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Introduction OHT Boca, Arrow, and Summary Charts The Boca, Arrow, and Summary charts are required for every project every quarter. The purpose of the Boca.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction OHT Boca, Arrow, and Summary Charts The Boca, Arrow, and Summary charts are required for every project every quarter. The purpose of the Boca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction OHT Boca, Arrow, and Summary Charts The Boca, Arrow, and Summary charts are required for every project every quarter. The purpose of the Boca chart is to have a similar information structure which can convey the activities of the project for the next quarter. A similar structure enables many projects to communicate quickly and efficiently. The purpose of the Arrow chart is to provide a rolling 1 year forecast of what is coming. This enables the other projects to understand the coming highlights so dependencies, integration, PR plans etc can be developed. The purpose of the Summary chart is to provide a high level summary of the project so that business development people, individuals, and executives can understand the project. The Boca and Arrow also enable organizations and individuals to conduce a gap analysis. This will help with fulfilling requirements, dependencies and enable organizations to build products and to create collaborative niches. The Boca, Arrow, and Summary charts will be part of the OHT web site and will be public. Please note that all activities within OHT are defined as projects and each follows the same format of the Boca, Arrow, and Summary structure. The term Boca and Arrow charts are for the purpose of communication. The terms “ Boca ” and “ Arrow ” are designed to be value free. We have deliberately not called these plan charts because of the negative connotations associate with publishing unrealistic plans and the associated accountability. We are absolutely seeking total honesty in the creation and communication of the content of the Boca, Arrow, and Summary charts.

2 Summary Report Project Name: –Common Terminology Services 2 (CTS2) Brief Project Description: –CTS2 is a model and specification for discovering, accessing, distributing and updated terminological resources on the internet. Major milestones to date: –June 2012 – OMG CTS2 Specification published as 1.0. –June 2013 – OMG CTS2 Specification published as 1.1.

3 Summary Report (continued) Projected milestones –4Q13: CTS2 1.0 to 1.1 Migration Guide Complete –3Q14: CTS2 JSON RFC Complete –3Q14: CTS2 RTF 1.2 Complete –3Q14: CTS2 Tab Delimited RFC Complete –4Q14: CTS2 RTF 1.3 Initiated at OMG Major release dates –June 2012 – OMG CTS2 Specification published as 1.0. –June 2013 – OMG CTS2 Specification published as 1.1.

4 Common Terminology Services 2 3Q/2013 Boca Chart Content. Competition – Sharing Value Sets specification is Confusing consumers Documentation – lacking resources Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Statistics. June 2013 – OMG CTS2 Specification published as 1.1. June 2013 – Issued CTS2 RTF 1.2. August 2013 – JSON RFC proposed. August 2013 – SubmittedCTS2 1.0 to 1.1 Migration Guide to OMG. CTS2 Development Framework Py4cts2 SNOMED CT Prototype BioPortal Wrapper ONC server NLM Meaningful Use Value Set Service

5 12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 3Q2013 4Q13 2Q14 1Q14 3Q14 4Q14 MDHT Implementation for CIMI group HL7 CTS2/SVS Map IHTSDO CTS2 Implementation Guide CTS2 RTF 1.2 Complete CTS2 JSON RFC Complete CTS2 1.0 to 1.1 Migration Guide Complete CTS2 Tab Delimited RFC Submitted to OMG CTS2 Tab Delimited RFC Complete HL7 CTS2 SVS Implementation Guide Complete HL7 CTS2 MIF Implementation Guide Complete HL7 CTS2 MIF Implementation Guide Submitted CTS2 RTF 1.3 Initiated at OMG

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