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Project-X Physics Opportunities R. Tschirhart Fermilab November 16 th, 2009.

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1 Project-X Physics Opportunities R. Tschirhart Fermilab November 16 th, 2009

2 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab The Promise of the Intensity Frontier Project-X drives next generation experiments in rare processes and long-base neutrino physics that explore:  The origin of the universe  Unification of Forces  New Physics Beyond the Standard Model.

3 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab The Project-X Research Program A neutrino beam for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. A high-power proton source with proton energies between 50 and 120 GeV that would produce intense neutrino beams, directed toward massive detectors at the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL). [ Supported in IC1 and IC2] Kaon, muon, nuclei & neutron precision experiments driven by high intensity proton beams running simultaneously with the neutrino program. These could include world leading experiments searching for muon-to-electron conversion, nuclear and neutron electron dipole moments (edms), and world-leading precision measurements of ultra- rare kaon decays. [ Not broadly supported in IC1. Supported in IC2]

4 Why don’t we see the Terascale Physics we expect affecting the flavor physics we study today?? Kaon, Muon and EDM Experiments Deeply Attacks The Flavor Problem

5 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Why we believe in loops… Suppressed Flavor Changing Neutral Currents in kaon decays predicted the charm quark and the right mass range for m c. Precision measurement of W and top masses predicts a low mass Higgs. Critical in New Physics frameworks such as Super-Symmetry. QED! Lamb Shift, (g-2) e,  EM, etc.

6 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Forbidden in Standard Model Observation of neutrino mixing shows this can occur at a very small rate Photon can be real (  ->e  ) or virtual (  N->eN) 6 First Order FCNC:Higher order dipole “penguin”: Virtual mixing The deepest probe of Lepton Flavor Physics: Ultra-rare  -Decays: The MEG(PSI) experiment sensitivity is in the 10 -11 range.

7 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Rare muon decays in Project-X:  - N → e - N Sensitivity to New Physics Compositeness Second Higgs doublet Heavy Z’, Anomalous Z coupling Predictions at 10 -15 Supersymmetry Heavy Neutrinos Leptoquarks After W. Marciano

8 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab The Window of Ultra-rare Kaon Decays Standard Model rate of 3 parts per 100 billion! BSM particles within loops can increase the rate by x10 with respect to SM.

9 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Rates sensitive to other BSMs: Warped Extra Dimensions as a Theory of Flavor??

10 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Buras et al. SM accuracy of 2-4%, motivates 1000- event experiments Effect of Warped Extra Dimension Models on Branching Fractions

11 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab What are Neutrinos Telling Us? Andre de Gouvea

12 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Leveraging to the Unification Scale Boris Kayser

13 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab NOvA (off-axis) NSF’s proposed Underground Lab. DUSEL MiniBooNE SciBooNE MINERvA MINOS (on-axis) 1300 km 735 km Phase 1: 700 kW Phase 2: Project X (2.3 MW) Phase 1 Detector Phase 2 Full Size Detector (  Proton Decay, Supernova)

14 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Search for an electric dipole moment and physics beyond the standard model + - + - - + TP EDMSpinEDMSpinEDM Spin A permanent EDM violates both time-reversal symmetry and parity Neutron Diamagnetic Atoms (Hg, Xe, Ra, Rn) Paramagnetic Atoms (Tl, Fr) Molecules (PbO) Quark EDM Quark Chromo-EDM Electron EDM Physics beyond the Standard Model: SUSY, Strings … To understand the origin of the symmetry violations, you need many experiments! Guy Savard, ANL

15 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab This Science has attracted Competition: The Proton Source Landscape in the next decade... Pulsed machines driving neutrino horns: SPS, Main Injector ( 0.7 MW), JPARC (Plan fors 1.7 MW) Cyclotrons driving muon programs PSI (1.3 MW, 600 MeV), JPARC RCS. Synchrotrons driving kaon physics programs. SPS, JPARC (up to 0.3 MW), Tevatron (0.1 MW) Linear machines driving nuclear and neutron programs: SNS, LANL, FRIB….not providing CW light-nuclei beams. M Seidel, PSI

16 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab IC1 & IC2… IC2 is not going to have the problems of IC1… ??  IC1 can drive the long-baseline neutrino program with more than 2 MW of beam power….good, but can only drive about 200kW to rare processes.  IC2 can drive the long-baseline neutrino program with more than 2 MW of beam power and ~2MW of beam power to rare processes. Further, IC2 beams have remarkable timing performance and flexibility.

17 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab 1  sec period at 2 GeV mu2e pulse (9e7) 162.5 MHz, 100 nsec518 kW Kaon pulse (9e7) 27 MHz777 kW Other pulse (9e7) 27 MHz777 kW Example of a High Duty-Factor IC2 Operating Scenario Extreme BEAM, June 11, 2009 - S. Holmes

18 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab High Duty-Factor Proton Beams Why is this important of Rare Processes? Experiments that reconstruct an “event” to a particular time from sub-detector elements are intrinsically vulnerable to making mistakes at high instantaneous intensity (I). The probability of making a mistake is proportional to I 2 x  t, where  t is the event resolving time. Searching for rare processes requires high intensity. Controlling backgrounds means minimizing the instantaneous rate and maximizing the time resolution performance of the experiment. This is a common problem for Run-II, LHC, Mu2e, High-School class reunions, etc.

