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AENEAS. Background of Aeneas Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus. He was the cousin of King Priam of Troy, and he was the leader of Troy’s Dardanian.

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Presentation on theme: "AENEAS. Background of Aeneas Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus. He was the cousin of King Priam of Troy, and he was the leader of Troy’s Dardanian."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background of Aeneas Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Venus. He was the cousin of King Priam of Troy, and he was the leader of Troy’s Dardanian allies during the Trojan War. He was the second most respected Trojan heroes. Aeneas is the founder of Roman culture. Creusa is Aeneas’ wife and Ascanius is his son

3 Fleeing From troy  When Troy was falling to the Greeks, Aeneas he left with his followers. He shipwreck on the shores of Carthage

4 Founding of Rome  The Calendar was Started by ancient Romans, With the founding of Rome on April 21 753 BC.  Aeneas Flea’s Troy after it’s fall, In his last adventure he meets his dad in the underworld. He settles down after he talks to his dad. Aeneas got married to the local kings daughter. Aeneas and her former boyfriend began fighting. Only one left standing was AENEAS !  Prince Amulius, son of Aeneas Deposes his older brother King Numitor. Amulius kills Numitor male children and makes his daughter a Vestal virgin. Rhea Siliva gets with Mars and Results in Romulus and Remus. They eventatully come back and kill Amulius and restore Numitor as king of Alba Longa.

5 In Love With Dido . Dido, the first queen and founder of the city Carthage. helped and cured Aeneas after his shipwreck. They fell deeply in love. Aeneas Was called by the gods to go to Italy and fulfill his destiny. Dido was left heartbroken and alone. She built a funeral pyre and committed suicide.

6 Aeneas’s Love Dido (Queen of Cartage) Mercury

7 Aeneas in the Underworld Aeneas sailed away to Italy and became allies with King Latinus, and was betrothed to Latinus’ daughter, Lavinia. Turnus, Lavinia’s former suitor, was jealous and challenged Aeneas to fight. Aeneas had won killing Turnus in a single combat and went on to find the city of Lavinium. When Aeneas died he was deified at the request of his mother, Venus, and he become known as the god Indiges.

8 King Latinus Aeneas and Turnus fighting

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