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Published byKatrina Conley Modified over 8 years ago
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies Project (XCELS) A.G. Litvak, E.A. Khazanov, A.M. Sergeev Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 XCELS- EXawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies – is a new research infrastructure selected by the Russian government among 6 mega science projects to be constructed by 2020. XCELS is based on a new laser facility comprising of 12 amplification channels, each of them providing 400 J, 25 fs pulses, with the total pulse power of almost 200 PW. A new research institute will be built around this laser facility. 12 channels 15 PW each 400 J, 25 fs, 910 nm Quality: 3 divergence limits Phasing: T/10
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Host Institute: IAP RAS IAP RAS began independent activities in April 1977. IAP RAS is one of the largest and most successful institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientific studies are provided by about 1,200 employees, about 490 of whom are scientists, including 11 academicians and corresponding members of RAS, around 90 doctors and 200 candidates of science. About one third of the scientists are young people aging less than 35. Main directions of research: high power microwave electronics plasma physics and plasma technologies radiophysical methods of diagnostics and remote sensing wave processes in geophysics dynamics of nonlinear processes,laser physics and nonlinear optics (pioneering works in self-focusing, relativistic nonlinear optics, OPA, phase conjugation awarded by USSR State Prizes) Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 First petawatt OPCPA laser in the world 3 cascades of parametric amplification in DKDP crystals (the final stage with aperture D = 10 cm) ensures 10 11 total amplification gain 24 J/43 fs = 0/56 PW Focusable to 10 22 W/cm 2 PEARL
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 PEARL0.5 PWFront-end for XCELS-Proto2007 PEARL 105 PWTechnological upgrade of PEARL2013 XCELS - Proto2 x 10 PWScaling of PEARL to d30 cm DKDP2016 XCELS12 x 15 PWFinal2020 From PEARL to XCELS
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 PEARLPEARL 10Growth rate Pulse duration45 fs25 fs2 Pump laser 2ω (527 micron, 2 ns) 180 J270 J2 cascades Crystal size10x10 cm 2 12.5x12.5 cm 2 1.5 Efficiency (compressed) 15%25%1.6 0.56 PW x 2 x 2 x 1.5 x 1.6 = 5 PW From PEARL to PEARL 10 PEARL-10: Increasing OPCPA power of PEARL facility in 10 times
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 From PEARL to PEARL 10 4 cascades of parametric amplification in DKDP crystals (2 final stages with aperture D = 12.5 cm) to ensure 10 12 total amplification gain Repetition rate to be increased from 1/30min to 1/(1-3)min
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Main Technological Issues: Scaling of PEARL to 30 cm aperture DKDP crystal 2-3 kJ Nd:glass pump lasers 12 separate amplifying chains with shared front-end Adaptive optics to provide beam quality and coherent combining XCELS First prototyping stage - XCELS-Proto - two channel laser facility to be built at IAP RAS
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 XCELS-Proto PEARL architecture FEMTA & UFL-2M architectures (Sarov)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Available Technologies Crystals 1-3 with 365×400×50 mm size were grown by the high-rate growth technique for about 40 days. KDP crystal 4 with 140×140×300 mm size was grown by a conventional technique for about a year.
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Available Technologies "LUCH" facility with parametric amplifier FEMTA at VNIIEF (Sarov) and record characteristics of parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Schematic diagram of the compressor. Gratings G-2 and G-3 are composite here. Available Technologies For normal operation of the 15 PW compressor diffraction gratings of appropriate size (500 mm × 800 mm) are required. For the radiation energy of a pulse arriving at the compressor of 500 J, the energy density in a 40 cm beam will be a little more than 0.4 J/cm2.
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Rule of thumb for coherent combining of several beams: To maximize the electric field at focusing point, radiation of several combining beams should reproduce configuration of phase conjugated dipole radiation field Focusing geometry for 12 XCELS beams z x Minimum focusing volume
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 1.2×10 26 W/cm 2 Intensity, 10 26 W/cm 2 Number of beams single beam (f = 1) 1.3×10 25 W/cm 2 P total = 180 PW Double-Belt-12 Belt-6 Dipole-wave (ideal) 1.5×10 26 W/cm 2 Belt and Double-Belt approximation of dipole wave
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 GeometryPower per channel Intensity, ×10 25 W/cm 2 I/I(f=1.2) Equivalent power (f=1.2) Single beam (f=1.2) P 0 =200 PW1.21200 PW Belt-8 8×(f=1.2) P 0 /89.681.6 EW Belt-3 3× (f=0.3) P 0 /312.610.52.1 EW Double-Belt-12 12× (f=0.96) P 0 /1213.411.22.2 EW Dipole-Wave-16.713.92.8 EW P total = 200 PW How many EW from 200 PW ?