19 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab What is good about a CW Linac Beam extraction challenge is finessed. Duty factor is very high. The high frequency bandwidth intrinsic to a Linac can be exploited to generate excellent time resolution (small  t) crucial to survival in a high intensity environment. JLAB has demonstrated that beam can be cleanly multiplexed between many targets with minimal losses. These “touchless” RF beam multiplexers are enabled by the high linac bandwidth. The intrinsic properties of this SCRF CW Linac enables the phyiscs rather than fighting with it. Excellent beam power scaling.

20 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab What is the optimum energy for producing low-energy muons? LAQGSM/MARS simulation validated with HARP data Optimum momentum

21 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Sensitivity of Kaon Physics Today CERN NA62: 100 x 10 -12 measurement sensitivity of K +  e + Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10 -12 measurement sensitivity of K L   ee Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10 -12 search sensitivity for K L   e,  e BNL E949: 20 x 10 -12 measurement sensitivity of K +    BNL E871: 2 x 10 -12 measurement sensitivity of K L  e + e - BNL E871: 1 x 10 -12 search sensitivity for K L   e Probing new physics above a 10 TeV scale with 20-50 kW of protons. Next goal: 1000-event   experiments...10 -14 sensitivty.

22 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Validating Simulation Tools… Los Alamos + MARS simulation suite (LAQGSM + MARS15) is now a state of the art tool set to simulate the challenging region between 1-4 GeV/c proton beam momentum. [Gudima, Mokhov, Striganov] Validated against the high quality data sets from COSY. Data shown: Buscher et al (2004) ANKE experiment at COSY, absolutely normalized.

23 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab KOPIO inspired: Micro-bunch the beam, TOF determines K L momentum. Fully reconstruct the neutral Kaon in K L     measuring the Kaon momentum by time-of-flight. Start when proton beam hits the target End at the decay time and decay point reconstructed from the two photons. Timing uncertainty due to microbunch width should not dominate the measurement of the kaon momentum; requires RMS width < 200ps. CW linac pulse timing of less than 50ps is intrinsic.

24 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab IC2 is high power, but what about kaon yields?? LAQGSM/MARS-15 Anti-K 0 /K 0 fraction < 1% for 2.6< T p < 3.0 GeV

25 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Kaon Yields at Constant Beam Power GeV IC2 Task Force Report Optimum yield for IC2 kaon experiments is 4-8 GeV. Minimum for next round of experiments is 2.6 GeV.

26 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab We have been here before: Princeton-Penn Accelerator ICD-2 proton flux is x10 8 -10 9 higher than the PPA extracted flux. Gudima

27 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab What the ICD-2 could offer Rare-Process Experimenters ICD-2 has the potential to support a broad program of quark flavor physics, charged lepton flavor physics and nuclear physics. Without much effort we have identified more than 20 possible world-class particle physics experiments worth exploring. What ICD-2 could offer particle and nuclear experimenters: Very high flux of low energy muons with flexible timing and high df. Very high flux of low energy K + with flexible timing and high df. Very high flux of K 0 and K L with flexible timing and high df. Very high flux of ultra-cold neutrons and exotic nuclei. High flux of tagged K 0,  +, and  0 with flexible timing and high df. Very high flux of  - and  + beams with flexible timing and high df. Threshold studies of strangeness production on nuclei. Negligible background of anti-baryons, Very deep direct B-violation searches. Break-through Time-of-Flight resolution. (~ 10 psec)

28 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab IC2 Requirement for a World Leading Rare Processes Program Proton Energy (kinetic) Beam PowerBeam Timing Rare Muon decays 2-3 GeV >500 kW 1 kHz – 160 MHz (g-2) measurement 8 GeV 20-50 kW 30- 100 Hz. Rare Kaon decays 2.6 – 4 GeV >500 kW 20 – 160 MHz. (<50 psec pings) Precision K 0 studies 2.6 – 3 GeV > 100  A (internal target) 20 – 160 MHz. (<50 psec pings) Neutron and exotic nuclei EDMs 1.5-2.5 GeV >500 kW > 100 Hz

29 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Challenges to the Rare Processes Research Program: Muons: Pulse conditioning: a) 100 Hz @ 8 GeV? b) 1 kHz @ 2.x GeV? Kaons: Power optimization: 2MW at 2.6 GeV or 700 kW at 4 GeV? Kaon yields are similar, beam purity is better at 4 GeV. Compromise at 3 GeV? Neutrons and nuclei for edm: Minimize stress on sophisticated target stations.

