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Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications PeopleSoft Integration

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1 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications PeopleSoft Integration
Marco Borgianni

2 Agenda Introduction XA & TWS for Applications Architecture
Installation Configuration Scheduling & Monitoring Demo

3 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications – XA
TWS for Applications extends the concept of jobs into other scheduling spaces inside Enterprise Resource Planning architectures. An Application Extensions’ workstation (CPU) is only a logical entity related to an access method hosted by a physical workstation where the Fault Tolerant Agent (FTA) runs More than one Application Extension workstations can be hosted by the same FTA and rely on the same access method External System1 WebUI External System2 FTA Extended Agent CPUs JSC X-AGENT

4 XA v.s. TWS for Apps eXtended Agents (or XA) is a generic protocol provided by TWS distributed to allow the extension of the concept of job to other domains. TWS for Applications is a product made of a set of eXtended Agents that are in particular demand: SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, MVS, TWSz, CA7 There are other XA in the field, especially to connect to other Tivoli/IBM products: unixssh (agentless), internetwork dependencies, TSM, VDC. ERP SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft Capabilities Tandem, netmeth XA XA See chapter 15 of the User’s Guide and Reference for the specifications of the eXtended Agent protocol. TWS Platforms unixssh, JES, MVS XA XA Integrations TSM, IGT, LoadLeveler

5 TWS for Applications: Specific Extensions
SAP R/3 and Business Warehouse PeopleSoft Oracle e-Business Suite Tandem Netbatch (Business Partner Offering only) TWS for Application provides two types of benefits An advanced job executor and sensor in the specialized domain SAP concepts Oracle concepts, etc. A member of the Tivoli Workload Automation family participating to the extensions Event mechanism Report mechanism Dependency definition

6 Other eXtended Agents: the default TWS set
A set of XA coming with the TWS distributed product. This set can increase with each release. Unixlocl: a toy script-based XA, provides a nice way to make load failover at Master or DM level. Unixssh: the agentless XA, useful to avoid agent installation, and with a very interesting price point. Netmeth: the internetwork dependency XA, needed to implement the relative product feature. Tsmxagent: integration with TSM to be able to submit and track loads in a TSM network and drive backups automatically

7 Other offerings around eXtended Agents
An XA provided by external partners available through separate offering Tandem netbatch: an XA to submit and track load on the Tandem platform. Provided by a Business Partner. An XA provided by IBM for additional functions TWS2TWS: an XA to submit and track load on another TWS Distributed, from Distributed or E2E

8 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications Architecture

9 Tivoli Workload Scheduler for Applications Architecture
Browser JSC WebSphere ISC SSM TWS Core TWS Master TWS FTA SSM TWS Core Component Interface TWS XA psagent JDBC DB

10 Supported PeopleSoft environments
PeopleTools 8.44 and later Earlier versions of PeopleTools are supported by TWS for Apps 8.2.x only PeopleTools 8.44 and later

11 Architecture / Design – PeoplSoft
ODBC CONN. CLIENT APPLICATION SERVER DB SERVER BATCH SERVER TUXEDO CONN. Typical PeopleSoft Scenario TUXEDO/Jolt Transaction/authentication manager ODBC Open standard application programming interface (API) for accessing a database. Other servers: File Server Report Server Web Server ... PeopleSoft Environment

12 PS Architecture – Application Server
Web Server Jolt PeopleSoft xagent Jolt Server Processes PSQCKSRV PSAPPSRV PSQRYSRV PSSAMSRV Application Server SQL Application Server In response to the request of a user or of an external application, the application server runs the appropriate SQL against the database to add a row to the Process Request table (PSPRCSRQST) for the submitted process request Server Processes - PSAPPSRV This process performs functional requests, such as building and loading components. It also provides the memory and disk-caching feature for PeopleTools objects on the application server. PSAPPSRV is required to be running in any domain. - PSQCKSRV This process performs quick, read-only SQL requests. This is an optional process designed to improve performance by reducing the workload of PSAPPSRV. - PSSAMSRV This SQL application manager process handles the conversational SQL that is mainly associated with PeopleSoft Application Designer. This process is required to be running on any domain. - PSQRYSRV This process is designed to handle any query run by PeopleSoft Query. This is an optional process designed to improve performance by reducing the workload of PSAPPSRV. And some other optional processes Services When a PeopleSoft application sends a request to the application server, it sends a service name and a set of parameters, such as MgrGetObject and its parameters. BEA Tuxedo then queues the transaction request to a specific server process that is designed to handle certain services. When a server process boots, it advertises to the system the predefined services it handles. You can see the association between the many services and server processes by reviewing the PSAPPSRV.UBB file Database

