used to keep heat from moving from one object to another authority: the right and power to lead debate team: a team that competes by making arguments for or against an idea depression: a time when many people lose jobs and companies go out of business diligence: hard work over a long time justice: equal treatment under the law missionary: a person who helps people while teaching them about a religion respect for and acceptance of authority: believing leaders have the right to lead segregation: a system of keeping people of different races separate volunteer: a person who helps people or groups without pay Mary McLeod Bethune MES 3 rd Grade Postcard Challenge Don’t forget… to get your friends and family to send us postcards to help us practice our Geography and Map Skills! Please mail the postcards to McAllister Elementary School Attention: Ms. Wilson’s Class 224 Veteran’s Memorial Parkway Richmond Hill, GA 31324 Writer’s Workshop: Personal Narratives radiation - When thermal/heat energy moves without touching anything a form of energy that moves between objects with different temperatures. heat- the amount of thermal energy in an item. Heat is the flow/movement of energy from hotter to cooler objects. Heat Energy Unit Vocabulary: Make sure your child’s name is included on the postcard! “All my life I have lived for youth, I have begged for them and fought for them and lived for them… My story is their story.” -Mary McLeod Bethune

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