30 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Summary IC2 has the potential to substantially broaden the Project-X research program. A CW proton linac in the 2.6-4.0 GeV range is a new machine concept at the Intensity Frontier with unprecedented flux and timing performance to offer rare-process experiments. Challenges remain to ensure that reach of muon program (pulse conditioning) is maintained, and that the beam energy be high enough to deliver kaon beams with sufficient purity.

31 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Spare Slides

32 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Real Experience with low-energy, low- Z High-power Targets: LANL Carbon Targets: High power Low neutron yield Kaon transparency

33 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab What is Normal? Boris Kayser

34 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Boris Kayser

35 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Back down to Earth: The Challenge of Neutrino Experiments The currency is: (Beam power)x(Detector Mass)x(Background Rejection) MINOS is state of the art LB experiment: Observed 848 events Expect 1060 ± 60 events if no oscillations 250 kW of beam power 5-kT detector mass Nearly 5 years of data

36 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Why is it Hard? (I) NuMI (120 GeV protons) NOvA 14 kt & deep pit of building in “a” football stadium (wire frame of loading dock in black hangs out over the stands by 30 yards) J. Cooper

37 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Why is it Hard? (II): Backgrounds Water Cerenkov: (300 kT !!) “Established” technology but higher backgrounds. Liquid Argon: (50 kT !!) “Reach” technology but lower backgrounds. G. Rameika

38 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Schiff moment of 199 Hg, de Jesus & Engel, PRC (2005) Schiff moment of 225 Ra, Dobaczewski & Engel, PRL (2005) Skyrme ModelIsoscalarIsovectorIsotensor SkM*15009001500 SkO’450240600 Enhancement Factor: EDM ( 225 Ra) / EDM ( 199 Hg) Enhancement mechanisms: Large intrinsic Schiff moment due to octupole deformation; Closely spaced parity doublet; Relativistic atomic structure. Haxton & Henley (1983) Auerbach, Flambaum & Spevak (1996) Engel, Friar & Hayes (2000) Enhanced EDM of 225 Ra       55 keV || || Parity doublet Guy Savard, ANL

39 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab MECO spectrometer design for every incident proton 0.0025   ’s are stopped in the 17 0.2 mm Al target foils C. Dukes

40 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Low energy pions make muons that can be stopped, Consider Mu2e… R. Coleman

41 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Slow Extracted Beam: The Standard Tool to Drive Ultra Rare Decay Experiments Techniques developed in the late 1960’s to “slow spill” beam from a synchrotron. Technique operates at the edge of stability---Betatron oscillations are induced which interact with material in the beam (wire septum) to eject particles from the storage ring beam phase space. Technique limited by septum heating & damage, beam losses, and space charge induced instabilities. Works better at higher energies where the beam-power/charge ratio is more favorable. Performance milestones: Tevatron 800 GeV FT: 64 kW of SEB in 1997. BNL AGS 24 GeV beam, 50-70 kW of SEB. JPARC Goal: 300 kW of SEB someday, a few kW within reach now.

42 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Thumbnail of muon physics Research Opportunities driven with the 2.x GeV CW Linac Next generation muon-to-electron conversion experiment, new techniques for higher sensitivity and/or other nuclei.   3e Next generation (g-2) if motivated by theory, next round, LHC.  edm.  + e     e +   A   + A’ Systematic study of radiative muon capture on nuclei.

43 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab

44 Kaons at ICD-2, When Does the World Become Strange? 2.x GeV Tp COSY Program, ANKE & other expts

45 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab Spallation neutron yields Courtesy John Carpenter, ANL-IPNS/SNS

46 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab BNL E787/E949: Stopping K + Experiment that discovered the K +    process.

47 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab BNL Charged K+ Beamline: Channel a low energy separated charged beam to a stopping target: Measure kaon decays at Rest! Stopped K+ experiment requires separated beam. ExB system optimizes with an incident kaon momentum of 500-600 MeV, 4% FWHM  p bite

48 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab ICD-2 Sensitivity to K +   +

49 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab K L   Experimental Challenge: “Nothing-in nothing out” KEK/JPARC approach emphasizes high acceptance for the two decay photons while vetoing everything else: A hermetic “bottle” approach. The original KOPIO concept measures the kaon momentum and photon direction…Good! But costs detector acceptance and requires a large beam to compensate. Project-X Flux can get back to small kaon beam!

50 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab KOPIO and ICD-2 kaon momentum spectra comparison KOPIO Proposal

51 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab ICD-2 Sensitivity to K L   0

52 November 16th 2009. R. Tschirhart - Fermilab After Mu2e, what does more beam power buy you? Current Mu2e detector design is rate limited at about 25kW of beam power. Faster detector elements can marginally improve the situation…gains are limited. Different experiments, different optimization. e.g: Monochromatic muon beams! Pickup elements of the SINDRUM-II technique, and use the dE/dx difference between pions and muons to separate them. A monochromatic beam also permits a small beam spot on the stopping target which simplifies detector design.

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