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LORD OF THE FLIES VOCAB UNIT 3 Chapters 7-10. compel (v.) to force someone to do something; exert a strong, irresistible force on If only I had the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "LORD OF THE FLIES VOCAB UNIT 3 Chapters 7-10. compel (v.) to force someone to do something; exert a strong, irresistible force on If only I had the ability."— Presentation transcript:


2 compel (v.) to force someone to do something; exert a strong, irresistible force on If only I had the ability to compel students to participate in class; there’d be so many fewer awkward silences.

3 corpulent (adj.) Excessively fat; having a large bulky body This political cartoon is making a statement about the causes perceived by the author to cause a corpulence in California.

4 crestfallen (adj.) Very sad and disappointed; feeling shame or humiliation; dejected An unnecessary mistake or a loss that feels undeserved can cause any athlete to feel crestfallen. However, it is how you choose to move forward that can make you great.

5 demure (adj.) Quiet and polite; not attracting or demanding a lot of attention At first glance this cake is demure and unassuming; a closer look reveals the personality behind the couple to be married!

6 enterprise (n.) The ability or desire to do dangerous or difficult things or to solve problems in new ways In the spirit of true enterprise, when their parents refused to build a neighborhood treehouse, the friends decided to run a lemonade stand to earn the money themselves.

7 fervor (n.) Intensity of feeling or expression, especially excitement or enthusiasm; intense heat

8 glower (v.) to look at someone or something in an angry way or in annoyance Because Dr. Temperance Brennan is typically the smartest person in any room, her character on Bones is well-known for glowering at those who require more explanation than she thinks is necessary.

9 impervious (adj.) Not bothered or affected by something; incapable of being penetrated or affected

10 rebuke (v.) To speak in an angry and critical way to (someone); to criticize sharply While it is appropriate for a parent to rebuke his/her child, it is not appropriate to rebuke a server who makes a mistake on your order.

11 saunter (v.) To walk along in a slow and relaxed manner; stroll He casually sauntered over with an air of the expert showing the amateurs how to do it.

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