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Transforming Workforce Planning 2014/15 to 2018/19 across the North West Prepared by: North West Health Education: Mike Burgess Associate Head of Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Workforce Planning 2014/15 to 2018/19 across the North West Prepared by: North West Health Education: Mike Burgess Associate Head of Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Workforce Planning 2014/15 to 2018/19 across the North West Prepared by: North West Health Education: Mike Burgess Associate Head of Workforce Planning T. 0161 625 7286 E.

2 Contents Launch of the workforce planning cycle 2014 / 15 Requirements Time Scales Supporting Providers A Good Workforce Plan A Good Workforce Development Plan HE NW Submission Dates HE NW Investment Plan Area Team / CCG Plans TDA and Monitor Plans

3 Launch of the cycle Launch the process in March 2014 Building on achievements Call for evidence and workforce planning process launched across the wider workforce of Health Education North West Strategic engagement with LETB / LWEG and Providers about: Accountability Accuracy Ownership Acting as Ambassadors for Workforce Planning Current Reality and Desired Future and the OD plans Workforce Planning, Education and Transformation Executive sign off and “Confidence Levels” Education and Learning Plans – CPD.

4 Building on achievements Process guidance that incorporate mandate requirements and changing system architecture Enhanced standardisation of approach, definition and common currency for workforce plans Single route for all submissions into HENW Improvements and participation to data on non-ESR Sectors Explicit engagement with CCGs and ensuring providers share their plans and education commissioning / management intentions Scrutiny and Due Diligence Improved evidence base and quality of medical demand and planning Early engagement with providers where medical training posts are to be decommissioned Getting plans to be realistic and accurate Engagement with LETB / LWEGs / Stakeholders

5 Requirements Workforce Narrative Workforce Risks and Issues Workforce Narrative Workforce Risks and Issues 5 Year Workforce Demand Spread- sheet 5 Year Workforce Supply Spread-sheet Workforce Transformation Plans Junior Doctor Stock Take Wider Workforce Context Request for Secondment Places Request for Secondment Places

6 HE NW wider requirements IAPT Census via NHSE and HEE Practice Nurse Survey by NHSE and HEE Research Staff Audit PHE Workforce Pilot in the NW Community Pharmacy Modelling Primary Care Community Care Social Care Third Sector Independent Stock-take Primary Care Community Care Social Care Third Sector Independent Stock-take Health Visitor Monthly Monitoring Health Visitor Monthly Monitoring Education and Learning Plans NHS Employers R&R Survey Outputs

7 Time-scales Submission of plans to HE NW by Friday 18 th July 2014 Providers to share plans with CCGs and LETB Providers to share NTDA and Monitor Submissions HENW to ask LATs / CCGs for a narrative July 2014 – August 2014 Discussion of Plans and validation for Phase 1 with providers / triangulation with CCG plans and better care bids. August 2014 – September 2014 refinement of demand and supply submissions with providers / LWEG / LETB and Networks Sub-regional discussion and challenge Professional network engagements Finalised NW demand and supply position Inform Education Commissioning and Management

8 HE NW Supporting Providers March 2014 – July 2014 Working with Pan Lancashire Programme (Lancs Care) to share best practice Best practice and tools on eWIN / newsletters / mail shots Workforce Clinics and 1:1 and Group Support Capacity and Capability Building for Planning Workforce Diagnostic Tool available shortly Big Picture and Strategic Risks Paper to be shared shortly Sub-regional links across GM, C&M and C&L Regional Oversight Team for Workforce Transformation

9 HE NW Supporting Providers Linking with HRD and Deputy Forum discussions Sharing best practice and process via Regional Planning and Modernisation Networks Workforce Planning Conference (TBC) Further Horizon Scanning Conference (TBC) Qualitative and Quantitative Forecasting and Modelling Workforce Risks and Issues and Mitigating Actions Translating visions into plans Output of the R&R NHS Employers work in Lancashire

10 Other Support Launch of the HEE WIA MDS programme* Refresh of 5 year workforce strategy Capacity and Capability Survey Medical Modelling Collaborative Primary Care Intelligence Gathering Workforce Transformation Understanding Better Care Bids Understanding Area Team and CCG strategic commissioning plans

11 What we do with the plans and intelligence Analysis and forecasts to produce detailed submission to Health Education England Feedback to LETB and LWEG on direction and analysis Qualitative and quantitative modelling around demand and supply for education commissioning plan 5 year workforce plan for workforce transformation Shared intelligence with HENW networks Underpin priority areas and investment plans Feedback to LWEG for focus areas Support transforming education management and commissioning Supporting CPD allocation and tariff Enhance capacity and capability programmes Inform policy and practice and best practice

12 The Best Workforce Plan Follows a stepped or staged methodology Is part of the Business Plan and vision for the organisation Is part of the NHSE / TDA / DH / LA service commissioning cycle (1, 2 and 5 years) Is cognisant of the education commissioning lead times and registration Understands numbers to recruit over a period (headcount and FTE) Understands numbers who will leave over a period (leavers and churn) Understands skills, competencies and deployment of appropriate Has a risk and mitigating action plan Understands the spend on service (workforce, activities, support matrix, skill mix) Engagement from front line upwards Links finance with activity, outcomes, safety, quality and workforce Underpinned by excellent HR and OD practices Built on workforce development*

13 The Best Workforce Development Plans Training Needs Analysis Skills and competency Analysis Part of Learning and Development Strategy Current capacity, capability, competency and skills Level of maturity in the delivery Gap analysis – what is needed to deliver the service model Individual CPD Team CPD Team OD interventions Development, Assessment and Evaluation of learning objectives Improvements in outcomes and outputs Enhanced service delivery – QIPP Continuous learning PDP / PDR – Values based assessment Continuing cycle and iterative

14 Submissions we have to make Submission to Health Education England 15 th August 2014 – 1 st Cut Submission of aggregated plans to HEE 26 th September 2014 – 2 nd Cut submission of aggregated plans to HEE Final challenge sessions Final submission for Education Commissioning Plans Share intelligence from Narratives across system

15 HE NW Investment Plans How we spend the £715m 1 st March – Investment Plans template and guidance finalised. 26 th September 2014 First Cut Investment Plan Submission and Supply Framework Submission 29 th October 2014 Second Cut Investment Plan Submission and Supply Framework Submission March 2015 final investment plan signed off and implemented

16 Area Teams and CCGs On 14 February 2014, CCGs submitted the first draft of their plans. Area teams lead for NHS England on the assurance of CCG plans and will work with CCGs to ensure the best quality services can be delivered within available resources. A critical part of that will be area teams sharing their direct commissioning plans with CCGs so that we can ensure pathways are developed to reflect patient need. Following feedback from area teams, final CCG operational and financial plans will need to be submitted by 4 April 2014 together with the first draft of 5 year strategic plans.

17 Provider submissions to Monitor and TDA 1 year high level to TDA 30.01.2014 2 year plans to TDA / Monitor by 4 th April 2014 Years 3, 4, 5 plans to TDA and Monitor on 20 th and 30 th 2014 respectively

18 Questions? Mike Burgess Associate Head of Workforce Planning Health Education North West 3 rd Floor | 3 Piccadilly Place | Manchester | M1 3BN T. 0161 625 7286 M. 07825 319 608 E. W. Visit eWIN, the Workforce Information Network, at

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