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NQF developments and the governance of the process: practices and challenges Involvment of different stakeholders Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD National Correspondent.

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Presentation on theme: "NQF developments and the governance of the process: practices and challenges Involvment of different stakeholders Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD National Correspondent."— Presentation transcript:

1 NQF developments and the governance of the process: practices and challenges Involvment of different stakeholders Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD National Correspondent (QF-EHEA) for Croatia Leader of the CROQF Expert Team, Croatia Bologna Process and EQF Implementation, Development of Qualifications Framework Joint Meeting of National Correspondents (QF-EHEA) and NCP (EQF) Strasbourg, 26 October 2010

2 Contents:  NQF idea – stakeholders and partnership  CROQF development and implementation: different phases – different stakeholders  Stakeholders (an example):  Standard of qualifications and units development  Challenges

3 Education system in Croatia

4 QUALITY (reliability) of qualifications – (Sustainable employability Citizens mobility Social inclusion) ACCESS to education (Available to all,...) PROGRESSION within the system, including TRANSFER (Optimal use of resources Personal development,...) AWARD of qualifications (LO, Credits, Recognition of other forms of learning,...) TRANSPARENCY of the system (Understanable to all The base for responsibility,...) CROATIAN (and other National) QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM takes care and responsibility for: Interests and needs of INDIVIDUALS and the SOCIETY

5 QUALITY (reliability) of qualifications – (Sustainable employability Citizens mobility Social inclusion) ACCESS to education (Available to all,...) PROGRESSION within the system, including TRANSFER (Optimal use of resources Personal development,...) AWARD of qualifications (LO, Credits, Recognition of other forms of learning,...) TRANSPARENCY of the system (Understanable to all The base for responsibility,...) Interests and needs of INDIVIDUALS and the SOCIETY Committees NGOs ParentsFonds Centers Agencies Students Universities Chambers and other partners... Employers Unions Schools Ministries Councils Institutes CROATIAN (and other National) QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM takes care and responsibility for:

6 A question: Within Croatian Qualifications System, do we have:  Acceptable integration and collaboration between stakeholders?  Sustainable employability?  Optimal use of all resources in education?  Social inclusion?  Mobility and LLL?  Responsibility?  Reliability? ...?

7 If not, how to ensure acceptable, and neutralize other happenings? How to integrate and coordinate all elements in CROQS? An answer:  CROQF in relation with the EQF and NQFs of other countries

8 Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF)  Is an instrument for the classification of qualifications acquired in Croatia, providing the basis for:  Transparency (conceptual understanding),  Access (to education),  Progression (within the system), including transfer,  Award (and recognition), and  Quality (reliability) of qualifications, paying attention to interests of individuals and those of society  CROQF coordinates and integrates all stakeholders and activities in relation to the needs of labour market and civil society

9 CROQF is intended to be:  One common Qualifications (and Credit) Framework  Mix of:  Reforming  Communications, and  Mirror frameworks  Instrument for a smooth slow reform, on an “additional value” basis – new (additional) registers  Instrument with a single common quality assurance system  Partnership and involvment of all relevant stakeholders

10 CROQF Aims and development principles

11 The specific aims of the CROQF are: UUnderstanding different award-types and classes and their interrelations EEnhancing cooperation among stakeholders LLife-long access to the education system PProviding a clear outline of educational accomplishments for employers, learners and parents CCreating a common quality assurance and enhancement system for the existing and new qualifications SSustainable employability DDevelopment of a reliable prior learning recognition system SSimplicity of recognition of foreign qualifications RRecognition of Croatian qualifications abroad PPromoting of education in Croatia

12 CROQF development and implementation principles:  Respecting Croatian educational tradition and legacy  Embracing the EQF guidelines and experience of other countires in setting up their QF  Preparing society for the EU integration  Transparency of the existing and new qualifications  Clear categorization of qualifications by level, type and class  Vertical and horizontal progression  Equal educational opportunities  Partnership among stakeholders  Upgrading capacity of the Croatian QF

13 Stakeholders ? Different for different phases of the CROQF development and implementation

14 Activities, tasks, outcomes and plans

15 2006200720082009201020112012 ORIENTATION CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW PROGRESS DESIGN TESTING MSES Committee (Govern.) (all partners) Operational team (MSES) Trainers of the sectoral WGs, and CROQF promotors 25+1 sectoral WGs Baseline of the CROQF (Govern.) Action Plan 2008-2012 CROQF Concepts Standard of qualifications Units The role of the 25+1 sectoral WGs CROQF – Introduction to concepts Curricula and programs COORDINATION and DEVELOPMENT Discussions (> 10000) Laws, by-laws, EQF-Ref Books and guides

