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01/09/08 Planning 2: SCO Planning Tools and Forecasting Documents.

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Presentation on theme: "01/09/08 Planning 2: SCO Planning Tools and Forecasting Documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 01/09/08 Planning 2: SCO Planning Tools and Forecasting Documents

2 01/09/08 Objectives  Know how & when to utilize the four key SCO planning documents for Security Cooperation programs  Know how & when to use the two forecasting documents required by State & DSCA & their thresholds  Know how to access & utilize the Partnership Strategy Toolkit (PST)

3 01/09/08 4 SCO Planning Documents  Mission Resource Request (MRR)  GCC Theater Campaign Plan -- with supporting regional & country campaign plans  SA Budget Web Tool  Combined Education & Training Program Plan (CETPP)

4 01/09/08 (1) Mission Strategic and Resource Plan (MSRP) Key planning tool for all embassy activities  Summarizes overarching priorities & goals of USG for a country  Reflects COM’s vision & execution guidance  Represents resource request  Includes COM’s plan to measure progress & results  SCO priorities & budget requests should be linked to this document

5 01/09/08 Joint Strategic Goal Framework Source: 2010 State/USAID Joint Summary of Performance

6 01/09/08 Outline of the FY 2013 MRR 1)Chief of Mission Statement 2)State Operations & Foreign Assistance Request 3)Summary of FY 2010 Performance Results (baseline year) - by goal & by performance indicator 4)Goal Papers 5)Tabular Summaries of Funding & Resource Requests Ratings for Performance Indicators

7 01/09/08 (2) GCC Theater Campaign Plan Summary: Operationalizes GCC theater strategy Prioritizes regions, sub-regions, & countries Prioritizes efforts Guides and tasks component commands Goals: Maintain ready forces in concert with regional partners Promote regional stability Counter terrorism Advance U.S. interests in theater Essential SC Themes: Maintain regional access/freedom of action Build partner capacity Improve interoperability Support Security Sector Reform (SSR) Instill regional confidence/assure partners Create influence in countries/theater PACOM Theater Campaign Plan

8 01/09/08 Below the Theater Campaign Plan…  Regional Campaign Plans:  For countries in a geographic sector of AOR  Country Campaign Plans:  Prepared by GCC J5 with input from…  GCC staff  SCO  Component Commands  Integrates timing & types of SC tools  Provides details on engagements, equipment, training, & services involved  Service Component Supporting Plans

9 01/09/08 Nesting of Guidance and Plans at the GCC Level

10 01/09/08 (3) SA Budget Web Tool

11 01/09/08 Sample SCO Submission for FMF (FY 2012) FMF Budget Request Report Submission: SAO Report Date: Oct 8, 2009 Bandaria

12 01/09/08 Sample SCO Submission for FMF (FY 2012) (Priority 1 of 7)

13 01/09/08 Sample SCO Submission for IMET (FY 2012) IMET Budget Request Report Submission: SAO Report Date: Oct 7, 2009 Bandaria

14 01/09/08 Sample SCO Submission for IMET (FY 2012) (Priority 1 of 4)

15 01/09/08 JanMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecFebJanMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecFebSepOctNovDec DoD recommends to State OSD Policy Reviews JS submits to DSCA DSCA Reviews DSCA Budget Call SCOs Submit to COCOMs submit to Joint Staff DoD SA Budget Development Process (SA Web Tool) 201220132014 Notional Timelines -- 2015 FMF and IMET -- State Budget Development Process Planning Guidance Issued MSRPs due to State Budget submitted to OMB President’s budget provided to Congress Congressional hearings, mark-ups Congress passes Foreign Operations appropriation Budget decisions by State/USAID leadership State roundtables with DoD Budget submitted to OMB CBJ provided to Congress BSRP due Preparation of Budget submission

16 01/09/08 JanMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecFeb 2014 Notional Timelines -- 2015 FMF and IMET -- State Budget Development Process President’s budget provided to Congress Congressional hearings, mark-ups Congress passes Foreign Operations appropriation CBJ provided to Congress JanMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecFeb 2015 State determines Initial allocations State issues FAA 653a Allocations Report Funds apportioned for execution as required FMF approved program execution baseline set

17 01/09/08 FMF and IMET Budget Process SCO GCC Joint Staff DSCA DoS CBJ OSD Policy

18 01/09/08 SA Web Tool -- FY 2015 Timelines  SCO Pre-Budget Information Release and Preparation 11 – 31 Aug 12  Budget Call Instructions Released/Web Tool Open for Input 6 Sep 12  USDP Strategic and Fiscal Guidance Released to COCOMs26 Sep 12  SCO Submissions due to COCOMs 14 Oct 12  Submission Review Conferences w/COCOM (as required) 1 – 3 Nov 12  Combatant Command submissions due to Joint Staff16 Dec 12  Joint Staff Submission due to DSCA 6 Jan 13  DSCA Review 9 – 31 Jan 13  OSD Policy Regional Review 1 – 24 Feb 13  Finalize DoD Recommendation and USDP Approval27 Feb – 16 Mar 13  DoD Budget Recommendation to State 23 Mar 13  Internal DoD Roundtable Preparation Conferences (as required) 2 – 4 Apr 13  State Roundtables (tentative) 9 – 13 Apr 13

19 01/09/08 Congressional Budget Justification

20 01/09/08 CBJ (Cont’d)

21 01/09/08 CBJ (Cont’d)

