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WITSA Strategic Planning Session March 17; Forum Telecom - Picoas, Lisbon, Portugal Version 9; Mar 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WITSA Strategic Planning Session March 17; Forum Telecom - Picoas, Lisbon, Portugal Version 9; Mar 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WITSA Strategic Planning Session March 17; Forum Telecom - Picoas, Lisbon, Portugal Version 9; Mar 15, 2014

2 BLOCK I www.witsa.org2 Session Title:WITSA’s AIM, Mission, Vision & Pillars Session Format:Plenary Session Length:20 Minutes Objective/ of Session: To review WITSA’s AIM, Mission, Vision & Pillars in order to establish the Foundation for WITSA to grow and become sustainable. Moderator:Santiago Guiterrez Pre Strategic Plan Meeting Request: Members are asked to review and add comments, if appropriate.

3 WITSA’s Aim www.witsa.org3 1. To be recognized as the Voice of the ICT Industry 2. To become a relevant and sustainable organization 3. To be known and recognized among Global Institutions 4. To provide value to our members and their members

4 www.witsa.org4 Vision Fulfill the Promise of the Digital Age Mission To be the Recognized Voice of the ICT Industry

5 WITSA Pillars www.witsa.org5 Sustainable Financial Foundation Public Policy Global Trade Membership Partnership / Collaboration Flagship Events Global Recognition Organizing Global ICT Excellence Awards Capacity Building Global Business Development Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age

6 BLOCK II www.witsa.org6 Session Title:WITSA’s Principles for Growth and Sustainability Session Format:Plenary Session Length:20 Minutes Objective/ of Session: To establish agreed upon principles in order to facilitate the Strategic Planning Process: 1) Chairman to review each Principle. 2) Board will be asked to agree or disagree with each principle after the review. Pre Strategic Plan Meeting Request: Members are asked to review and add comments, if appropriate.

7 WITSA’s Principles www.witsa.org7 Preamble: The WITSA Board of Directors desires that WITSA become globally recognized as the voice of the industry in articulating public policies that enable the global ICT industry to flourish, and to support its members with relevant services while sustaining its growth. Principles for Sustainable Growth & Relevance 1.WITSA is a unique organization, not only because it is the only type of its kind in the world, but it possesses the collective knowledge, resources capacity and capability of its membership network. (Unique Value) 2.One of WITSA’s prominent strengths rests in its ability to aggregate knowledge, resources and support from its members and its relationship with institutions. (Unique Value)

8 WITSA’s Principles www.witsa.org8 3.Members are physically present in over 80 countries experiencing day to day interactions with customers, industries, societies, governments, cultures and business opportunities. WITSA’s Secretariat, regardless of its size cannot duplicate the knowledge, expertise and experience of its members. 4.Collectively, WITSA members posses an enormous capability to establish industry positions and policy recommendations to make a significant impact on global policy. (Unique Value) 5.In order for WITSA to meet the desires of the WITSA BOD and its members, WITSA must have members that support WITSA activities.

9 WITSA’s Principles www.witsa.org9 6.WITSA would benefit financially and extends its global network if It proactively added more than one member per country. 7.WITSA members, in particular its directors, are the best individuals to identify country centric revenue opportunities for WITSA in the form of Grants, Global Partners, Corporate Advisory members, studies, etc. 8.WITSA events would be more successful and profitable for WITSA hosts, if members fully supported them. Discussion Vote

10 BLOCK III www.witsa.org10 Session Title:WITSA’s Present and Potential Future Revenue Sources Session Format:Plenary /Brainstorming session Session Length:60 Minutes Objective/ of Session: 1)To review in detail WITSA’s existing sources of revenue to ensure that all members fully understand how they can promote each. 2)To brainstorm alternate sources of revenue. Moderator:Santiago Guiterrez / Dr. Jim Poisant Pre Strategic Plan Meeting Request: Members are asked to review and add comments, if appropriate.

11 Sources of Revenue (Existing) www.witsa.org11 Entire BOD 1.Dues 2.Events (GPATS / WCIT) 3.Advisory Council 4.Global Partner Program

12 Dues www.witsa.org12 As most, if not all WITSA members collect the a majority of revenue from Dues, WITSA does not. WITSA collects less than 20% of its revenue from dues. Workshop to discuss alternatives to existing fees and membership.

13 Events – GPATS / World Congress www.witsa.org13 World Congresses are WITSA’s main source of revenue. Awarded every other year RFP’s are announced WITSA members are very familiar with both events.

