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EMMA Lessons Learnt Susan Smith Daresbury Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "EMMA Lessons Learnt Susan Smith Daresbury Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMMA Lessons Learnt Susan Smith Daresbury Laboratory

2 Susan Louise Smith Contents Introduction –What are ns-FFAGs? and Why EMMA? –The international collaboration –EMMA goals and requirements –Layout –Schedule Lessons learnt –The EMMA Design –Engineering project management and procurement experience –Technical component design –Testing physics procedures and algorithms –Bench marking codes Emma Commissioning Status

3 Susan Louise Smith INTRODUCTION

4 Susan Louise Smith Project Overview BASROC (The British Accelerator Science and Radiation Oncology Consortium, BASROC) CONFORM project ( COnstruction of a Non-scaling FFAG for Oncology, Research, and Medicine ) 4 year project April 2007 – March 2011 3 parts to the project –EMMA design and construction ~ £6.5m(~$9M) Electron Model for Many Applications (EMMA) –PAMELA design study –Applications study

5 Susan Louise Smith Applications of ns-FFAGs High power proton driver Neutrino FactoryProton & Carbon Therapy Dedicated Muon Source Sub-critical Thorium Reactor


7 Susan Louise Smith Scaling FFAGs Fixed Fields => Rapid acceleration Alternating Gradient =>Reduced magnet apertures compared to cyclotron Large 6D acceptance –High average and peak beam currents Beam can be extracted at a number of energies Fixed tunes Fixed orbit shape (largely increases with radius) Variable time of flight

8 Susan Louise Smith Non-scaling FFAG Born from considerations of very fast muon acceleration –Breaks the scaling requirement –More compact orbits ~ X 10 reduction in magnet aperture –Betatron tunes vary with acceleration (resonance crossing) –Parabolic variation of time of flight with energy Factor of 2 acceleration with constant RF frequency Serpentine acceleration Can mitigate the effects of resonance crossing by:- –Fast Acceleration ~15 turns –Linear magnets (avoids driving strong high order resonances) Or nonlinear magnets (avoids crossing resonances) –Highly periodic, symmetrical machine (many identical cells) Tight tolerances on magnet errors dG/G <2x10 -4 Novel, unproven concepts which need testing Electron Model => EMMA!


10 Susan Louise Smith EMMA International Collaboration EMMA design is an international effort and we recognise and appreciate the active collaboration from: –Brookhaven National Laboratory –Cockcroft Institute UK –Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory –John Adams Institute UK –LPSC, Grenoble –Science & Technology Facilities Council UK –TRIUMF –………..


12 Susan Louise Smith EMMA Goals Graphs courtesy of Scott Berg BNL

13 Susan Louise Smith LAYOUT

14 Susan Louise Smith ParameterValue Nominal Gun Energy350 keV Injector Energy8.35 MeV Max. Energy35 MeV Linac RF Frequency1.3 GHz Max Bunch Charge80 pC Emittance5-15 mm-mrad ALICE A ccelerators and L asers I n C ombined E xperiments EMMA

15 Susan Louise Smith EMMA Parameters & Layout Energy range10 – 20 MeV LatticeF/D Doublet Circumference16.57 m No of cells42 Normalised transverse acceptance 3 π mm-rad Frequency (nominal) 1.3 GHz No of RF cavities19 Repetition rate1 - 20 Hz Bunch charge16-32 pC single bunch

16 Susan Louise Smith RF Cavities x 19 YAG Screen Wire Scanner Wall Current Monitor Wire Scanner YAG Screen D Quadrupole x 42 F Quadrupole x 42 BPM x 82 16 Vertical correctors Septum Power Supply Kicker Power Supplies RF distribution 17 hybrid and phase shifter waveguide modules 90kW IOT racks Septum Power Supply Kicker Power Supplies Extraction Septum 70° Kicker Injection Septum 65° Kicker EMMA Ring Septum & kicker power supplies ~ 5 m

17 Susan Louise Smith SCHEDULE

18 Susan Louise Smith Schedule Off line build of modulesOct 2008 - Sept 2009 Installation in ALICE Accelerator HallMar - Nov 2009 Test systems in Accelerator HallJul - Dec 2009 Injection line ready for beamOct 2009 EMMA ring ready for beamEnd of 2009 1 st beams in to EMMA2009/2010

19 Susan Louise Smith LESSONS LEARNT

20 Susan Louise Smith EMMA Design Attraction of international expertise to work with the CONFORM team on EMMA design Technical contacts helps develop the expertise working on ns- FFAGs for all applications. Those working on future applications have contributed to studies of the EMMA highly periodic, linear lattice. The techniques and the lattice concept formed the starting point for many of the studies for other application including cancer therapy and ADSRs. Availability of lattice simulations tools, optimisation techniques and lattice input deck for EMMA  could quickly assess the practicalities of a similar design other applications helped evolution of this highly periodic linear ns-FFAG towards an appropriate design for a proton/carbon and ultimately ADSR.

21 Susan Louise Smith EMMA Design Acceleration techniques for protons is fundamentally different from the concept implemented for electrons in EMMA. The variation of the particle velocity during acceleration in proton machines and the demands of an RF system  means that the acceleration in proton machines will take place over of ~1000 turns instead of the 10 turns in EMMAs. Techniques and tools to measure fast resonance crossing can be easily modified to study slow resonance crossing. Such studies have been vital in developing the concept of the non linear non scaling FFAG a favoured option for hadron therapy and high power proton acceleration.