13 Installation To replace the title / subtitle with your own:
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14 Installation – LaunchPad
To install you can use any of the following procedures. The launchpad The ISMP silent installation The Tivoli Software Distribution, version 4.1 product or the Software Distribution component of Tivoli Configuration Manager, version 4.2 or later On UNIX Operating Systems, the twsappsinst command.

15 Installation – PSJOA.jar
Before installing you need to have the file: “psjoa.jar” You can copy it from the PeopleSoft Application Server, it’s located in the the directory: “<PS_HOME>/class/” The Application Server where you take the psjoa.jar file and the Application Server the PeopleSoft access method connects to, must be at the same version. For example, the PeopleSoft access method will fail to connect to a server using a psjoa.jar file taken from a server at level The Application Server OS need not match the PeopleSoft xagent OS. For example the PeopleSoft xagent on Linux can use a psjoa.jar taken from a Windows Application Server. Note: Don’t copy the psjoa.jar file into a directory whose name contains special characters (e.g. “!”), otherwise the PeopleSoft access method will fail.

16 Installation – Installed files
After installing you’ll find the following files (among the other ones): TWS_HOME\methods\psagent(.exe) TWS_HOME\methods\pwdcrypt(.cmd) TWS_HOME\methods\psjars\tws4ps.jar TWS_HOME\methods\psjars\jffdc.jar TWS_HOME\methods\psjars\jlog.jar ... psagent.exe is the access method on Windows, while psagent is the access method on UNIX. pwdcrypt.cmd is the encrytpion utility on Windows, while pwdcrypt is the encrytpion utility on UNIX. tws4ps.jar, jffdc.jar and jlog.jar are implement the PeopleSoft access method.

17 Configuration To replace the title / subtitle with your own:
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18 Configuration – access method files
CPU1 CPU2 FTA CPU1_psagent.opts CPU2_psagent.opts PSAGENT

19 Configuration – access method options
- PSFT_OPERATOR_ID - PSFT_OPERATOR_PWD - SERVER_NAME_LIST - RUNLOCATION - PSJOAPATH - TWS_RETRY - TWS_MAX_WAIT_TIME - TWS_MIN_WAIT_TIME - CHECKINTERVAL - LJUSER - PS_DISTSTATUS - TWSXA_INLINE_CI - TWSA_SCHED_METH * Mandatory options in bold. Options new in TWS for Apps 8.3 and later in blue Here follows the list of options*: CHECKINTERVAL (Optional) Specifies the frequency (in seconds) with which the psagent monitors a submitted process up to completion. The default is 120. RUNLOCATION (Optional) Specifies the default PeopleTools process server that processes the requests. LJUSER (Optional) Specifies the ID of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler user that runs the psagent to launch jobs (LJ tasks). This user must be a valid Tivoli Workload Scheduler user on the Tivoli Workload Scheduler hosting workstation. PS_DISTSTATUS (Optional) Determines whether the distribution status of the PeopleSoft request is taken into account when determining the status of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler job. Values are 0 (not taken into account) or 1 (taken into account - the default value). PSFT_OPERATOR_ID (Mandatory) Specifies the PeopleSoft operator ID used for the connection to the PeopleSoft application server. PSFT_OPERATOR_PWD (Mandatory) Specifies the encrypted password (case-sensitive) of the PeopleSoft operator ID used for the connection to the PeopleSoft application server. PSJOAPATH (Optional) Specifies the full path name of the psjoa.jar file. If this option is not set, the path name provided during the installation is used. Ensure you identify the version of the psjoa.jar file that corresponds to the version of PeopleSoft that you are using. SERVER_NAME_LIST (Mandatory) Specifies the list of application servers that the psagent tries to connect to. It is a comma-separated list of addresses in the format: <server>:<port> [,<server>:<port>] ... where: <server> Species the host name or TCP/IP address of the server <port> Specifies the port number the server is listening on. TWS_MAX_WAIT_TIME (Optional) Specifies the maximum time that the extended agent waits (timeout) after a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server before retrying the operation. The default is 10 seconds. TWS_MIN_WAIT_TIME (Optional) Specifies the minimum time that the extended agent waits (timeout) after a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server before retrying the operation. The default is 5 seconds. TWS_RETRY (Optional) The maximum number of times that the extended agent attempts a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server. The default is 5. TWSXA_INLINE_CI (Optional) Specifies the name of the component interface that the psagent invokes to submit jobs to PeopleSoft. The default is ITWS_PROCESSREQUEST. If you use this default requires you must perform the customization steps described in “Configuring the ITWS_PSXA PeopleSoft project” on page 76. If you do not plan to schedule jobs containing in-line variables, and you do not want to perform the additional customization steps, you must replace the default value with PROCESSREQUEST. This is the component interface invoked by previous versions of the access method; it does not allow the use of in-line variables. TWSA_SCHED_METH (Optional) Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft method invoked by the component interface specified in TWSXA_INLINE_CI. Both ITWS_PROCESSREQUEST and PROCESSREQUEST use the default method Schedule. If you are using either of these component interfaces, leave the default. If you are using a different component interface, specify the name of the method called by your component interface, respecting the case of the PeopleSoft object name. Note The Application Server where you take the psjoa.jar file and the Application Server the PeopleSoft access method connects to, must be at the same version. That is, the PeopleSoft access method will fail to connect to a server using a psjoa.jar file taken from a server at level Use the PSJOAPATH option to specify the full pathname of the psjoa.jar to be used, in case the default one (that was provided during installation) is not correct.