16 2006200720082009201020112012 ORIENTATION CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW PROGRESS DESIGN TESTING MSES Committee (Govern.) (all partners) Operational team (MSES) Trainers of the sectoral WGs, and CROQF promotors 25+1 sectoral WGs Baseline of the CROQF (Govern.) Action Plan 2008-2012 CROQF Concepts Standard of qualifications Units The role of the 25+1 sectoral WGs CROQF – Introduction to concepts Curricula and programs COORDINATION and DEVELOPMENT Discussions (> 10000) Laws, by-laws, EQF-Ref Books and guides MSES Committee (Minister / State Secretary) Stakeholders: Educational institutions (direct) Others – only communications Governmental Committee for the DEVELOPMENT of the CROQF (Deputy Prime Minister / Minister): (all stakeholders) + OT (MSES): (all stakeholders) Governmental Committee for the IMPLEMENTATION of the CROQF (Deputy Prime Minister / Minister): (all stakeholders) + ET (MSES) (including international experts) + 25 + 1 sectoral WGs (all stakeholders) Government Institutional base for the CROQF ? Government and MSES ETF support IPA support

17 Stakeholders (development phase) and task devided

18 Croatian Government Governmental Committee for the CROQF development All stakeholders and social partners (27 members – high- level representatives) Task: to formulate and implement further activities in design and development of the CROQF Decision-making power Operational Team in support to the Committee Ministry, universities, schools, institutions, agencies, economy,... Preparing all elements for the Committee Appointed, Sep 2007 Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Appointed, Apr 2008 Sectoral 25+1 WGs All stakeholders Standards of Qualifications and Units NCEEE Administrative host

19 Stakeholders (implementation phase)

20 Croatian Government Governmental Committee for the CROQF implementation All stakeholders and social partners (23 members – high- level representatives) Task: to implement the CROQF and to refer to the EQF Decision-making power Expert Team in support to the Committee (19 members + 5 international) Experts from Ministry (education and economy), universities, schools, agencies Preparing all elements for the Committee Appointed, May 2010 Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Appointed, Sep 2010 Sectoral 25+1 WGs All stakeholders Standards of Qualifications and Units ASHE or NCEEE or MSES or CUE? Administrative host

21 Stakeholders (an example) ? standards of qualifications, and units developments

22 Register Standards of qualifications Register Units of LO Register Standards of occupations Register Awarding institutions (assessment and certifications) Register Study programs / curricula (F)

23 5.2 PROFILE LEVEL 1 2 3 4.1 4.2 5.1 6 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 Matematika, fizika, geoznanosti, kemija, biologija Poljoprivreda, prehrana i veterinaŠumarstvo i drvna tehnologijaGeologija, rudarstvo, nafta i kemijska tehnologija UmjetnostOsobne i druge uslugeTemeljne tehničke znanostiSigurnost, obrana i zaštitaFilologija Interdisciplinarna Tekstil i kožaGrafička tehnologija i audio-vizualna tehnologijaStrojarstvo, brodogradnja i metalurgijaElektrotehnika i računarstvo...... Zrakoplovstvo, raketna i svemirska tehnika (sectoral) WG (all stakeholders) Registers Stardards of qualifications and units development

24 Stakeholders are involved depending on their role: Holders of qualifications (education, employers, unemployed) Students/Learners (under age, full age, with special needs) Users (employers, for further education, society needs) Providers, awarding, recognition (formal, nonformal and informal) Funding (public, private) Sectoral interests Legislative

25 ... different at different phases of standards of qualifications and units development: Drafting: Specific for a sector (vertical involvment) Common for all sectors (horizontal inv.) Expert review Public hearing Governmental Committee and Expert Team

26 Challenges (Instead of conclusion):  Further institutional base of the CROQF at... ?  MSES  Agencies (educational)  Employers (now, even more interested than others)  Responsibility ?  Administration ?  Experts ?  Authority ?  Still open, but soon will be decided (Law)

27 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! More information at: Prof. Mile Dželalija, PhD

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