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Leadership and Governance in Higher Education for Decision- makers and Administrators – publication series 2010-2014 Suggest a Book Biggs, J. & Tang, C.

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1 Leadership and Governance in Higher Education for Decision- makers and Administrators – publication series 2010-2014 Suggest a Book Biggs, J. & Tang, C. 2011. Teaching for Quality Learning at University (available also as e-book! ) Allan A. Glatthorn, Floyd Boschee & Bruce M. Whitehead. 2006. Curriculum Leadership. Development and Implementation. Field Guide to Academic Leadership. 2002. Editor Diamond, R. M. Akateemisen johtamisen ydinkysymyksiä. 2014 Toim. Ilkka Niiniluoto, Ulla- Maija Forsberg ja Aino-Maija Evers Schwartz, B. & Sparpe, K. 2010. Practical Wisdom. The Right Way to Do the Right Thing. Ramsden, P. 1998. Learning To Lead In Higher Education. Crawley, E., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D. Rethinking Engineerig Education. The CDIO Approach. Charmer, O. 2009. Theory- U. Leading from the Future as It Emerges. Books

2 Akateemisen johtamisen ydinkysymyksiä. 2014 Toim. Ilkka Niiniluoto, Ulla-Maija Forsberg ja Aino-Maija Evers Helsingin yliopiston erilaisissa johtamistehtävissä toimivat akateemiset johtajat jakavat omaa kokemustietoaan ja pohtivat asiantuntijayhteisön johtamisen haasteita. Teos koostuu 15:sta eri henkilön kirjoittamasta luvusta. 213 sivua. Otto Scharmer. 2009. Theory-U. Leading from the Future as It Emerges Theory on methodology on how to understand better from what source our actions come from. Scharmer presents U-theory that can be used in many situations to help us to better understand creative process and act from the future as it emerges. Allan A. Glatthorn, Floyd Boschee & Bruce M. Whitehead. 2006. The book provides educational leaders tools in defining the concepts of curriculum, describing curriculum components, analyzing the hidden curriculum and unfolding ways to develop and implement curriculum The book includes curriculum ideas, "Keys to Leadership" sections, curriculum tips, and "Challenge" sections with key issues and questions. The book is divided into 4 parts and 15 chapters. 468 pages.

3 Field Guide to Academic Leadership. 2002. Editor Robert M. Diamond A publication of the National Academy for Academic Leadership (US). Various articles about leadership and change, developing learning and curriculum, program assessment and other issues framing academic leadership. The book is divided into 7 parts and 29 chapters. 526 pages Rethinking Engineering Education. The CDIO Approach. The book introduces the CDIO (Conceive, Desighn, Implement and Operate) approach to engineering education that integrates personal skills and process, product and system building skills with disciplinary knowledge. The book is divided into 11 chapters. 286 pages Paul Ramsden. 1998. Learning To Lead In Higher Education. The book provides heads of departments and course leaders with practical tools they can use to improve their management and leadership skills. It shows academic and university leaders at all levels how they can turn adversity into prosperity. The book is divided into 3 parts and 11 chapters. 288 pages.

4 Publication series Practice driven topics related to leading in higher education institutions and case studies mostly from European countries. Articles length of 20-30 pages, 5-6 articles per publication. ~ 135 pages / publication. John Biggs and Catherine Tang. Teaching for Quality Learning at University The book introduces the concept of constructive alignment used in implementing outcomes- based education. It for example provides a framework for administrators (and educational leaders) who are interested in quality assurance and enhancement of teaching in university context. The book is devided into 3 parts and 14 chapters. 389 pages. Barry Schwartz & Kenneth Sharpe. Practical Wisdom. The right way to do the right thing. 2010. The book introduces the concept of practical wisdom and it gives interesting perspective to our work and life in general, claiming that we should rely more on our problem solving capasity and not make decisions based only on rules or incentives. The book is divided into 4 parts and 13 chapters. 317 pages.

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