14 WITSA’s Advisory Council www.witsa.org14 Started in 2012 World renowned members Great value to WITSA from Policy and brand Membership presently not limited Members represent the World Bank, UN, World Economic Forum, major corporations, non-profits, both “Fathers of the Internet” Corporations pay 15K per year Process is simple-notify J Poisant & invitation will be sent/10% goes to your association annually

15 WITSA’s Global Advisory Council www.witsa.org15 ChairmanJohn Higgins, Director General Digital Europe Chairman, WITSA Global Policy Action & Trade Committee Members1.Santiago Gutierrez, Chairman, WITSA 2.Dr. James H. Poisant/Secretary General 3.Timothy Conway/Senior Policy Advisor 4.Som Mittal, President NASSCOM, India CORPORATE MEMBERS: 1.Kevin Jones - Vice President/ Dell, Inc. 2.Paul Mitchell/Microsoft 3.Dr. Vint Cerf - Chief Evangelist /Google 4.Dr. Robert Pepper, - VP/Global Technology Policy, Cisco Systems, Inc 5.Howard A. Schmidt- Former Special Assistant to the President and the Cybersecurity Coordinator for the U.S. Federal government, President and CEO of the Information Security Forum (ISF) 6.Sergey Martynov, Former Foreign Minister/US Ambassador EPAM Corporation/Belarus

16 WITSA’s Global Advisory Council www.witsa.org16 GOVERNMENT MEMBERS: 1.Honorable H.E. Ivo Ivanovski Minister of Communications and Information Society The Republic of Macedonia WITSA Global Partners: 1.Mexico IT 2.Mr. Roger Cheng, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) - Chinese, Taipei 1.Mr. Allan Marcus Senior Director - Head Information Technologies & Communications Industries,The World Economic Forum (WEF), New York, USA. 2.John S. Wilson - Lead Economist/Development Economics Research Group, Trade and International Integration/The World Bank /Washington DC NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 1.Dr. Robert Kahn (One of the Fathers of the Internet) - President & CEO/Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston, Virginia (USA) 2.Ms. Sally Shipman Wentworth Senior Manager of Public Policy, Internet Society (ISOC)

17 WITSA’s Global Partner Program www.witsa.org17 Established in 2008 Designed for Economic Development Organizations Each major city in the world have such organizations Prime interest is to attract FDI in their respective countries Most very interested in the ICT industry Most seek access to WITSA’s network

18 WITSA’s Global Partner Program www.witsa.org18 Potential members are easy to identify Secretariat will send invitation and visit if prospect is interested (all sales to date included a visit) Mexico IT, ITRI Taiwan and Fairfax County Economic Development Authority are members Membership in Advisory Council/tickets/booth space/web site/meeting invitations 25 K Membership per year

19 Working Lunch – Brainstorming Session Brainstorming Potential Revenue Session BLOCK IV www.witsa.org19

20 (Entire Group) BRAINSTORMING SESSION BLOCK V GENERAL / WORKSHOP SESSIONS Sources of Revenue (60 MINUTES) www.witsa.org20 1. Grants 2. Dues 3. WITSA’s Public Policy offerings 4. New Events (IT Minister’s Summit) Dr. Poisant to explain concept 5. Alternative Sources of Revenue 6. Existing Sources of Revenue (Global Partners & Advisory Council) 7. Increasing Value to Small & Medium Sized Businesses 8. Education and Training 9. Consulting (Professional Services/Research Studies) Other Sources

21 Workshop Sessions www.witsa.org21 The assembly will be divided into small groups (number will be determined at the beginning of the session). Option 1 – There will be nine (9) groups. Option 2 – There will be four (4) groups. Each group will be provided with an instruction’s handout Each topic will be given 90 Minutes Each group will have a facilitator and scribe Each group will report their recommendations and action plan at the end of the day.

22 Option 1 – 9 Groups www.witsa.org22 1. Grants 2. Dues 3. Policy 4. New Events 5. Alternative Sources of Revenue 6. Existing Sources of Revenue (Global Partners & Advisory Council) 7. Value to SME 8. Education and Training 9. Consulting Services / Research Studies

23 Option 2 – 4 Groups www.witsa.org23 Grants New Events Alternate Sources of Revenue Policy Consulting Services / Research Studies Dues Existing Sources of Revenue (Global Partner Program / Advisory Council) Education & Training Value to SME 1 2 3 4

24 WORKSHOP-GRANTS www.witsa.org24 # 1 Session Title:WITSA Grants Session Format:Small Groups Volunteer Scribe: Moderator:Nizar Zakka Session Length:90 Minutes Objective/ of Session:To review potential opportunities for WITSA and its members to bid on and to win grants. Workshop participants are requested to consider the following questions: I.Are there funding agencies within member locations? If so, who are they and what do they focus on? II.What value/resources could WITSA bring to our members to increase their potential of receiving grants? III.Do WITSA members use outside grant writers? IV.What type grants have WITSA members been successful in obtaining? V.What actions should WITSA take to obtain grants?

