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C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 1 E-XFEL cryomodule assembly : prototyping phase at Saclay.

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Presentation on theme: "C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 1 E-XFEL cryomodule assembly : prototyping phase at Saclay."— Presentation transcript:

1 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 1 E-XFEL cryomodule assembly : prototyping phase at Saclay

2 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 2 Goals Infrastructures and tools Industrial study outputs PXFEL2 & PXFEL3 E-XFEL cryomodule assembly prototyping phase at Saclay

3 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 3 Goals of the prototyping phase « Factory » ready CEA staff training Infrastructure ready Tool Procedure/traveler/database ready CEA controls ready Assembly of 3 cryomodules over 1,5 years (T0=august 2010)

4 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 4 E-XFEL Village at CEA 4 17 m 30 m 40 m 25 m 15 m 11 m O. Napoly, Fermilab, 17/02/2009

5 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 5 Infrastructures ready Clean room operational : –assembly of SPIRAL2 cavities –PXFEL 2 string in and out : rail ok Roll out area ready (PXFEL2 assembly) Alignement area operational Cantilever area ready Coupler assembly ready Shipping area : pending

6 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 6 Infrastructures ready

7 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 7 Clean room tools –Cavity post: Height = 1050 mm –Alignment tool : Post constraint Adaptation –Cavity cart for coupler assembly

8 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 8 Clean room tools –Coupler to cavity assembly Elevator table + rail Misalignment of coupler axis / post axis –Quad table post CEA design –Bellow assembly: Elevator table and rail

9 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 9 Clean room tool Standard tools (particle counters, nitrogen gun) Customized tools : –Washing and drying (~ ISO4) machine (WM) –Washing racks 2 cavities and 1 cold coupler box, ½ string tools : posts and ancillaries, Qp box) –Lifting cart : cavity and quad handling in ISO4 –Lifting table : get in the WM –Transfer table : get out of the WM

10 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 10 Vacuum components Criteria : –Particle free pumps –Slow pumping –Slow venting –Leak detection –Gas analysis Provided by DESY or CEA Tested on PXFEL2 and 3

11 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 11 Tools Girder Post Cart Cantilever

12 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 12 Industrial study outputs Industrial study main outputs : –Schedule –Assembly procedures –Tools drawings –Risk analysis

13 Diapo des assmbly procedure + schedule + risk analysis C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 13

14 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 14

15 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 15 PXFEL2 experience feedback Based on dismounting (roll in/out ISO4) and assembly up to the couplers (status on S7) Feedback on : –assembly procedures –Schedule (steps, no duration verification so far) –Clean room : rails ok, particle counting ok –Alignement : youth errors and air conditioning –Tuner : assembly and test set up –Coupler assembly : tools reworked, spare parts, –Importance of parts checks and parts conditionning International team : DESY and INFN support

16 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 16 Experience feedback

17 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 17

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20 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 20

21 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 21

22 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 22 Roll in the clean room test with DESY Posts

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26 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 26

27 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 27

28 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 28

29 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 29 Thanks to our INFN colleagues : Test device on dismounting Validated on assembly Piezos

30 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 30 1st alignment : observation – youth error 2nd alignment : laser stability versus air conditionning

31 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 31

32 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 32 PXFEL2 conclusions –Assembly procedures –Clean room –Alignement –Tuner set up –Coupler assembly –Importance of parts checks –Thanks to DESY and INFN colleagues

33 C.MADEC - TTC meeting - 01-03-2011 33 PXFEL3 Assembly start foreseen for April 2011 Assembly from individual parts (cavity, couplers, etc) Goals: CEA staff training Tool validation Test/verification set up Procedure/traveler/database ready CEA controls ready Schedule

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