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CLICdp news Lucie Linssen, CERN CLICdp meeting Whistler, Nov 5, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CLICdp news Lucie Linssen, CERN CLICdp meeting Whistler, Nov 5, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLICdp news Lucie Linssen, CERN CLICdp meeting Whistler, Nov 5, 2015 1

2 Nov 5, 2015 2 CLICdp-wide documents in preparation CLICdp plans for the 2018/2019 European Strategy update News from the publication committee News from the speakers committee CLIC workshop, January 2016

3 CLIC detector and physics (CLICdp) Nov 5, 2015 3 Light-weight collaboration structure No engagements, on best-effort basis With strong links to ILC CLICdp :  26 institutes Focus of CLIC-specific studies on: Physics prospects and simulation studies Detector optimisation + R&D for CLIC

4 CLICdp-wide documents Nov 5, 2015 4 Three CLICdp-wide summaries in preparation: Note (in work) on the new CLIC detector model It’s an internal document. With lots of info. In preparation by Konrad Elsener Please have a look: CLIC staging baseline document Describes the new CLIC baseline with 380 GeV, 1.5 GeV, 3 TeV Mostly waiting for completion by accelerator experts See draft: CLIC Higgs overview paper Editors: Christian Grefe, Strahinja Lukic, Sophie Redford, Philipp Roloff, Frank Simon, Mark Thomson See next slide

5 Nov 3, 2015 5

6 CLICdp documents in preparation for next European Strategy Nov 5, 2015 6 CLICdp reports serving as ingredients for a summary report: 2015 CLIC re-baselining report ✔ In preparation, together with accelerator. Draft by end-2015. Publication TBC. The 2015 CLIC detector model ✔ Nearly complete draft exists. Technical note. The CLIC Higgs physics overview publication of 2015 ✔ Nearly finished. End-2015. Publication An overview of CLIC top physics Foreseen CLIC top physics publication in 2016/2017? Extended BSM studies (hopefully motivated by LHC discoveries) Foresee publication in 2017? CLIC R&D report => with main CLIC technology demonstrators Summary report, 2017, Note or Publication TBC Plan for the period ~2019-2025 in case CLIC would be supported by next strategy 2017/2018, Note to be included in the CLIC input report for the Strategy

7 Status of submissions – 2013-2015 November, 2015Aharon Levy, CLICdp PubCom7 Type2013 (Oct- Dec) 20142015 (June) 2015 (Oct) Note5524 Conf5947 Draft6201117 Pub0024 Total1014815 TOTAL

8 CLICdp publications June 3, 2015Aharon Levy, CLICdp PubCom8

9 2015 Report of the CLICdp Speakers Committee I. Bozovic 1, E. Sicking 2, N. van der Kolk 3 1 Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, SERBIA 2 CERN, Switzerland 3 MPI, Germany

10 In summary 41 contributions in total 15 invited talks Major 2015 conferences covered (EPS-HEP Vienna, Lepton-Photon 2015, Ljubljana, LCWS15 Whistler,…) Equally covered physics and detector R&D – 21 physics talks – 20 detector related talks At last but not at least 20 LCWS15 contributions including 2 invited talks 10

11 Upcoming events 2015-12-03 Conference: Scalars 2015 Abstract submission deadline: 2015-11-23 ----- 2016-01-06 Conference: 6th International Workshop on High Energy Physics in the LHC era Abstract submission deadline: 2015-11-20 ----- 2016-01-18 Conference: CLIC workshop Registration deadline: 2016-01-04 11

12 Upcoming events 12 2016-02-15 Conference: 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Talk: Development of a silicon tracker for CLIC Status: submitted Speaker: Andreas Nurnberg Talk: Recent results with HV-CMOS and planar sensors for the CLIC vertex detector Status: submitted Speaker: Niloufar Alipour Tehrani Talk: Shower characteristics of particles with momenta up to 150 GeV in the CALICE scintillator-tungsten HCAL Status: submitted Speaker: Eva Sicking For more, see our upcoming conferences page: of_Upcoming_Events

