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IEP/EDP Alignment Mindy Miller Transition Coordinator Kalamazoo RESA.

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Presentation on theme: "IEP/EDP Alignment Mindy Miller Transition Coordinator Kalamazoo RESA."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEP/EDP Alignment Mindy Miller Transition Coordinator Kalamazoo RESA

2 Framework General Education Document: Educational Development Plan (EDP) Special Education Document: Individualized Education Program (IEP) How do these documents compare? How can they be aligned?

3 What is an EDP? The EDP is a secondary/postsecondary planning tool that directs the educational plan and career planning activities for the final six years of a student’s K-12 learning career.

4 EDP Legislation Michigan Merit Curriculum states that, “The board of a school district shall ensure that each pupil in Grade 7 is provided with the opportunity to develop an EDP, and that each pupil has developed and EDP before he or she begins high school.”

5 EDP Legislation (cont.) No specific format for an EDP is required. Schools can custom design the form or format that works best for the local needs.

6 EDP Development The EDP is developed by the student with the supervision of teachers, parents, and the school counselor. An EDP is a “living” document that should be reviewed and updated yearly.

7 Essential Elements of an EDP Personal Information Career Goal(s) Educational/Training Goal(s) Assessment Results Plan(s) of Action Parent Consultation/ Endorsement

8 Identifying a Career Goal: Career Pathways Natural Resources & Agriscience Health Sciences Engineering/ Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Human Services Arts & Communication

9 An IEP… Provides present level of performance information Identifies student needs Addresses needs in three ways: Goals and objectives Accommodations and supports Transition Services and activities

10 Transition Services IDEA 2004 states that “transition services are a coordinated set of activities…that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities…”

11 What should a Transition IEP include? Identification of the student’s course of study Consideration of a student’s strengths, preferences, and interests Identification of a student’s needs including the supports and accommodations necessary for success

12 What should a Transition IEP include? (cont.) Post-Secondary Goals in the areas of: career/employment post-secondary education/training, adult living community participation Student’s present performance on post- secondary goals and their functional skills based on assessment data

13 What should a Transition IEP include? (cont.) Needed Transition Services and/or Annual Goals in the areas of : instruction related services community experiences employment adult living daily living skills

14 What does an EDP and Transition IEP have in common? EVERYTHING! Both answer these important questions for students: Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there? What are my interests and abilities? What are my goals?

15 Why should the EDP always be considered when developing an IEP? The INTENT of the two documents are different.

16 Intent of the EDP The EDP outlines the student’s educational pathway including the course of study that will enable them to be successful in their desired post- school activities.

17 Intent of the IEP The IEP is the description of services, additional supports, accommodations, and transition activities that when implemented will enable a student with a disability to be successful in the general curriculum as well as the educational pathway they have identified.

18 A thought about alignment… An EDP is afforded to ALL students, thus the EDP should be considered the “lead” document when creating alignment with an IEP for a student with disabilities.

19 Alignment of the EDP and IEP 1 st intersection: Plan of Action/ Course of Study The IEP should refer to the EDP when addressing a student’s course of study.

20 Alignment of the EDP and IEP 2 nd intersection: Career Goals/ Educational-Training Goals/Post- Secondary Goals Clearly specify a student’s post- secondary goals in his or her IEP using the same or similar language as that used in the EDP.

21 Alignment of the EDP and IEP 3 rd intersection: Assessment Results/ Student’s Present Performance/PLAAFP Both documents should provide a similar “snapshot” of the student using current assessment information including academic and functional skills as well as a student’s strengths, preferences, and interests.

22 Alignment is not a staple! Stapling the EDP to the IEP is NOT alignment. The intersections between the EDP and IEP should use common language and have the ability to be lifted from one document to another.

23 Resources High School Personal Curriculum Guidelines: Curriculum_Guidelines_212488_7.pdf Curriculum_Guidelines_212488_7.pdf High School Personal Curriculum Supporting Materials and Examples: rting_Materials_and_Examples_212489_7.pdf rting_Materials_and_Examples_212489_7.pdf Michigan Merit Curriculum Legislation:

24 Resources (cont.) EDP Fundamentals: d_18129_7.pdf d_18129_7.pdf Career Pathways:,1607,7-140- 6530_2629_2722-28148--,00.html,1607,7-140- 6530_2629_2722-28148--,00.html IDEA 2004: EARegulations_169000_7.pdf EARegulations_169000_7.pdf

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