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2001-05-09 23:06 Interim Report January - March 2001 Stockholm, 10 May 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "2001-05-09 23:06 Interim Report January - March 2001 Stockholm, 10 May 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 2001-05-09 23:06 Interim Report January - March 2001 Stockholm, 10 May 2001

2 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 2 President and CEO Marianne Nivert

3 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 3 Highlights Net sales increased by 5.7% to MSEK 13,592 Underlying EBITDA increased by 2.7% to MSEK 3,348 Strong margin improvement in the Swedish mobile operations Svenska UMTS-nät AB established together with Tele 2 Broadband portal launched Increased rate of broadband delivery Sale of Tess completed, 8 companies divested to Industri Kapital, DRS divested, offer on Eniro, Si.Mobil sold

4 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 4 Trends Higher prices for subscriptions and broadband Continued strong demand for broadband Shakeout in the carrier sector Reduced pressure on prices in fixed services Weaker growth in Swedish mobile, sharper focus on new services and streamlining Continued refining efforts within Telia

5 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 5 Q1-Q2 2000 Q3 2000 Scandinavia Online (listed) Altitun Q4 2000 Q1 2001 13 June IN good company AB Starman Kaabel- televisiooni AS Svefo AB Telia Contracting Telia Kompetens Telia Konferens Smålands- börsen Data AB Telia Academy AB System & Service A/S Eniro (listed) Sale of 51% in: Swedia Networks AB Telia Prosoft AB Respons AB Validation AB Telia Swedtel AB Telia Dokumentation AB Multicom Security AB TA Teleadress Information AB Combinator IT AB Eircom (Eircell) Telia Trading AB Si.Mobil DRS April 2001 Tess Eniro (offer) Continued refining

6 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 6 Growth International Carrier +9.6% Mobile +46% Group +5.7% Broadband +62% (cf. Q4 2000) Internet Services +24.6%

7 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 7 Mobile Sweden +7% GPRS Pilot test - Telia Mobile Online UMTS agreement complete New positioning services launched Norway +27% GPRS launched - NetCom MobiMail Denmark +85% License GSM 900 network Sales trend in the Nordic countries, total 46% Healthy improvement in profitability, underlying EBITDA +34% Pan-Nordic service launched in May 2001 Finland +191%

8 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 8 Mobile Total proportional customer base 4.9 million Total proportional customer base 4.9 million Norway 854,000 +4,000 Sweden 3,259,000 +2,000 GSM customer growth +33,000 Denmark 331,000 +34,000 Finland 154,000 +5,000 1) Russia North West GSM (12.7% + 11.3%) through Telecominvest 292,000 +39,000 ** Estonia Eesti Mobiilitelefon (24.5%) 341,000 +14,000 ** Latvia Latvijas Mobilais (24.5%) 285,000 +15,000 ** Lithuania Omnitel (27.5%) 336,000 +27,000 ** 1) Jan-Mar, excl. 91,000 SP customers 2) Jan-Mar, excl. 60,000 SP customers ** Total number of customers 2) Customer base, Nordic countries 4,598,000 +45,000 Customer base, Nordic countries 4,598,000 +45,000 Customer base, Baltic region/Russia 1,254,000 +95,000 Customer base, Baltic region/Russia 1,254,000 +95,000

9 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 9 Mobile Sweden, 3,259,000 Norway, 854,000 Denmark, 331,000 Finland, 154,000 0 0 0

10 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 10 Mobile Sweden Churn 10% ARPU & MoU Prepaid Total Postpaid Prepaid Total Postpaid Without the reduction of interconnect fees from SEK 1.89 to 1.18, ARPU Q1 2001 would have been SEK 298

11 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 11 Mobile ARPU & MoU Prepaid Total Postpaid Prepaid Total Postpaid Norway Churn 31%

12 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 12 Mobile SMS trends Share of sales, Q1 2001 Sweden 4%, Norway 14% Share of sales, Q1 2001 Sweden 4%, Norway 14% JanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDec

13 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 13 Real estate listings with prices in a specific local area for SALE G P R S Sweden: Telia Mobile Online Norway: NetCom MobiMail G P R S Sweden: Telia Mobile Online Norway: NetCom MobiMail House Close to You House Prices Close to You Right Way Near You Navigation service with maps Closest Resource Effective planning for business critical resources Bootfighters Position-based interactive games a virtual paintball P Micro-payment Mobile

14 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 14 Market trends Clear signs of impending shakeout with subsequent consolidation The turbulence gives Telia opportunities to take customers Lower demand on fiber and ducts Increased demand on leased capacity and wavelength – stiffer competition and more pressure on prices Pressure on prices for voice services – reserves for credit losses Competitors leaving the voice business for IP-based services International Carrier