22 01/09/08 (4) Combined Education and Training Program Plan (CETPP)  Developed annually by the SCO in coordination with partner nation  Includes all funding sources  Partner nation (i.e., FMS cash)  US Appropriations (FMF, IMET, CTFP, etc.)  Approved by the GCC  Presented at the GCC Security Cooperation Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG) for scheduling

23 01/09/08 Training Objectives in CETPP  Developed annually by the SCO in coordination with host nation  Includes all funding sources  Host Nation (i.e., FMS cash)  U.S. Appropriations (FMF, IMET, CTFP, etc.)  Approved by the GCC  Presented at the GCC Education and Training Working Group (SCETWG) for s (Complete CETPP Outline in SAMM C10.F1) Note linkage to other plans

24 01/09/08 2 Forecasting Documents (SAMM C14.1)  Javits Report (“Arms Sales Proposal”)  FMS Sales Forecast Report  Bottom-up input by SCOs  Annual reports, satisfying statutory requirements  Merged into one reporting process by DSCA beginning with FY 2012 cycle

25 01/09/08 Annual Arms Sales Proposal Report (“Javits’ Report”; §25(a)(1), AECA)  Required by Congress NLT 01 Feb each year  Lists FMS/DCS sales eligible for approval during current calendar year:  Major weapons/weapons-related defense equipment greater than $7M  Any other weapons/weapons-related defense equipment greater than $25M  Identifies “most likely” sales  Classified report in two parts: FMS & DCS  Generally, no notifications until submitted

26 01/09/08 Annual FMS Sales Forecast Report [§25(a)(2), AECA]  Required by Congress NLT 01 Feb each year from DSCA within the annual CBJ  Two year projection of all FMS sales by fiscal year:  No dollar thresholds and no DCS  Identifies “highly probable” and “possible” sales  Used by DSCA to determine future implementing agency resources (FMS Admin Fund) and to validate FMFP projections

27 01/09/08 Javits and FMS Sales Forecast Reports --Timeline for 2013 -- 2012  AprilDSCA releases tasker to start annual cycle  June SCO input due to DSCA  SeptemberCOCOM / OSD / MILDEP Staffing Complete  OctoberDSCA Director decision on FY13/14 Sales Forecast  OctoberCY12 Javits inputs to State for coordination  NovemberFY12 Sales Forecast brief to OMB  NovemberDSCA assessment of Health of Trust Fund 2013  JanuaryCY12 Javits report delivered to Congress  FebruaryCY12 Javits report briefed to Congressional staff 27 Data Call and Worksheet will be available on the SANWeb

28 01/09/08 Javits and FMS Sales Forecast Reports --SCO Responsibilities--  Coordinate with HN counterparts to determine what they consider essential and likely sales.  For FMF recipients –  Factor in prior year uncommitted FMF and anticipated FMF for current and following year  Consider economic trends  Check World Bank Global Development Finance report  Consider historical FMS trends  See FMS Factbook (link at DSCA home page) 28

29 01/09/08 DSCA Sales Forecast – Considerations DSCA Sales Forecast FY11/12 OUSD(P) Regional DASDs US Embassy SCOs MILDEPs Geographical Combatant Commanders DSCA/Plans Country’s Fiscal Ability DSCA Director LOA Development Timelines Technology Release Title 10 (FMF, 1206, ASFF) 29 History of Purchases DSCA OPS Weapons

30 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit

31 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit

32 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit

33 01/09/08 33

34 34 “or” & & Search Function -”or” within a group - “and” between groups

35 01/09/08 35 Scenario: AFRICOM Guidance for Employment of the Force AFRICOM Planning Guidance Additional Planning Guidance Operational Capacity and Capability Building “Focus on training, equipping, and advising partner African countries and organizations so they can successfully undertake stabilization, counterterrorism, counternarcotics, counterinsurgency, and humanitarian assistance missions.” …from Strategy to Action

36 01/09/08 36

37 37 Find tools with characteristics that match: ”Provide Equipment” AND “CT” OR “CN” OR “S&R” OR “HA” AND “GPF” OR “SOF” OR “MOD” OR “MOI” etc.

38 01/09/08 38 Narrow search geographically: -by GCC -by Policy regional office -by country

39 01/09/08 39 Illustration only. Not all tools loaded. These tools meet the search criteria Everything hyperlinked

40 01/09/08 40 “Content Managers” within OSD will update the data Will generate a legislative history over time

41 01/09/08 41 POCs throughout the Department for further information.

42 01/09/08 42 This link gives a list of all tools in the toolkit

43 01/09/08 43

44 44

45 45 This link gives a list of all authorities and the tools that use them

46 01/09/08 46

47 47 Each authority in detail

48 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit 1.Name (first, m.i., last) 2.Organization assigned 3.Status (civilian, military - with rank, or contractor) 4.CAC EDIPI number - which is easy to find (it's the 10 digit number that corresponds to one's CAC). To find that number, one just needs to pull their CAC out of the reader without logging off. A "computer locked" box will appear where a number ending in "@mil" will be displayed. This is the EDIPI number! Some newer CACs have the number printed on the back. 5.E-mail address Information needed to establish account

49 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit Students Login-in with the following Temporary Password:  User ID: external\guestd1 “\guestd2 “\guestd3 “\guestd4  Password: Pentagon12345%

50 01/09/08 Partnership Strategy Toolkit Questions? DISAM requires that all students have accounts before departing the schoolhouse

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