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Colony Meadows PTO Where our volunteers are Super Heroes! 2015 – 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Colony Meadows PTO Where our volunteers are Super Heroes! 2015 – 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colony Meadows PTO Where our volunteers are Super Heroes! 2015 – 2016

2 Welcome o 2015 – 2016 PTO Board Questions: o What is the purpose of the PTO? o Who works to achieve the PTO purpose? o How do we pay for PTO programs and activities?

3 What is the purpose of the PTO? o The CME PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) was established to promote the welfare and development of CME children. o To accomplish this goal, the PTO funds programs and activities where FBISD does not have a budget. o Enrichment o Appreciation o Maintenance o Gifts

4 Enrichment More than 55% of the PTO operating budget goes toward three significant enrichment activities: o Classroom Enhancements ($15,000+) o Teacher Needs, Grade Level Needs, Raz Kids, Scholastic News o Field Trips ($10,000+) o In-House Programs ($8,000) o Heroes without Capes, Author Visits, Animal Shows, Robotics Demonstrations, Astronomy on Wheels, Character Visits, Science Labs, Motivational Speakers and More!

5 Enrichment The PTO also ensures there are funds to pay for additional enrichment at CME: o Art Room Supplies o Guided Reading Library o Hands on Science o Science Fair o Math & Science Night o Literacy Night o Field Day o Winter & Valentine Parties o 4 th Grade Frontier Day o 5 th Grade Patriot’s Day

6 Appreciation The PTO also likes to show appreciation to CME teachers and staff as well as CME families. We show appreciation by hosting different events such as: o Teacher Breakfasts o Teacher Luncheons o Donuts with Dads o Mornings with Moms o Family Bingo Night

7 Maintenance The PTO helps to maintain the school: o Landscaping – tree trimming, mulching, butterfly garden, sprinkler repair, planting pots at front entrance o Gifts Maintenance – maintain art room kiln, fence boards, repair display boxes at the front and back, soccer nets, die cut maintenance, repair sprinklers, repair gutters There are also costs to maintain the PTO organization: o Photocopying o Insurance o Tax Accountant o Auditor

8 Annual Expenditures o PTO Treasurer – Kathy Hennessy o PTO Operating Budget = approximately $60,000 o 70% Enrichment o 15% Appreciation o 15% Maintenance

9 Gifts Funds in excess of the operating budget are used to purchase gifts for the classroom and school: o Whiteboards in Classrooms o Elmo Projector Systems in Classrooms o Small Group Desks in 1 st Grade o Many Other Classroom Requests o Art Room Kiln o Stage Curtains o Remodeled Teacher Lounge o Remodeled Front Office o Remodeled Nurses Clinic o Butterfly Garden & Path o Playground Equipment o Gazebo o Track o Soccer Field Approved by PTO Board Last May: o Pavilion Over Hardtop o Tree Replacement

10 Who works to achieve the PTO purpose? Why Volunteer? o The fun & educational : such as Destination Imagination, Math and Science Night, and others, and the FUN : Family Camp Out, Holiday Parties, Field Day, etc. o Committees that help out our teachers : working in the Guided Reading library, or the main library, photocopying. o And the Money Makers : Like our Auction fundraiser These Great Events don’t happen without VOLUNTEERS!

11 Volunteers In Public Schools VIPS “Everyone, at least one.” Will you be able to volunteer…  at least ONE hour this year?  or ONE day?  or on ONE committee? VIPS Coordinators o Heidi Houston o Gretchen Sawchuk o Cher Gray There are ALL kinds of opportunities to volunteer  In class  Behind the scenes  Library once a week  Book Fair  Yearbook  Volunteer-at-Large  Mondays only, etc.


13 Please fill out your volunteer form ONLINE. It looks like this. Go to and click on “Volunteers”

14 VIPS: Thank you! We can’t do it without you! See you at Donuts with Dads on October 2 nd and 9 th 7:00 – 7:30 am

15 How do we pay for PTO activities? o Membership – Vivian Chen and Suzie Parihar o School Spirit – Nicole Pierce o Retail Share and Employer Match – Reji Thomas o Spring Gala and Auction – Ana Gantt o Fall Family Night & Camp Out – Sheryl Smith

16 Membership o Tiger Membership Drive has been great! Thanks to all that have joined and donated. o The PTO is a 501c3 organization, so all donations are tax- deductible. o No donation is too small. Whether it’s $5 or $500, we appreciate ALL donations! o We have a table tonight for those that haven’t had a chance to turn in their forms.

17 School Spirit o Spirit Wear o Our annual spirit wear fundraiser is coming to a close. o THANK YOU!! o Spirit Nights o Spring Creek Barbeque NEXT WEEK on Tuesday, September 22 nd 5:00 – 9:00 pm. o Pepperoni’s Pizza coming soon! o Look for other after school spirit events throughout the year.

18 Retail Share & Employer Match o Box Tops for Education o Raise money every time you shop! o Employer Match Programs o Retail Share Programs o Shoparoo App

19 Spring Auction Please join us to Celebrate CME’s 25 th Anniversary at the Spring Auction and Gala A Night to Remember on Friday, April 1 st at Sweetwater Country Club Elegant Attire & Seated Dinner

20 Fall Family Night & Camp Out Come out for the Fall Family Night & Camp Out Friday, October 23 rd Check your child’s folder for more information

21 Conclusion o What is the purpose of the PTO? o Enrichment, Appreciation, Maintenance, and Gifts o Who works to achieve the PTO purpose? o All of us…please volunteer! o How do we pay for PTO programs and activities? o Membership, Spirit Items & Nights, Retail Share, and Spring Auction

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