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RSC Learning Resources Conference 8 th November 2012, Manchester Andrew Bevan (EDINA)

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Presentation on theme: "RSC Learning Resources Conference 8 th November 2012, Manchester Andrew Bevan (EDINA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RSC Learning Resources Conference 8 th November 2012, Manchester Andrew Bevan (EDINA)

2 JISC MediaHub 1.Service introduction 2.Collections 3.Overview of key functions 4.Terms of use 5.Subscription 6.Keeping in touch

3 Service includes copyright-cleared film, image and sound files for educational use, plus searching JISC MediaHub delivers results from other collections of film, image and sound

4 Login options

5 Collection types

6 Inside JISC MediaHub 130,000 media items Digital Images for Education content ITN/Reuters archives, including Gaumont cinema newsreels Other collections of film and sound, including Performance Shakespeare, Culverhouse Classical Music, Imperial War Museum, Getty, Royal Geographic Society, St Georges Medical School and more.

7 TV news

8 Cinema news

9 Documentary film

10 History

11 Medicine

12 Science

13 Humanities

14 Contemporary images

15 Social history

16 Outside JISC MediaHub 595,000 media items

17 JISC MediaHub Home page Search (and advanced search link) available at top right of each page Rotating selection of images in centre

18 Results page Sorted by relevance Refine/filter options on left Hover over small images, pop up box with more details on left

19 Refine results options

20 Individual results Icon to denote collection type, e.g. Inside JISC MediaHub Icon to denote media type, e.g. still image Preview, mark, or click MORE…

21 Full record Option - click to browse other items from this collection Download options Mark item, saves it in My MediaHub Share via email, Facebook, Twitter and more

22 Full record Description Click on any of the details to generate a new search Links to similar content and recently viewed items

23 Inside MediaHub options Download image, 2 size options

24 Inside MediaHub options Video For Inside MediaHub videos, you will see a frame from the video. You can play the video within the full record page and download in a range of formats. NOTE: if your video is longer than average, you may see a list of clips on the right hand side of the video image. Select each clip separately to play:

25 Inside MediaHub options Audio For Inside MediaHub audio files, you will see an audio player to allow you to listen to the file. You can download the audio file in a range of formats:

26 Outside MediaHub options For Outside MediaHub image, video and audio files, you will see a small image representing the media item, but you link to an external website where you may have to login to view/play/download the item:

27 JISC MediaHub Explore Explore by Collection, Time, Subject, Learning materials, Newsfilm or Place

28 Explore collection

29 Explore timeline Search to create timeline Zoom in to see more detail using control on right Move along timeline using blue arrows on right

30 Explore Subject This area allows you to explore the Inside JISC MediaHub content, which has been catalogued with one of two subject classifications Unesco subjects – Film & Sound Online content IPTC subjects – DIE and NFO content Click on top level subject to start, click blue figures to see results

31 Explore Learning Materials Previously commissioned content, more being added

32 Explore Place Heat map of database records

33 Explore Newsfilm

34 Advanced Search Number of results displayed here Select collections to search Input keywords and/or subjects Select collection and/or media type Combine keywords, subject terms and selected collections Live search results at bottom of page

35 My MediaHub

36 Terms of Use You can: Create local cache to improve access Download metadata, films and scripts Print metadata, stills and scripts Use in course materials Use in coursework Include in secure VLEs, MLEs Display, download & print for promotion, testing & training Display at seminars, conferences, workshops

37 Terms of Use You cannot: Display without appropriate acknowledgement Sell or resell the licensed material and/or metadata Remove or modify copyright Alter, adapt or modify Publish content on the open web Commercial use or any other non-education purpose

38 Terms of Use Outside JISC MediaHub User needs to check terms of use Full record page links to Terms of Use on external site

39 Future development Check out the Roadmap section of the blog for updates:

40 Feedback 74 responses to survey Results summarised and sent to JISC Monitoring Unit Questions on ease/frequency of use

41 Subscription

42 Advisory Boards

43 Like our Facebook page

44 Subscribe to blog

45 Follow on Twitter

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