25 WORKSHOP-WITSA DUES # 2 Session Title:WITSA Dues Session Format:Small Groups Volunteer Scribe: Group Facilitator:Santiago Gutierrez Session Length:90 Minutes Objective/ of Session:To review the present status of WITSA dues and to recommend future actions. Workshop participants are requested to consider the following questions: I.Are WITSA dues priced reasonably? II.Should dues be raised? If so, by how much and when? III.How can WITSA increase value to members to justify increasing dues? IV.What actions can WITSA take to increase membership in existing and potential markets? V.Should WITSA actively seek more than one (1) member per country? What would be the impact? VI.What actions, if any should WITSA consider if members only pay dues and do not support or participate in WITSA activities? (re: WITSA’s strength rest on member support. (Principles) 25

26 WORKSHOP-PUBLIC POLICY www.witsa.org26 Session Title:WITSA Public Policy Program/Offerings Session Length:90 Minutes Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Group FacilitatorTim Conway / Junko Kawauchi Objective/ of Session:Most WITSA members highly value WITSA’s assistance in the area of Public Policy as they work with their respective governments to ensure the industry grows and that their members benefit. The group is asked to fully develop an action plan for the future of WITSA’s policy program and offerings. What must WITSA do to be more relevant to it members and to globally brand its work? Please include, who, when, how and estimated cost. Be sure to include the actions which will be taken by both the secretariat as well as WITSA members. Group Reports:Each group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 3

27 WORKSHOP-NEW EVENTS www.witsa.org27 Session Title:NEW EVENT/IT MINISTERS SUMMIT Session Length:90 Minutes Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Group FacilitatorJim Poisant Objective/ of Session:To establish a new WITSA event called the Annual IT Ministers Summit Background:It appears from discussions with government ministers, the IADB, the WEF and Microsoft that WITSA could occupy a market space where in it would bring together government ministers and the ICT industry annually to discuss critical issues of ICT development. Group Reports:Group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 4

28 WORKSHOP-ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF REVENUE www.witsa.org28 Session Title: Alternative Sources of Revenue Session Format: Small groups Session Length: 90 Minutes Scribe: Volunteer to take notes Group Facilitator: Dr. Amado Espinosa Objective/ of Session: To identify three (3) alternate sources of revenue and fully develop an action plan for each to include, who, when, how and estimated cost. Also please estimate the estimated value and probability that the source would be sustainable. Be sure to include the actions which will be taken by both the secretariat as well as WITSA members. Group Reports: Group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 5

29 WORKSHOP-EXISITING SOURCES OF REVENUE (GLOBAL PARTNERS / ADVISORY COUNCIL) www.witsa.org29 Session Title:Existing Sources of Revenue (Advisory Council/Global Partner Programs) Session Format:Small groups Session Length:90 Minutes Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Group Facilitator:James Liu Objective/ of Session:The expansion of WITSA’s existing Advisory Council and Global Partner programs can add sustainable revenue for WITSA. The group is asked to fully develop an action plan for the expansion of each to include, who, when, how and estimated cost. Be sure to include the actions which will be taken by both the secretariat as well as WITSA members. Group Reports:Group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 6

30 WORKSHOP-OFFERING VALUE TO SME’S www.witsa.org30 Session Title:Serving Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SME’s) (Member’s members) Session Format:Small groups Session Length:90 Minutes Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Group Facilitator:Roger Latchman Objective/ of Session:Most, if not all WITSA members serve small and medium sized businesses. How can WITSA support its members to serve SME’s through its association members? The group is asked to fully develop an action plan to include, who, when, how and estimated cost. Be sure to include the actions which will be taken by both the secretariat as well as WITSA members. Group Reports:Group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 7

31 WORKSHOP-EDUCATION AND TRAINING www.witsa.org31 Session Title:Business opportunities in Educational & Training Session Format:Small groups Session Length:90 Minutes Group FacilitatorDr. Boris Komrakov Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Objective/ of Session:Most, if not all WITSA members serve small and medium sized businesses. How can WITSA support its members to serve SME’s through its association members? The group is asked to fully develop an action plan to include, who, when, how and estimated cost. Be sure to include the actions which will be taken by both the secretariat as well as WITSA members. Group Reports:Each group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 8

32 WORKSHOP-CONSULTING SERVICES/RESEARCH STUDIES www.witsa.org32 Session Title:Business or Branding opportunities w/ consulting firms and Research Studies Session Format:Small groups Session Length:90 Minutes Scribe:Volunteer to take notes Group Facilitator:Dr. Silva Bidart Objective/ of Session:Some WITSA members work with large consulting firms on joint research projects. NASSCOM for example, only for branding purposes. What opportunities exist for WITSA engaging with these firms? What is the role of WITSA members in contacting these firms? How can WITSA best take advantage of these companies? Who, what when and how? Group Reports:Each group will present their plans to the full Board at the end of the day on the 17 th of March. # 9

33  Group Scribes will report in random order  SCRIBES WILL PROVIDE ALL REPORTS TO JERALYN QUINSAYAS FOR COMPILATION Group Reports www.witsa.org33

34 THANK YOU! www.witsa.org34

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