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Ie and ei words Are there any rules which would help us learn, which grapheme to use?

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Presentation on theme: "Ie and ei words Are there any rules which would help us learn, which grapheme to use?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ie and ei words Are there any rules which would help us learn, which grapheme to use?

2 These words are spelt with ei. You can tell because the ei sounds a little like capital ‘A’ Eight Reins Weigh Vein Veil freight reign neighbour

3 Now here comes a rule: I before e except after c, if the ei rhymes with bee Receive Ceiling Deceive Conceit Conceited Deceit deceitful But don’t be fooled some words break this rule: Science, glacier and ancient

4 These ei words don’t follow a rule so you just have to learn them either neither their weird protein height foreign sovereign

5 These ie words are straight forward Niece Brief Belief Believe Chief Handkerchief Grief Grieve Mischief Achieve Siege Besiege Piece Mantelpiece Priest shriek

6 Now wipe boards and pens at the ready? Scan the text and spot all the ie/ei words you can Brief Siege Mrs Elizabeth Carver, niece of the Chief of Police, was besieged by wasps in her home yesterday. A ceiling fell down and knocked off an old mantelpiece. Hundreds of wasps flew out. She shielded her face with a handkerchief and dialled 999. She gave a piercing shriek into the phone. “Send the police. Believe me, these wasps will kill me if you don’t.” The Chief of Police received the call and rushed to relieve her.

7 Well how did you do? There were 12 in all Niece Chief besieged Ceiling Mantelpiece Shielded Handkerchief Piercing Shriek Believe Received Relieve Well done if you got them all!

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