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Class Officers Weekend September 20, 2008 Multifunctional Meeting Presidents, Vice Presidents and Treasurers.

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1 Class Officers Weekend September 20, 2008 Multifunctional Meeting Presidents, Vice Presidents and Treasurers

2 2 Class Projects & Class Gifts Agenda Background and project overview Class projects v. class gifts - key distinctions Class project details Class gift details Class project examples Discussion Wrap-up

3 3 Background & Overview Confusion over class projects and gifts Committee led by Jeff Fine, President of the Treasurers Association Project goal: to create a document that clarifies the process for setting up and administering both class projects and class gifts to provide an up-to-date list of projects that are in line with College goals

4 4 Class Projects v. Class Gifts Key Distinctions Class Projects $10,000/yr or less Managed by Treasurer through Alumni Relations Collected through dues Class Gifts Greater than $10,000/year Managed by Head Agent through Development Office & Alumni Relations Collected through form letters and personalized contact for large asks

5 5 Class Projects vs. Class Gifts Class ProjectsClass Gifts Annual Amounts$10,000 limit per project per yearNo Limit, but gift must be greater than $10,000 per year. Recurrenceone time or annualone time over multiple years Solicitation MethodsLine item on dues slip or as part of dues collectionClass members solicit through form letters; personalized contact for large asks. Gift CreditClass credit, not individualBoth class and individual credit Tax DeductibleYes, class responsible for receipts for gifts over $250.00 Yes, College is responsible for receipts Payment ProcessingClassCollege/Development In Case of a Target ShortfallEither class makes up shortfall from treasury or project deferred a year. Approval ProcessAlumni Relations; petition process for projects not on list Alumni Relations & Development BenefitsEasier to meet goals Well established process Builds class unity Connection to current students Fulfills a College need More significant contributions Creative gift options Builds class unity Processing by College Support from Development Often permanent gift Fulfills a College need ChallengesFewer options for projects Processing burden on class Not all projects leave a permanent legacy. Target shortfall Solicitation is difficult Not motivating to all classmates

6 6 Class Projects Class projects should only be considered if classes are financially solvent! Support College need Unify Class Connect Class with students (in many cases)

7 7 Setting Up Class Projects Identify goals for undertaking project Select project from wish list See document for details about petition process Project should align with goals President/Treasurer works with Alumni Relations to setup project Class votes to endorse project If class has multiple projects, each project requires following steps Some classes have Project Chairs

8 8 Class Project Communications! Effective communication key to success! More classmates know, more likely to contribute! Newsletters, websites, dues letters Sample dues letters on Treasurers Association website: If project benefits current students, include student letters in above Serves as a motivator to get classmates involved Class Project Chair to oversee communications

9 9 Financing Class Projects Treasurers responsible for managing funds of class projects Class Projects traditionally funded from dues Keep collection process simple! Projects can be funded from: Directly from class budget (easiest and recommended) As separate line item(s) on dues form (requires additional work for treasurer) Classes may contribute to projects from reserves Reunion profits, proceeds from sales, etc

10 10 Current Class Projects

11 11 Wish List Hill Winds Society (Alumni Relations) Tucker Foundation Fellowships Dartmouth Partners in Community Service Fellowships Student Director & Civic Interns (Tucker Foundation) Undergraduate Research Grants (Dean of the Faculty Office) First Year Internships - Women in Science Project Public Affairs & Public Policy Internships (Rockefeller Center) Policy Research Shop (Rockefeller Center) Sophomore Summer Programs (Rockefeller Center) Dean of The College Administrative Internships Peer Advising Programs (Dean of the College Office) Careers for the Common Good (Dean of the College Office) Dartmouth College Athletic Sponsors Dartmouth Outing Club

12 12 Class Gifts Class Gifts are one time gifts over $10,000 Class Gifts are coordinated by the Office of Development in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Relations The class works with the Office of Development to identify lead donors to jumpstart the fundraising Ideally, at least 1/2 of the project will be funded by a small number of lead donors

13 13 Discussion Open Forum - share your ideas, questions, challenges.

14 14 Wrap Up Alumni Relations is the starting point for all projects and gifts $10,000/yr is the cutoff Consider simplifying fund tracking for projects Great opportunity to unify class and get connected with students

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