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 XCELS Exawatt-and-Beyond Program Malkin, V. M. et al. Fast compression of laser beams to highly overcritical powers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 44484451 (1999) G.Mourou et al. Exawatt-Zettawatt Pulse Generation and Applications, Opt.Com. (2011) R. M. G. M. Trines et al. Simulations of efficient Raman amplification into the multipetawatt regime, Nat.Phys. 7, p.87 (2011) C3 = CPA + OPCPA + BRA No coherence combining required! Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 1. Creation of sources of ultrashort coherent and incoherent radiation with record high brightness in the X-ray and gamma ranges based on radiation of ultrarelativistic charged particles moving in ultraintense laser fields, use of these sources for diagnosing processes and structures with picometer spatial and subfemtosecond temporal resolution. 2. Development of multicascade compact laser electron accelerators with energies above 100 GeV, use of the laser-plasma acceleration principles for developing advanced accelerator complexes with particle energies of 1-10 TeV. 3. Elaboration of compact laser ion accelerators with energies of 0.1-10 GeV and development of their applications in radiography and medicine. 4. Production and investigation of extreme states of matter arising under the action of ultrarelativistic laser fields; modeling of astrophysical and early cosmological phenomena in laboratory conditions. XCELS Program of Experimental Research Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 5. Creation of sources of electromagnetic waves of attosecond (10 -18 s) and subattosecond duration based on the generation of high harmonics of laser radiation and supercontinuum in a hyperwide spectral range in the course of the nonlinear interaction of powerful femtosecond laser pulses with matter, development of methods for application of such sources in the fundamental metrology and diagnostics of fast processes in matter. 6. Creation of a source of electromagnetic radiation with peak power over 1 Exawatt (10 18 W) on the basis of the interaction of multipetawatt laser pulses with plasma in ultrarelativistic regime. 7. Study of the space-time structure of vacuum probed by radiation with intensity exceeding 10 25 W/cm 2, investigation of the phenomena of quantum electrodynamics in the presence of ultraintense laser fields, including producing of matter and antimatter by means of radiation. 8. Research into a new field of science – nuclear optics – based on the use of secondary sources of gamma radiation for excitation and diagnostics of intranuclear processes. XCELS Program of Experimental Research Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 XCELS Program of Experimental Research Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS) Experiments in three dedicated ELI areas where high-field effects will be marginally observable at ELI-Beamlines, ELI-ALPS, and ELI-NP facilities New experimental areas that are opened up with XCELS power and intensity Developments to exawatt-and-beyond power and 10 26 W/cm 2 - and- beyond intensity using XCELS radiation conversion at nonlinear coupling with matter and vacuum
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 New experimental areas that are opened up with XCELS power and intensity 1. Dominating radiative losses – new γ-Ray sources 2. Relativistic ions 3. Probing vacuum by light 4. Plasma with exotic parameters XCELS Program of Experimental Research Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 At 10 24 W/cm 2 radiative losses over the field cycle become comparable with energy acquired by electron from the laser field Ultrarelativistic electrons are just convertors of energy from visible to gamma range and plasma becomes a strongly absorptive medium This fact evokes some skepticism regarding usage of very high fields for regular electron acceleration On the other hand, it opens up opportunities to create a variety of new gamma sources with unique parameters XCELS Program of Experimental Research
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 To maximize the electric field at focus, radiation of several combining beams should reproduce configuration of phase conjugated dipole radiation field 12 beams 200 PW total > 10 26 W/cm 2 Electron Trapping and Directed Gamma Rays Excitation at Converging Dipole Wave Laser Focusing Electron density versus time and radius at 30 fs dipole wave laser pulse focusing with peak total power of 200 PW Hard photon emission distribution as a function of angle and energy (radial coordinate, log scale) A.V.Bashinov et al. Quantum Electronics 43(4),291 (2013), A.Gonoskov et al. arXiv: 1306.5734v1 [plasm-ph]
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Incident pulse, 10 23 W/cm 2 Re-emitted pulse Overcritical plasma surface Oscillating Mirror Model (OMM) S.V. Bulanov et al., Phys. Plasm (1994) S.R. Lichters et al., Phys. Plasm (1996) S. Gordienko et al, PRL (2004) T. Baeva et al., PRE (2006) D. an der Brugge at al, Phys. Plasm (2010) Relativistic Electronic Spring (RES) Model A.Gonoskov et al, PRE (2011) Incident pulse, 10 18 -10 23 W/cm 2 Generation of Giant Attosecond Pulses at Laser Interaction with Solid Density Target
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 X Y Z Stages: 1) pushing of electrons and the formation of a thin current layer- nanoplasmonic structure, which results in energy transfer from the laser field to the plasma fields and particles; 2) backward motion of the electrons towards the incident wave with conversion of energy accumulated in the plasma and laser field energy into the kinetic energy of an ultrarelativistic electron bunch; 3) radiation of the attosecond pulse by an electron bunch due to conversion of the kinetic energy and laser field energy to the XUV and X- ray range. electrons ions Effect of Relativistic Electronic Spring
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 For 200 PW and 10 23 W/cm 2 at the groove target 0.5 mm wide we have 10 28 W/cm 2 in the volume V~10nm 3 Number of pairs N~10 9 Cascades are strongly suppressed due to the superluminal motion of the focal area 0.5 mm 10 nm 10 28 W/cm 2 v f = c/sinθ Pair Production from Vacuum
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Laser facilities ionization relativistic electrons probing vacuum relativistic ions EM cascades Vacuum breakdown radiative losses XCELS+ 10 26 -10 28 XCELS 10 24 -2 10 25 ELI I-III 10 23 -2 10 24 gamma ray sources XCELS Program of Experimental Research
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Collaboration of Russian Research Centers I nstitute of Applied Physics RAS (IAP RAS) Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS (ILIT RAS), Russian Research Center (RRC) "Kurchatov Institute", Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), P.N.Lebedev Physics Institute RAS (LPI RAS), General Physics Institute RAS (GPI RAS), Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS (JIHT RAS), Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of RAS (ILP SB RAS), Russian Federal Nuclear Center (RFNC-VNIIEF), Moscow State University (MSU), National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (MEPhI), University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN), and others Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2013 Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS) Interest from: The Ministry of Education and Science of France The Commissariat of Atomic Energy of France The Nuclear Energy Agency of Japan, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK (Japan), Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), The John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science (UK), Center for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR (Germany), National Research Institute of Canada International Collaboration The main contribution of foreign partners is supposed in the form of high-tech research equipment for the laser complex and research laboratories, totaling about 15% of the Project cost. XCELS and ELI Joint Venture ?
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