22 Susan Louise Smith Engineering project management and procurement experience Implementing the full EMMA design as a practical engineered accelerator has highlighted the importance of ensuring that at an early stage in the design phase adequate space is defined for critical accelerator components In particular injection and extraction magnets and the RF cavities. The exacting ~70 degree injection/extraction has demonstrated the engineering challenges of implementation of such a scheme within a highly periodic compact lattice even at the low energies of the EMMA ring. The experience was important in the evolution of the design of PAMELA and proton drivers to a less compact, lower symmetry lattices with longer straight sections for injection/extraction and RF.

23 Susan Louise Smith Engineering project management and procurement experience The experience and knowledge of collating out a full component list and understanding the complex work programme to deliver the accelerator. The costing of a complex accelerator facility demands a wide ranging knowledge of procurement costs ranging from conventional services through accelerator class civil infrastructure to high specialised technical components. The experience gained during the EMMA procurement project will assist any FFAG procurement –Similar products –Insider vendor information –Information on timescales for procurement and risk levels, where there are often limited options for competent vendors.

24 Susan Louise Smith Technical Component Design To deliver EMMA significant technical challenges have been overcome on magnet, RF and diagnostics systems. Although many other applications will adopt a different approach due to the heavy beams being accelerated and higher ultimate beam energy requirements, technology developments and experience gained can be applied. –LLRF in control of the amplitude and phase of the RF is one such area that is relevant. Also, –In-house design, construction and magnetic measurement of the EMMA injection and extraction fast pulsed magnets. –Development of diagnostic devices such as the BPM electronics and wall current monitors.

25 Susan Louise Smith The EMMA commissioning and experiment Design team for other applications intend to play a significant part in the commissioning and experiments on the EMMA facility. This will ensure the teams develop the experimental accelerator physics skills and experience to ensure other designs can be practically implemented. Experience will include gaining training and experience in commissioning, characterising and operating an advanced and complex accelerator with state of the art diagnostics. This knowledge and experience can be directly used to ensure that realistic simulations are constructed for other accelerator applications The teams will gain experience in operating, optimising and characterising the accelerator directly through an accelerator control systems, development and application of online computer models and other high level analysis and interface software.

26 Susan Louise Smith Testing physics, procedures & algorithms Assessing the ability of FFAG codes to predict the beam physics behaviour accurately of phenomena such as resonance crossing is an important aspect of the EMMA experiment and will be valuable to input to any FFAG project. All FFAGs use a static magnetic field and unlike a synchrotron they have a reference trajectory which varies throughout the energy ramp. The procedures to measure and correct the trajectories in EMMA will provide valuable experience for doing similar operations in the FFAG rings. Optics matching techniques, injection and extraction experience will also be useful in the design and commissioning phase of accelerators for othe applications.

27 Susan Louise Smith Benchmarking Codes EMMA will provide a unique opportunity to benchmark codes and to assess the performance of procedures and algorithms in an operating ns-FFAG accelerator. One extensively used design tools is the ZGOUBI tracking code. The EMMA team are already working on a controls wrap around for this code which will allow its use as the simulation engine within the EMMA online model. A “virtual accelerator” will allow procedures and algorithms to be tested off line Could use two different two codes –one producing diagnostics and machine data (the machine) –One the online modelling tool testing procedures and algorithms to set and tune the accelerator. All these activities will be vital in confirming the applicability and accuracy of such simulation codes. This will allow extensive benchmarking between codes and against data from a real operating ns-FFAG accelerator.

28 Susan Louise Smith Commissioning Overview Commissioning –Preparing machine for beam set-up DAQ & controls & hardware set-up diagnostic devices required –Getting beam into the machine & where you want it –Making sure all desired properties are achieved for the bunch (as full a characterisation as possible) for the machine (e.g. dispersion-free sections) –Making all the desired measurements –Set-up machine for particular experiments –Requires several fully consistent simulations of the machine !

29 Susan Louise Smith Update commissioning document to have –Project plan for EMMA commissioning preparation Deliverables / Milestones Who can look into it, STFC, collaborators etc. Simulations to be carried out (Richard D’Arcy & others) Procedure writing Give this plan to collaborators for feedback & help Full commissioning plan by end of November Major tasks e.g. - Build online model with interface (ZGOUBI / PI-ZGOUBI) –Already under way thanks to Yoel Giboudot, David Kelliher, Shinji Machida, Ben Shepherd, Sam Tygier Status of Commissioning

30 Susan Louise Smith ALICE Accelerator Hall EMMA injection line First 6 cell girder

31 Susan Louise Smith EMMA Summary Design phase of the project is complete Procurement is underway with major contracts placed Major components started to arrive in October 2008, Off-line build is in progress at Daresbury and installation of the ALICE to EMMA injection line is underway Will commission the injection line in late August Plan to deliver 1 st electrons into the ring in November The next step will be to apply the lessons learnt to new applications! A key aim is to:- Show non scaling FFAG acceleration works, compare results with the theoretical studies and gain real experience of operating such accelerators

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