20 Configuration – Option Editor
Options files can be created and managed as in previous releases both with the Option Editor and manually. The Option Editor has been modified to fully manage the new options of the PeopleSoft access method.

21 Configuration – PeopleSoft project 1/3

22 Configuration – PeopleSoft project 2/3

23 Configuration – PeopleSoft project 3/3

24 PeopleSoft xAgent - Definition

25 PeopleSoft Jobs - Definition

26 PeopleSoft Jobs - Properties

27 PeopleSoft Jobs - Properties
PeopleSof WEBUI

28 Job Status Mapping You can have the access method ignore the distribution status setting the PS_DISTSTATUS option to 0. Note: If Tivoli Workload Scheduler fails to retrieve the status of the PeopleSoft job, the Tivoli Workload Scheduler job status is: UNDECIDED

29 Schedule & Monitoring To replace the title / subtitle with your own:
Click on the title block -> select all the text by pressing Ctrl+A -> press Delete key -> type your own text

30 Typical Agent Processing
psagent.opts (global and local) batchman jobman JOBMAN method psagent.exe jobmanrc JOBMAN JOBMAN JOBMAN Script or Command

31 PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Jobs
The PeopleSoft process scheduler uses entries in the Process Request table (PSPRCRQST) to drive its work decisions. These entries describe the processes which the Process Scheduler server agent will launch. They also contain the information required to determine the status of the process. The access method for PeopleSoft can insert entries, inquire against the contents and modify the status information within this table (PSPRCRQST). When documenting a PeopleSoft job in Tivoli Workload Scheduler, the user is actually defining a process request to be inserted in the Process Request table (PSPRCRQST). A process request from Tivoli Workload Scheduler must contain three valid pieces of data: 1) Process Type 2) Process Name 3) Run Control ID -The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler uses the Process Request Table to drive work decisions. -The entries describe the processes in which the Proc. Scheduler will launch. -The access Method for PeopleSoft can insert entries and inquire against the content and modify status info within the table. -When documenting a PeopleSoft Job in TWS the user is actually defining a process request to be inserted in the process request table. There are 3 valid pieces of data it must contain.

32 Scheduling Path PROCESSREQUEST CI TWS Method Process Scheduler
PSPRCRQST Process Scheduler

33 Monitor on TWS

34 Monitor on PeopleSoft PeopleSof WEBUI


36 Questions & Answer


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