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King George II EQ: How is a trustee or proprietary colony different from a royal colony? PT: List characteristics a “Royal Governor” should have. PT: List.

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Presentation on theme: "King George II EQ: How is a trustee or proprietary colony different from a royal colony? PT: List characteristics a “Royal Governor” should have. PT: List."— Presentation transcript:

1 King George II EQ: How is a trustee or proprietary colony different from a royal colony? PT: List characteristics a “Royal Governor” should have. PT: List characteristics a “Royal Governor” should have. Write

2 Georgia’s Royal Legislature Write FLOW CHART FLOW CHART

3 Georgia’s Bicameral (2) Legislature Write Upper House appointed by Governor advise governor Lower House elected by the people Commons House Of Assembly Royal Governor appointed by the king to vote white male 50 acres land to serve white male 500 acres land

4 Write My Very Own Flip Book Georgia’s Royal Governors Georgia’s Royal Governors Sir James Wright Henry Ellis Captain John Reynolds

5 Write Captain John Reynolds Date: Characteristics of a Royal Governor: Important Facts: Popular/Effective: Other Facts: Example

6 Write 1 st Royal Governor of Georgia Captain John Reynolds 1 st Royal Governor of Georgia Captain John Reynolds 1754-1757 - 1752 became royal colony - colonists delighted - king’s rep - CEO – chief executive officer of colony - most important job FLIP CHART FLIP CHART

7 I was not effective or well liked. Write We also have this French & Indian War!? I tried to let these peasants rule themselves! I sent the legislature home and wouldn’t let them have a say! I tried to run the colony by myself. I guess I’m a better Navy Sea Captain than a Governor!

8 Read - GA now has bicameral (2) House legislature - appointed by governor upper house - advise governor - wealthy, influential landowners - approve land grants - make laws - act as judges in legal cases

9 Read - elected by the people lower house - Commons House of Assembly - GA colonists 1 st chance at self-government - however, limited voice

10 Read - only white males - must own 50 acres land - could vote in Commons House Assembly (CHA) elections - to serve in Commons House of Assembly (CHA) - requirements for voting - white male - own 500 acres land

11 Write Write on Back of Flow Chart - laws enacted (voted on & passed) by CHA could be vetoed (over turned) by - royal governor or - king - colonists still had more say than under trustee’s rule

12 Write - 1757-1760 2 nd Royal Governor Henry Ellis - traveled all over the world - hated the weather in GA - wore a thermometer around his neck to check the temperature - carried an umbrella - learned fm Reynolds mistakes - brought diff political groups together (Use Flip Chart)

13 Write 3 rd and last Royal Governor of Georgia Sir James Wright 3 rd and last Royal Governor of Georgia Sir James Wright 1760-1776 - best royal governor - cared about colonists - rich - well liked - owned plantations

14 Write - 1754 GR BRIT & FR went to war over world empires - began in North America (NA) - Indians sided w/ FR - colonists called it French & Indian War - fighting on frontier was savage - war spread to Europe

15 Write - too late – SP joined FR - costly mistake for SP - 1762 FR & SP asked for peace - 1763 Treaty of Paris - FR & SP give up all claims in NA - FR gave up Canada & all land east of Miss River except New Orleans - SP lost FL

16 Write - GR BRIT gave up all land west of Miss River Was this… Now this! 1763 Mississippi River GA west boundary

17 Write - Proclamation of 1763 - King George III issues - 4 new NA colonies - Quebec - Canada - Grenada - Caribbean - East FL - West FL - GA’s South boundary St. Marys River - all lands west of Appalachian Mts for Indians

18 Write GA Colony Prospers - SP & FR no longer threat - Creeks ceded (gave over to) to GA 2 million acres + land - surveying began - GA wanted to give land away to attract people - headright system began

19 Write - head of each family had the right to 100 acres - + 50 acres for each - family member - indentured servant - slave - only cost - small surveying fee - record fee - settlers rushed to GA for free land

20 Write - 1766 - 10,000 white settlers - 8,000 black slaves - 1776 - 50,000 colonists - almost ½ were slaves from Africa - new land continued to open up

21 Write Reflection:

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