13 13 CLIC workshop 2016 For CLICdp: Tuesday 19/1 at midday – Friday 22/1 at midday Topical sessions Vertex and Tracker R&D ECAL/HCAL/FCAL R&D Detector optimisation + new detector model Software Physics and analysis Wednesday afternoon => Open plenary session Thursday lunchtime => IB meeting Friday morning => Common CLIC+CLICdp plenary CLICdp 2-day meeting August 30+31 Will try to avoid parallel sessions

14 thank you 14

15 Nov 3, 2015 15 spare slides

16 Details 2015-01-08 Conference: Epiphany Conference on Future High Energy Colliders 1 Talk: Physics at the CLIC electron- positron linear collider Status: invited Speaker: Philipp Roloff, Sophie Redford 2. Talk: Detector optimisation and detector technologies for e+e- collisions at CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen 3. Talk: CLIC Vertex Detector R&D Status: invited 'young physicist' talk Speaker: Szymon Kulis 4. Forward-backward asymmetries for b and t quarks at CLICdp Status: invited 'young physicist' talk Speaker: Pawel Sopicki 16 2015-01-12 Conference: SiD workshop 2015 5. Talk: CLICdp report Speaker: Rosa Simoniello ------ 2015-01-19 Conference: Workshop on future (circular) collider "The future of high energy physics" 6. Talk: Physics at Linear Colliders Speaker: Frank Simon ------ 2015-02-17 Conference: Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors 7. Talk: Capacitively Coupled Hybrid Pixel Assemblies for the CLIC Vertex Detector Speaker: Daniel Hynds

17 Details 2015-05-24 Conference: 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics 8. Talk: CLIC vertex detector R&D Status: poster Speaker: Niloufar Alipour Tehrani ------ 2015-06-01 Conference: 24th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors 9. Talk: Vertex Detector R&D for CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Szymon Kulis ------ 2015-06-30 Conference: Workshop on Top physics at the LC 2015 10. Talk: The Compact Linear Collider Project Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen 9. Talk: Detector optimisation and detector technologies for e+e- collisions at CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen 4. Forward-backward asymmetries for b and t quarks at CLICdp Status: invited 'young physicist' talk Speaker: Pawel Sopicki 17 11. Talk: Sensitivity to top FCNC decay t->cH at future e+e- colliders Status: invited Speaker: Filip Zarnecki 12. Talk: ttH at the LC Status: invited Speaker: Philipp Roloff ------ 2015-07-22 Conference: European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 13. Talk: Higgs and BSM physics at CLIC Speaker: Sophie Redford 14. Talk: Top quark physics at a future linear collider Speaker: Roman Pöschl 15. Talk: Status of vertex and tracking detector R&D at CLIC Status: poster Speaker: Elena Firu

18 Details 2015-07-27 Conference: Gomel school on "The Actual Problems of Microworld Physics " 16. Higgs physics at CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Mila Pandurovic ------ 2015-08-17 Conference: 27th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energy 17. Talk: Future High Energy Linear Colliders Status: invited Speaker: Philipp Roloff ------ 2015-08-20 Conference: 17th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics 18. Talk: CLIC Physics Overview Status: invited Speaker: Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic 9. Talk: Detector optimisation and detector technologies for e+e- collisions at CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen 4. Forward-backward asymmetries for b and t quarks at CLICdp Status: invited 'young physicist' talk Speaker: Pawel Sopicki 18 ------ 2015-08-23 Conference: 3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics 19.Talk: Overview of the CLIC detector and its physics potential Status: invited Speaker: Marko Petric ------ 2015-08-31 Conference: 3rd Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics 20. Talk: CLIC physics potential and project status Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen

