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Work experience in politics and the public sector Presentation by Amrit Sandhu, Internship Officer, Clare Dawson, Careers Consultant & Zoe Bignell, Birmingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Work experience in politics and the public sector Presentation by Amrit Sandhu, Internship Officer, Clare Dawson, Careers Consultant & Zoe Bignell, Birmingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work experience in politics and the public sector Presentation by Amrit Sandhu, Internship Officer, Clare Dawson, Careers Consultant & Zoe Bignell, Birmingham City Council

2 Politics and the Public Sector Government – Local & National International politics – EU & UN Think-tanks, political risk and public affairs Other public sector roles - NHS BCC summer placements Bursary support & upcoming events

3 What could you do?

4 Government

5 Local Government Birmingham City Council – summer work experience opportunities Other councils offer work experience – call their HR department Be prepared for it to be unpaid

6 Before contacting a local council… Think ‘W’ What department do you want experience in? Why? What can you offer them? Who to contact? Shadow a councillor?

7 National Government Opportunities available in both London and local constituency offices: Speakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme – 9 month placementSpeakers Parliamentary Placement Scheme House of Commons Student Sandwich Placements (Open now to start in Sep/Oct 2016)House of Commons Student Sandwich Placements

8 Civil Service: Fast Stream Early Diversity Internship programme. 1 week placement Deadline date: 30/11/2015 Summer Diversity Internship programme 6-9 week placement Deadline date: 04/01/2016 Criteria: black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME), socially- or economically-disadvantaged, disabled

9 Working with an MP Research MP, do you share the same ideas and values? Do you understand their constituency? Phone up first! What skills can you offer them? How can you demonstrate this? Be prepared to start at the bottom!

10 “Nothing annoys an MP more than a cut and paste letter” Dan Wood, Houses of Parliament Outreach, Westminster

11 Skills required by MPs Administration skills Good writing skills Briefing ability Want people who share same views and believe in the same thing they do Diplomacy and tact Motivating and managing people

12 On-campus experience Join a society!

13 Case Study – My experience of working with an MP Paul Lewis – MSc International Development

14 European politics – The EU ‘Traineeships’ Often based in Brussels or Luxembourg Some just for graduates May need to be doing a PG course! Finance, Language and Legal specialisms too Work with an MEP?

15 International Politics – The UN Second language? UN interns are not paid! Duration – 2 to 6 months Not UK based

16 Think Tanks

17 What is a think tank?

18 Internships in Think Tanks

19 Political Risk

20 What is it?

21 Opportunities Government Global business International organisations Insurance companies Banks Security consultancies

22 Where to look AKE ltd Business Monitor International Chatham House Control Risks Emerging Asia Eurasia Group Euromonitor International Exclusive Analysis HIS Oxford Analytica RAND Corporation Risk Advisory Group

23 Public Affairs

24 What is Public Affairs? An organisation’s relationship with individuals or groups with an interest in the organisation's affairs Public affairs practitioners: Engage stakeholders Explain organisational policies and views on public policy issues Provide stats and facts and lobby on issues which could impact upon the organisation's operations Aim to influence public policy

25 Example role – Public Affairs Officer Delivering campaigns that improve the lives of people affected by cancer. Work closely with other Macmillan teams from across the organisation to help develop integrated and persuasive campaigns. Actively involve people affected by cancer, demonstrate awareness, understand and enact Macmillan’s brand values in all activities. Skills in: previous public affairs, campaigning or lobbying environments, and have well-developed team-working skills and a passionate commitment to our cause.

26 Other public sector

27 NHS – it’s a big business! Over 30 hospitals in the Birmingham area! Volunteering – see if you like it Paid internships Work experience placements

28 Networking LinkedIn Events Programmes

29 Work for yourself? Set up a blog? Catch21 is a charitable production company set up in 2005 by a group of students which produces videos to help engage young people with their communities.

30 Key themes Political Internships… Not always advertised widely Both paid and unpaid Competitive…. Or is it?? Might need language skills Not always advertised that far in advance Cover all areas of interest Applications MUST be tailored

31 Work Experience Bursaries 2015-16 UK Professional – Up to £800Deadline: 3 rd April Research – Up to £500Deadline: 3 rd April International – Up to £800Deadline: 3 rd April Gateway – Up to £2000Deadline: 17 th April

32 Birmingham City Council

33 Work Experience Programmes For Undergraduates / Graduates Getting Ahead

34 Our Offerings Current: Summer Placements Supporting Dissertations Group Project Working Ad-hoc Internships Success in Recruitment – Public Services Future (under development): Graduate placements

35 Summer Placements Our placement programme offers students: Access to a range of roles across all BCC service areas Up to 4 weeks (150 hours) unpaid work experience between May and September An understanding the role of the Council and its Services Opportunities to assist on major projects (where possible)

36 Summer 2015 Over 70 students completed work placements across Service Teams within the Council during Summer 2015 A large number of students worked in groups on major projects (Third Sector Mapping) with Social Policy

37 Application Process - 2016 What’s changing? Placements will be advertised on the Birmingham.Gov website Placements will be visible on Careers Network Only requests made by application form will be accepted Only one application form to be submitted – choose placement carefully Current Opportunities We have received pledges for up to135 placements for Summer 2016: April = 22 May = 21 June = 22 July = 26 August = 24 September = 20

38 Application Process Select your preferred opportunity – noting the reference number Complete application form and attach covering letter & CV Application deadline – Friday 26 th February 2016 Applications to managers for shortlisting w/c 29 th February 2016 Interviews completed by 25 th March 2016 Confirmed placement notification by 31 st March 2016 Flexible start dates from April – September 2016


40 Upcoming events

41 Save the date! ‘Making successful applications’ Wednesday 2 nd December (2-3pm) 52 Pritchatts Road - S222

42 Questions? Autumn Action self-enrol canvas page: LWDJA LWDJA

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