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Plate Tectonics Preston Ford Earth And Space Science 8 th Grade Click The Globe To Move on.

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2 Plate Tectonics Preston Ford Earth And Space Science 8 th Grade Click The Globe To Move on

3 Main Menu Pangea Shaping the Planet Plate Boundaries Different Types of Boundaries Convergent Boundaries Divergent Boundaries Mid Atlantic Ridge Transform Boundaries Quiz

4 Pangea Formed approximately 300 million years ago. One supercontinent-made of all other continents. Started to break apart about 200 million years ago. Due to plate tectonics. Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

5 Shaping the Planet Today Earth is constantly changing. Over course of 225 million years: Earth has gone from 1 supercontinent to 7 separate continents. Thousands of miles between land masses. Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

6 Plate Boundaries Click the Globe to return to Main Menu The plates are part of the Earth’s crust. The crust is like a hard outer shell for the Earth. The plates of the crust move around on the second layer of the Earth which is called the mantle.

7 Different Types of Plate Boundaries Convergent – moving together; crashing into one another (mountains) Divergent – spreading apart (mid-ocean ridge) Transform – Sliding past one another (San Andreas Fault) Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

8 Convergent Plate Boundaries Boundary of two plates that are coming together. Plates crash together and form mountains. Plates currently crashing together are Indian plate and Eurasian plate. This formed the Himalayas. Form volcanos, cause earthquakes. Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

9 Divergent Boundaries Divergent boundaries are constantly moving apart. Splitting of crust causes magma to rise and form new crust on a continuous loop. Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

10 Mid Atlantic Ridge Oceanic crust spreading apart (Divergent) Subduction of oceanic crust being pushed under continental crust. Oceanic Crust more dense than continental crust. Magma rising at mid-ocean ridge forming oceanic crust (basalt) Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

11 Transform Boundary Boundary at which plates are sliding passed one another. Commonly causes earthquakes. San Andreas Fault is example. Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

12 Quiz At which type of plate boundary do the plates slide passed one another? A.DivergentDivergent B.ConvergentConvergent C.TransformTransform

13 Oops Plates are spreading apart at divergent boundaries. Click the Globe to return to Quiz screen

14 Not quite Plates are crashing together at convergent boundaries. Click the Globe to return to Quiz screen

15 Correct! Transform boundaries are those at which plates are sliding passed one another. Click the Globe to move to conclusion

16 Conclusion Earth is always changing. Earth has gone from Pangea to what it is currently. Convergent-crashing together Divergent-spreading apart Transform-sliding passed each other Click the Globe to return to Main Menu

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