15 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 15 Important events Powerful growth in the IP business +210% Growth in the IP capacity business +40% Services for virtual private networks, IP-VPN, and for colocation of IP servers (local services) launched Agreement with Ericsson signed for delivery of a global internal network for multimedia communications IP-agreements signed with Rostelecom and Baltelecom Capacity agreement signed with Sprint International Carrier

16 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 16 Viking Network – Telia’s global IP platform Infrastructure network expansion 31/12 2000 Total fiber network km (in use) 15,675 Ducts km (Europe)5,290 PoPs (total)52 Infrastructure network expansion 31/12 2000 Total fiber network km (in use) 15,675 Ducts km (Europe)5,290 PoPs (total)52 International Carrier

17 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 17 Signed contracts International Carrier (MSEK) StormFibre1,275 GTS Fibre432 Tele 1 Europe Fibre293 LD ComDucts47 Other (BT, France Telecom etc.)Fibre/Ducts1,571 Other (Sprint, Telenor, KPNQwest) 525 Total IRU4,143 360Networks Fibre SWAP998 Global Crossing Ducts SWAP615 Williams Fibre SWAP664 Colt Ducts SWAP356 Other SWAPS (Nets, Infigate etc.)Fibre SWAP1,627 Total SWAPS4,260 Total8,403

18 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 18 External sales and price development MSEKQ1Q1Change 20012000in % Voice506576-12 Leased IP capacity10978+40 IP traffic6521+210 Infrastructure380 Other220 Total740675+10 Investments1,147488 International Carrier

19 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 19 Two brands — Telia for retail customers — Skanova for network wholesale customers Migration from fixed telephony to broadband and mobile External network wholesale market (Skanova) provides growth and compensates for losses on the retail market Streamlining programs compensate for the effects of price cuts – but the prices have hit bottom Sustained underlying EBITDA margin for established services New services Telehost, IP telephony, split line Networks

20 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 20 Paying broadband customers Internet Services Narrowband Internet subscriptions increased by 11% from 641 000 Q1 2000 to 711 000 Q1 2001 (‘000) High speed Internet via cable

21 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 21 Broadband

22 2001-05-09 23:06

23 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 23 Bo Jacobsson CFO and Head of Corporate Financial Control

24 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 24 Key figures for the Group Financial overview MSEKQ1 2001Q1 20002000 Net sales13,59212,85754,064 Underlying EBITDA3,3483,26013,087 - margin %24.625.424.2 Operating income8113,38212,006 Earnings per share (SEK)0.100.843.50

25 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 25 Consolidated net sales Financial overview (MSEK)

26 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 26 External net sales, BA Financial overview Change in % Mobile+45.7 International Carrier+9.6 Networks-2.0 Internet Services+24.6 Equity-25.8 Total for the Group+5.7 Q1 2001Q1 2000 (MSEK)

27 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 27 Underlying EBITDA, BA Financial overview Q1 2001 Q1 2000 Change in % Mobile+34.2 International Carrier- Networks-3.1 Internet Services- Equity+61.9 Group-wide- Total for the Group +2.7 (MSEK)

28 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 28 Share of earnings in associated companies Financial overview MSEKQ1 2001Q1 20002000 Netia Holdings (Networks) -143-34-411 Baltic region (Mobile/Networks) 2315190 Unisource/AUCS (Networks) -491,0041,445 Comsource/Eircom (Networks) -204-81-933 Telia Overseas (Equity) -2-257-1,719 Eniro (Equity) 292-185 Other associated companies-74-546 Total-157642-1,197

29 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 29 Market value, associated companies Financial overview MSEKParticipationBookMarket Per 31 March 2001 in %valuevalue Eniro AB (Sweden) 49.14907,802 Scandinavia Online AB (Sweden) 24.6313201 AS Eesti Telekom (Estonia) 24.55401,341 AB Lietuvos Telekomas (Lithuania) 30.02,5021,211 Netia Holdings S.A. (Poland) 48.12,4031,267 Infonet Services Corp. (USA) 20.12,5436,479 Eircom plc14.06,8846,777 Total15,67525,078 *) Incl. loans of MSEK 6,459 *)

30 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 30 Investments Financial overview MSEKQ1 2001Q1 20002000 Mobile5091,00126,017 International Carrier1,1474886,634 Networks1,4367497,421 Internet Services9050626 Equity5122,0157,185 Group-wide-35341-141 Total for the Group3,6594,64447,742

31 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 31 Financial position Financial overview 31 March31 Dec 20012000 Net interest-bearing liability (MSEK)24,42520,235 Balance sheet total (MSEK)127,062122,715 Debt/equity ratio (multiple)0.420.37 Equity/assets ratio (%)45.344.4

32 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 32 Financial overview Change in net borrowings Under- lying EBITDA Net invest- ments 31 March 2001 1 January 2001 Divesti- tures Tax Other 20,235 526 3,967 617 3,348 3,663 24,425 (MSEK)

33 Telia, AB, IR, 008-2001 eng 2001-05-09 23:06 /Kh 33 Financial overview Telia stock

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