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Dichotomous Key 1a Coin is silver in color………………………………… Go to 2 1b Coin is not silver in color……………………………. Go to 4 2a Coin has ridges around the edge…………………...

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Presentation on theme: "Dichotomous Key 1a Coin is silver in color………………………………… Go to 2 1b Coin is not silver in color……………………………. Go to 4 2a Coin has ridges around the edge…………………..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dichotomous Key 1a Coin is silver in color………………………………… Go to 2 1b Coin is not silver in color……………………………. Go to 4 2a Coin has ridges around the edge…………………... Go to 3 2b Coin does not have ridges around edge……………. Nickel 3a Coin has a picture of George Washington…………. Quarter 3b Coin does not have a picture of George Washington.. Dime 4a Coin has a man with a beard on it……………………. Penny 4b Coin does not have a man with a beard on it………... Dollar

2 The Six Kingdoms of Organisms

3 Prokaryotes The Prokaryotes (organisms whose cells are lacking a nucleus and organelles) used to be ALL put into one kingdom (Monera).

4 Prokaryotes They have been broken up into two kingdoms: archaebacteria and eubacteria.

5 Archaebacteria Live in extreme environments: high temperatures, no oxygen, high salt.

6 Archaebacteria Thermophiles: hot temperatures Psychrophiles: cold temperatures

7 Archaebacteria Halophiles: salty habitats

8 Archaebacteria Acidophiles: acidic conditions Alkaliphiles: basic conditions

9 Archaebacteria A few hundred species of archaebacteria.

10 Archaebacteria Unicellular (have only one cell)

11 Archaebacteria Some are autotrophs (make their own food) Some are heterotrophs (obtain their food from other sources).

12 Eubacteria Less complex genetic makeup than Archaebacteria

13 Eubacteria More than 10,000 species of Eubacteria.

14 Eubacteria Live in most environments (except extreme habitats) Unicellular

15 Eubacteria Some cause disease (Escherichia coli – food poisoning)

16 Eubacteria Most are helpful (used in food preparation, keep us healthy) Some bacteria help turn milk into cheese.

17 Eubacteria Streptococcus – causes Strep throat

18 Eubacteria Some are Autotrophs Some are Heterotrophs

19 Eukaryotic The other four kingdoms are eukaryotic (have a nucleus and organelles) Protists Fungi PlantsAnimals

20 Protists A eukaryotic cell that lack complex organ systems.

21 Protists Live in moist environments.

22 Protists Some Autotrophic and Some Heterotrophic

23 Protists Some Unicellular and Some Multicellular

24 Protists Kelp (seaweed) Paramecium

25 Fungi Heterotrophs

26 Fungi Some Unicellular and Some Multicellular

27 Fungi Do not move from place to place.

28 Fungi Decomposers: break down and absorb nutrients from dead organic material.

29 Fungi More than 100,000 species of fungi.

30 Fungi Mushrooms

31 Plants All are multicellular

32 Plants More than 500,000 species of plants

33 Plants All are photosynthetic (autotrophic, producer) – make their own food.

34 Plants Do not move from place to place (without assistance from someone or something)

35 Plants Flowering PlantsMosses

36 Plants FernsTrees

37 Animals All are multicellular

38 Animals All are heterotrophic – CANNOT make their own food.

39 Animals Most can move from place to place.

40 Animals Do not have cell walls.

41 Animals Complex organ systems

42 Animals InsectsHumanCheetah JellyfishBlue Flatworm

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