19 Details ------ 2015-09-25 Conference: 10th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors 21. Talk: Vertex and tracking detector R&D for CLIC Speaker: Dominik Dannheim ----- 2015-11-02 Conference: LCWS15 22. Talk: CLIC detector and physics Status: invited plenary Speaker: Aidan Robson 23. Talk: CLICdp detector model Status: invited plenary Speaker: Nikiforos Nikiforou 9. Talk: Detector optimisation and detector technologies for e+e- collisions at CLIC Status: invited Speaker: Lucie Linssen 4. Forward-backward asymmetries for b and t quarks at CLICdp Status: invited 'young physicist' talk Speaker: Pawel Sopicki 19 24. Talk: Thin-sensor studies for the CLIC vertex detector Speaker: Sophie Redford 25. Talk: CLICpix planar-sensor assemblies Speaker: Dominik Dannheim 26. Talk: Capacitively coupled pixel detectors for the CLIC vertex detector Speaker: Steven Green 27. Talk: Tracker-technology R&D for CLIC Speaker: Andreas Nurnberg 28. Talk: Shower characteristics of particles with momenta up to 150 GeV in the CALICE W-AHCAL Speaker: Felix Sefkow

20 Details 20 29. Talk: Track reconstruction for the CLIC full silicon tracker Speaker: Rosa Simoniello 30. Talk: ILCDirac: Status and Plans Speaker: Marko Petric 31. Talk: The CLICdp detector model implementation Speaker: Marko Petric 32. Talk: DD4hep – based reconstruction Speaker: Nikiforos Nikiforou 33. Talk: Status of the Pandora Particle Flow Algorithm Speaker: John Marshall 34. Talk: Photon reconstruction using the Pandora Particle Flow Algorithm Speaker: Boruo Xu 35. Talk: HCal Optimisation Studies for the ILD Speaker: Steven Green 36. Talk: Measurement of the Higgs to EW bosons decays at low and intermediate CLIC energies Speaker: Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic 37. Talk: Measurement of double Higgs production at CLIC Speaker: Rosa Simoniello 38. Talk: Physics potential for the measurement of hadronic Higgs decays and the Higgs mass at high-energy CLIC operation Speaker: Philipp Roloff 39. Talk: H->bb/cc/gg at 350 GeV at CLIC Speaker: Marco Szalay 40. Talk: Grid Production Tools Speaker: Marko Petric 41. Talk: Simulation Tools Speaker: Nikiforos Nikiforou

21 Example: QD0 in or out? Nov 3, 2015 21 In the CDR: QD0 in detector, L* ~3.5m Solution was found for QD0 stability Optimal for high luminosity Reduced detector acceptance In CLIC_det2015: QD0 out of detector, L* ~6m Some luminosity loss Increased forward acceptance Studies in the coming years will tell which solution is better => large impact on layout and engineering

22 Context Nov 3, 2015 22 From the European strategy document: “… Europe needs to be in a position to propose an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN by the time of the next strategy update” This is reflected in the CERN financial plan in which FCC and CLIC fuse into a single budget line from 2020 onwards Only one CERN energy frontier project as of 2020

23 CLIC strategy and objectives Nov 3, 2015 23 2013-18 Development Phase Develop a Project Plan for a staged implementation in agreement with LHC findings; further technical developments with industry, performance studies for accelerator parts and systems, as well as for detectors. 2018-19 Decisions On the basis of LHC data and Project Plans (for CLIC and other potential projects), take decisions about next project(s) at the Energy Frontier. 4-5 year Preparation Phase Finalise implementation parameters, Drive Beam Facility and other system verifications, site authorisation and preparation for industrial procurement. Prepare detailed Technical Proposals for the detector-systems. 2024-25 Construction Start Ready for full construction and main tunnel excavation. Construction Phase Stage 1 construction of CLIC, in parallel with detector construction. Preparation for implementation of further stages. Commissioning Becoming ready for data- taking as the LHC programme reaches completion.

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